API Reference Manual  1.46.0

Scheduling latency benchmark application

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Linaro Limited
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Nokia
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
/* ODP main header */
#include <odp_api.h>
/* ODP helper for Linux apps */
#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
/* Result export helpers */
#include <export_results.h>
/* GNU lib C */
#include <getopt.h>
#define MAX_QUEUES 4096
#define MAX_GROUPS 64
#define EVENT_POOL_SIZE (1024 * 1024)
#define MAIN_THREAD 1
/* Test priorities */
#define NUM_PRIOS 2
#define HI_PRIO 0
#define LO_PRIO 1
/* Test event forwarding mode */
typedef enum {
} event_type_t;
typedef struct {
odp_time_t time_stamp;
event_type_t type;
int src_idx[NUM_PRIOS];
int prio;
int warm_up_rounds;
} test_event_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int cpu_count;
odp_schedule_sync_t sync_type;
int forward_mode;
int num_group;
int isolate;
int test_rounds;
int warm_up_rounds;
struct {
int queues;
int events;
int sample_events;
odp_bool_t events_per_queue;
} prio[NUM_PRIOS];
odp_bool_t sample_per_prio;
} test_args_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t events;
uint64_t sample_events;
uint64_t tot;
uint64_t min;
uint64_t max;
uint64_t max_idx;
} test_stat_t;
typedef struct ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE {
test_stat_t prio[NUM_PRIOS];
} core_stat_t;
typedef struct {
core_stat_t core_stat[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
odp_barrier_t barrier;
odp_pool_t pool;
test_args_t args;
odp_queue_t queue[NUM_PRIOS][MAX_QUEUES];
test_common_options_t common_options;
odp_schedule_group_t group[NUM_PRIOS][MAX_GROUPS];
} test_globals_t;
static void clear_sched_queues(test_globals_t *globals)
test_event_t *event;
int i, j;
odp_queue_t fromq;
/* Allocate the cool_down event. */
buf = odp_buffer_alloc(globals->pool);
ODPH_ABORT("Buffer alloc failed.\n");
event = odp_buffer_addr(buf);
event->type = COOL_DOWN;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRIOS; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < globals->args.prio[i].queues; j++) {
/* Enqueue cool_down event on each queue. */
if (odp_queue_enq(globals->queue[i][j], ev))
ODPH_ABORT("Queue enqueue failed.\n");
/* Invoke scheduler until cool_down event has been
* received. */
while (1) {
event = odp_buffer_addr(buf);
if (event->type == COOL_DOWN)
/* Free the cool_down event. */
/* Call odp_schedule() to trigger a release of any scheduler context. */
ODPH_ABORT("Queue %" PRIu64 " not empty.\n",
static int enqueue_events(int prio, int num_queues, int num_events,
int num_samples, odp_bool_t div_events,
test_globals_t *globals)
odp_buffer_t buf[num_events + num_samples];
odp_event_t ev[num_events + num_samples];
odp_queue_t queue;
test_event_t *event;
int i, j, ret;
int enq_events;
int events_per_queue;
int tot_events;
int rdy_events = 0;
tot_events = num_events + num_samples;
if (!num_queues || !tot_events)
return 0;
events_per_queue = tot_events;
if (div_events)
events_per_queue = (tot_events + num_queues - 1) / num_queues;
for (i = 0; i < num_queues; i++) {
queue = globals->queue[prio][i];
ret = odp_buffer_alloc_multi(globals->pool, buf,
if (ret != events_per_queue) {
ODPH_ERR("Buffer alloc failed. Try increasing EVENT_POOL_SIZE.\n");
ret = ret < 0 ? 0 : ret;
return -1;
for (j = 0; j < events_per_queue; j++) {
if (!odp_buffer_is_valid(buf[j])) {
ODPH_ERR("Buffer alloc failed\n");
odp_buffer_free_multi(buf, events_per_queue);
return -1;
event = odp_buffer_addr(buf[j]);
memset(event, 0, sizeof(test_event_t));
/* Latency isn't measured from the first processing
* rounds. */
if (num_samples > 0) {
event->type = WARM_UP;
event->warm_up_rounds = 0;
} else {
event->type = TRAFFIC;
event->src_idx[prio] = i;
event->prio = prio;
ev[j] = odp_buffer_to_event(buf[j]);
