API Reference Manual  1.45.1

This example shows how to load a trained ML model and perform inference using files as input and output.

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2024 Nokia
#include <odp_api.h>
#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* Max number of inputs and outputs */
#define MAX_IO 8
typedef struct io_size {
uint64_t elems, size;
int elem_size;
} io_size;
static struct {
struct {
char *model_name, *input_name, *output_name, *reference_name;
float scale_q, scale_d;
int num_batch;
} opt;
int num_inp, num_out;
odp_ml_input_info_t inp_info[MAX_IO];
io_size inp[MAX_IO];
odp_ml_output_info_t out_info[MAX_IO];
io_size out[MAX_IO];
uint64_t inp_size_q, inp_size_d, out_size_q, out_size_d;
} glb = { .opt = { .num_batch = 1 } };
static void *read_file(const char *name, uint64_t *size)
FILE *file = fopen(name, "rb");
if (!file) {
ODPH_ERR("Failed to open file %s: %s\n", name, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
void *addr = NULL;
if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)) {
ODPH_ERR("Failed to get file size for file %s\n", name);
goto error;
long pos = ftell(file);
if (pos < 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Failed to get file size for file %s\n", name);
goto error;
*size = pos;
addr = malloc(*size);
if (!addr) {
ODPH_ERR("Allocating %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n", *size);
goto error;
if (fread(addr, *size, 1, file) != 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Reading %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n", *size);
goto error;
printf("Read %" PRIu64 " bytes from %s\n", *size, name);
return addr;
return NULL;
static int write_file(const char *name, uint8_t *addr, uint64_t size)
FILE *file = fopen(name, "wb");
if (!file) {
ODPH_ERR("Failed to open file %s, %s\n", name, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (fwrite(addr, size, 1, file) != 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Writing %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n", size);
return -1;
printf("Wrote %" PRIu64 " bytes to %s\n", size, name);
return 0;
static void usage(const char *prog)
"Usage: %s [options]\n"
"Mandatory OPTIONS:\n"
" -m, --model <file> Model file\n"
" -i, --input <file> Input file\n"
"Optional OPTIONS\n"
" -o, --output <file> Output file\n"
" -r, --reference <file> Reference file\n"
" -q, --quant <scale> Quantization scale\n"
" -d, --dequant <scale> Dequantization scale\n"
" -b, --batches <num> Number of batches\n"
" -h, --help Help\n"
static void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{ "model", required_argument, NULL, 'm' },
{ "input", required_argument, NULL, 'i' },
{ "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' },
{ "reference", required_argument, NULL, 'r' },
{ "quant", required_argument, NULL, 'q' },
{ "dequant", required_argument, NULL, 'd' },
{ "batches", required_argument, NULL, 'b' },
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' },
{ NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } };
static const char *shortopts = "+m:i:o:r:q:d:b:h";
while (1) {
int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
if (c == -1)
break; /* No more options */
switch (c) {
case 'm':
glb.opt.model_name = optarg;
case 'i':
glb.opt.input_name = optarg;
case 'o':
glb.opt.output_name = optarg;
case 'r':
glb.opt.reference_name = optarg;
case 'q':
glb.opt.scale_q = atof(optarg);
case 'd':
glb.opt.scale_d = atof(optarg);
case 'b':
glb.opt.num_batch = atof(optarg);
case 'h':
optind = 1; /* reset 'extern optind' from the getopt lib */
if (!glb.opt.model_name || !glb.opt.input_name) {
static int check_num_batch(void)
int min_batch = 1, max_batch = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_inp; i++) {
odp_ml_shape_info_t *shape = &glb.inp_info[i].shape;
for (int j = 0; j < (int)shape->num_dim; j++) {
if (shape->dim[j] == ODP_ML_DIM_DYNAMIC) {
min_batch = shape->dim_min[j];
max_batch = shape->dim_max[j];
if (glb.opt.num_batch < min_batch || glb.opt.num_batch > max_batch) {
ODPH_ERR("Number of batches %d out of range [%d, %d]\n", glb.opt.num_batch,
min_batch, max_batch);
return -1;
return 0;
static void calc_io_size(void)
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_inp; i++) {
uint64_t elems = 1;
odp_ml_input_info_t *info = &glb.inp_info[i];
odp_ml_shape_info_t *shape = &info->shape;
io_size *inp = &glb.inp[i];
printf("Input %d: %s, shape:", i, info->name);
for (int j = 0; j < (int)shape->num_dim; j++) {
printf(" %d", shape->dim[j]);
if (shape->dim[j] != ODP_ML_DIM_DYNAMIC)
elems *= shape->dim[j];
if (shape->type == ODP_ML_SHAPE_BATCH)
elems *= glb.opt.num_batch;
inp->elems = elems;
inp->elem_size = info->data_type_size;
inp->size = elems * info->data_type_size;
glb.inp_size_q += inp->size;
glb.inp_size_d += elems * sizeof(float);
printf(", elems: %" PRIu64 ", datatype size: %d, size: %" PRIu64 "\n",
inp->elems, inp->elem_size, inp->size);
printf("Input size_q: %" PRIu64 ", size_d: %" PRIu64 "\n", glb.inp_size_q, glb.inp_size_d);
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_out; i++) {
uint64_t elems = 1;
odp_ml_output_info_t *info = &glb.out_info[i];
odp_ml_shape_info_t *shape = &info->shape;
io_size *out = &glb.out[i];
printf("Output %d: %s, shape:", i, info->name);
for (int j = 0; j < (int)shape->num_dim; j++) {
printf(" %d", shape->dim[j]);
if (shape->dim[j] != ODP_ML_DIM_DYNAMIC)
elems *= shape->dim[j];
if (shape->type == ODP_ML_SHAPE_BATCH)
elems *= glb.opt.num_batch;
out->elems = elems;
out->elem_size = info->data_type_size;
out->size = elems * info->data_type_size;
glb.out_size_q += out->size;
glb.out_size_d += elems * sizeof(float);
printf(", elems: %" PRIu64 ", datatype size: %d, size: %" PRIu64 "\n",
out->elems, out->elem_size, out->size);
printf("Output size_q: %" PRIu64 ", size_d: %" PRIu64 "\n", glb.out_size_q, glb.out_size_d);
static int quantize_input(uint8_t *inp_q_addr, uint8_t *inp_d_addr)
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_inp; i++) {
float scale_q = glb.opt.scale_q;
uint64_t elems = glb.inp[i].elems;
odp_ml_input_info_t *info = &glb.inp_info[i];
switch (info->data_type) {
odp_ml_fp32_to_int8((int8_t *)inp_q_addr, (float *)inp_d_addr, elems,
scale_q, 0);
odp_ml_fp32_to_uint8((uint8_t *)inp_q_addr, (float *)inp_d_addr, elems,
scale_q, 0);
odp_ml_fp32_to_fp16((uint16_t *)inp_q_addr, (float *)inp_d_addr, elems);
ODPH_ERR("Unsupported type %d for input %d\n", info->data_type, i);
return -1;
inp_q_addr += glb.inp[i].size;
inp_d_addr += elems * sizeof(float);
return 0;
static int dequantize_output(uint8_t *out_d_addr, uint8_t *out_q_addr)
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_out; i++) {
float scale_d = glb.opt.scale_d;
uint64_t elems = glb.out[i].elems;
odp_ml_output_info_t *info = &glb.out_info[i];
switch (info->data_type) {
odp_ml_fp32_from_int8((float *)out_d_addr, (int8_t *)out_q_addr, elems,
scale_d, 0);
odp_ml_fp32_from_uint8((float *)out_d_addr, (uint8_t *)out_q_addr, elems,
scale_d, 0);
odp_ml_fp32_from_fp16((float *)out_d_addr, (uint16_t *)out_q_addr, elems);
ODPH_ERR("Unsupported type %d for output %d\n", info->data_type, i);
return -1;
out_q_addr += glb.out[i].size;
out_d_addr += elems * sizeof(float);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
odp_ml_config_t ml_config;
odp_ml_model_param_t model_param;
int ret = 0;
void *input_file = NULL, *output_file = NULL, *reference_file = NULL;
uint64_t input_file_size, reference_file_size;
uint8_t *input = NULL, *output = NULL;
parse_args(argc, argv);
if (odp_init_global(&inst, NULL, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("Global init failed\n");
return -1;
ODPH_ERR("Local init failed\n");
return -1;
if (odp_ml_capability(&glb.capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_capability() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (glb.capa.min_input_align > 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Minimum input alignment %d not supported\n", glb.capa.min_input_align);
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (glb.capa.min_output_align > 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Minimum output alignment %d not supported\n", glb.capa.min_output_align);
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
ml_config.max_model_size = glb.capa.max_model_size;
if (odp_ml_config(&ml_config)) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_config() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
model_param.model = read_file(glb.opt.model_name, &model_param.size);
if (!model_param.model) {
ODPH_ERR("Failed to read model file\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
glb.mdl = odp_ml_model_create(glb.opt.model_name, &model_param);
if (glb.mdl == ODP_ML_MODEL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_create() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (odp_ml_model_load(glb.mdl, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_load() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (odp_ml_model_info(glb.mdl, &glb.info)) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_info() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
glb.num_inp = odp_ml_model_input_info(glb.mdl, glb.inp_info, MAX_IO);
if (glb.num_inp < 0 || glb.num_inp > MAX_IO) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_input_info() failed, or too many inputs\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
glb.num_out = odp_ml_model_output_info(glb.mdl, glb.out_info, MAX_IO);
if (glb.num_out < 0 || glb.num_out > MAX_IO) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_output_info() failed, or too many outputs\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (check_num_batch()) {
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
input_file = read_file(glb.opt.input_name, &input_file_size);
if (!input_file)
return -1;
if ((glb.opt.scale_q > 0.0 && input_file_size != glb.inp_size_d) ||
(!(glb.opt.scale_q > 0.0) && input_file_size != glb.inp_size_q)) {
ODPH_ERR("Input file size mismatch\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
odp_ml_data_seg_t inp_seg[MAX_IO];
uint8_t *inp_addr = input_file;
if (glb.opt.scale_q > 0.0) {
input = malloc(glb.inp_size_q);
if (!input) {
ODPH_ERR("Allocating %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n", glb.inp_size_q);
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (quantize_input(input, input_file)) {
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
inp_addr = input;
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_inp; i++) {
inp_seg[i].addr = inp_addr;
inp_seg[i].size = glb.inp[i].size;
inp_addr += glb.inp[i].size;
output = malloc(glb.out_size_q);
if (!output) {
ODPH_ERR("Allocating %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n", glb.out_size_q);
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
odp_ml_data_seg_t out_seg[MAX_IO];
uint8_t *out_addr = output;
for (int i = 0; i < glb.num_out; i++) {
out_seg[i].addr = out_addr;
out_seg[i].size = glb.out[i].size;
out_addr += glb.out[i].size;
odp_ml_data_t data = {
.input_seg = inp_seg,
.num_input_seg = glb.num_inp,
.output_seg = out_seg,
.num_output_seg = glb.num_out,
odp_ml_run_param_t run_param;
run_param.batch_size = glb.opt.num_batch;
if (odp_ml_run(glb.mdl, &data, &run_param) != 1) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_run() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
void *output_final = output;
uint64_t out_size_final = glb.out_size_q;
if (glb.opt.scale_d > 0.0) {
output_file = malloc(glb.out_size_d);
if (!output_file) {
ODPH_ERR("Allocating %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n", glb.out_size_d);
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (dequantize_output(output_file, output)) {
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
output_final = output_file;
out_size_final = glb.out_size_d;
if (glb.opt.output_name) {
if (write_file(glb.opt.output_name, output_final, out_size_final)) {
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (glb.opt.reference_name)
reference_file = read_file(glb.opt.reference_name, &reference_file_size);
if (reference_file) {
if (out_size_final != reference_file_size) {
ODPH_ERR("Output size mismatch: %" PRIu64
" differs from reference file size %" PRIu64 "\n",
out_size_final, reference_file_size);
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (memcmp(reference_file, output_final, out_size_final)) {
ODPH_ERR("Output differs from reference\n");
ret = -1;
} else {
printf("Output matches reference\n");
if (odp_ml_model_unload(glb.mdl, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_unload() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (odp_ml_model_destroy(glb.mdl)) {
ODPH_ERR("odp_ml_model_destroy() failed\n");
ret = -1;
goto odp_term;
if (odp_term_local()) {
ODPH_ERR("Local term failed\n");
return -1;
if (odp_term_global(inst)) {
ODPH_ERR("Global term failed\n");
return -1;
return ret;
int odp_init_local(odp_instance_t instance, odp_thread_type_t thr_type)
Thread local ODP initialization.
int odp_init_global(odp_instance_t *instance, const odp_init_t *params, const odp_platform_init_t *platform_params)
Global ODP initialization.
int odp_term_local(void)
Thread local ODP termination.
int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance)
Global ODP termination.
uint64_t odp_instance_t
ODP instance ID.
void odp_ml_run_param_init(odp_ml_run_param_t *param)
Initialize model run parameters.
void odp_ml_model_param_init(odp_ml_model_param_t *param)
Initialize ML model parameters.
void odp_ml_config_init(odp_ml_config_t *config)
Initialize ML configuration parameters.
void odp_ml_fp32_to_fp16(uint16_t *dst_fp16, const float *src_fp32, uint32_t num)
Quantize 32-bit float to 16-bit float.
void odp_ml_fp32_to_int8(int8_t *dst_i8, const float *src_fp32, uint32_t num, float scale, int8_t zerop)
Quantize 32-bit float to int8_t.
Dimension size is dynamic.
void odp_ml_fp32_from_fp16(float *dst_fp32, const uint16_t *src_fp16, uint32_t num)
De-quantize 32-bit float from 16-bit float.
void odp_ml_fp32_from_uint8(float *dst_fp32, const uint8_t *src_u8, uint32_t num, float scale, uint8_t zerop)
De-quantize 32-bit float from uint8_t.
Synchronous operation.
int odp_ml_config(const odp_ml_config_t *config)
Configure ML offload.
Invalid ML model.
int odp_ml_run(odp_ml_model_t model, const odp_ml_data_t *data, const odp_ml_run_param_t *param)
Run the model in synchronous mode.
uint32_t odp_ml_model_output_info(odp_ml_model_t model, odp_ml_output_info_t info[], uint32_t num)
Retrieve model output information.
odp_ml_model_t odp_ml_model_create(const char *name, const odp_ml_model_param_t *param)
Create an ML model.
void odp_ml_fp32_to_uint8(uint8_t *dst_u8, const float *src_fp32, uint32_t num, float scale, uint8_t zerop)
Quantize 32-bit float to uint8_t.
int odp_ml_model_load(odp_ml_model_t model, odp_ml_load_result_t *result)
Load ML model.
uint32_t odp_ml_model_input_info(odp_ml_model_t model, odp_ml_input_info_t info[], uint32_t num)
Retrieve model input information.
int odp_ml_model_unload(odp_ml_model_t model, odp_ml_load_result_t *result)
Unload ML model.
void odp_ml_model_print(odp_ml_model_t model)
Print debug information about the model.
int odp_ml_capability(odp_ml_capability_t *capa)
Query ML capabilities.
int odp_ml_model_info(odp_ml_model_t model, odp_ml_model_info_t *info)
Retrieve model information.
int odp_ml_model_destroy(odp_ml_model_t model)
Destroy an ML model.
void odp_ml_fp32_from_int8(float *dst_fp32, const int8_t *src_i8, uint32_t num, float scale, int8_t zerop)
De-quantize 32-bit float from int8_t.
Dynamic batch size.
16-bit floating point number
8-bit unsigned integer
8-bit integer
Control thread.
The OpenDataPlane API.
Machine learning capabilities.
Machine learning configuration parameters.
uint64_t max_model_size
Maximum model binary size in bytes.
odp_ml_compl_mode_t load_mode_mask
Load / unload completion modes.
odp_ml_compl_mode_t run_mode_mask
Run completion modes.
Model input / output data segment.
void * addr
Segment start address.
uint64_t size
Segment size in bytes.
Model input / output data for a model inference run.
odp_ml_data_seg_t * input_seg
Model input data segments.
Model input information.
uint32_t data_type_size
Size of model input data type in bytes.
odp_ml_data_type_t data_type
Model input data type.
Model input name.
odp_ml_shape_info_t shape
Model input data shape.
Model information.
Machine learning model parameters.
uint64_t size
Size of the model binary in bytes.
void * model
Model binary.
Model output information.
odp_ml_data_type_t data_type
Model output data type.
odp_ml_shape_info_t shape
Model output data shape.
uint32_t data_type_size
Size of model output data type in bytes.
Model output name.
Parameters for model run.
uint32_t batch_size
Batch size.
Model input / output data shape information.
uint32_t dim_min[ODP_ML_MAX_DIMS]
Minimum dimension sizes.
odp_ml_shape_type_t type
Shape type.
uint32_t dim_max[ODP_ML_MAX_DIMS]
Maximum dimension sizes.
uint32_t num_dim
Number of dimensions.
uint32_t dim[ODP_ML_MAX_DIMS]
Dimension sizes.