enq_events = 0;
do {
ret = odp_queue_enq_multi(queue, &ev[enq_events],
events_per_queue -
if (ret < 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Queue enqueue failed.\n");
return -1;
enq_events += ret;
} while (enq_events < events_per_queue);
rdy_events += events_per_queue;
if (div_events && rdy_events >= tot_events)
return 0;
return 0;
static int output_results(test_globals_t *globals)
test_stat_t *lat;
test_stat_t total;
test_args_t *args;
uint64_t avg;
unsigned int i, j;
args = &globals->args;
stype = globals->args.sync_type;
printf("\n%s queue scheduling latency\n",
printf(" Forwarding mode: %s\n",
(args->forward_mode == EVENT_FORWARD_RAND) ? "random" :
((args->forward_mode == EVENT_FORWARD_INC) ? "incremental" :
printf(" LO_PRIO queues: %i\n", args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues);
if (args->prio[LO_PRIO].events_per_queue)
printf(" LO_PRIO event per queue: %i\n",
printf(" LO_PRIO events: %i\n", args->prio[LO_PRIO].events);
printf(" LO_PRIO sample events: %i\n", args->prio[LO_PRIO].sample_events);
printf(" HI_PRIO queues: %i\n", args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues);
if (args->prio[HI_PRIO].events_per_queue)
printf(" HI_PRIO event per queue: %i\n\n",
printf(" HI_PRIO events: %i\n", args->prio[HI_PRIO].events);
printf(" HI_PRIO sample events: %i\n\n", args->prio[HI_PRIO].sample_events);
if (globals->common_options.is_export) {
if (test_common_write("high priority Avg (ns),high priority Min (ns),"
"high priority Max (ns),low priority Avg (ns),"
"low priority Min (ns),low priority Max (ns)\n")) {
ODPH_ERR("Export failed\n");
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRIOS; i++) {
memset(&total, 0, sizeof(test_stat_t));
total.min = UINT64_MAX;
printf("%s priority\n"
"Thread Avg[ns] Min[ns] Max[ns] Samples Total Max idx\n"
i == HI_PRIO ? "HIGH" : "LOW");
for (j = 1; j <= args->cpu_count; j++) {
lat = &globals->core_stat[j].prio[i];
if (lat->sample_events == 0) {
printf("%-8d N/A\n", j);
if (lat->max > total.max)
total.max = lat->max;
if (lat->min < total.min)
total.min = lat->min;
total.tot += lat->tot;
total.sample_events += lat->sample_events;
total.events += lat->events;
avg = lat->events ? lat->tot / lat->sample_events : 0;
printf("%-8d %-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 " "
"%-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 "\n",
j, avg, lat->min, lat->max, lat->sample_events,
lat->events, lat->max_idx);
if (total.sample_events == 0) {
printf("Total N/A\n\n");
avg = total.events ? total.tot / total.sample_events : 0;
printf("Total %-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 " "
"%-10" PRIu64 " %-10" PRIu64 "\n\n", avg, total.min,
total.max, total.sample_events, total.events);
if (globals->common_options.is_export) {
if (test_common_write("%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 ",%" PRIu64 "%s",
avg, total.min, total.max, i == 0 ? "," : "")) {
ODPH_ERR("Export failed\n");
return -1;
if (globals->common_options.is_export)
return 0;
static int join_groups(test_globals_t *globals, int thr)
odp_thrmask_t thrmask;
int i, num;
int num_group = globals->args.num_group;
if (num_group <= 0)
return 0;
num = num_group;
if (globals->args.isolate)
num = 2 * num_group;
odp_thrmask_set(&thrmask, thr);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (globals->args.isolate)
group = globals->group[i % 2][i / 2];
group = globals->group[0][i];
if (odp_schedule_group_join(group, &thrmask)) {
ODPH_ERR("Group join failed %i (thr %i)\n", i, thr);
return -1;
return 0;
static int test_schedule(int thr, test_globals_t *globals)
odp_time_t time;
odp_queue_t dst_queue;
uint64_t latency;
uint64_t i;
test_event_t *event;
test_stat_t *stats;
int dst_idx, change_queue;
int warm_up_rounds = globals->args.warm_up_rounds;
uint64_t test_rounds = globals->args.test_rounds * (uint64_t)1000000;
memset(&globals->core_stat[thr], 0, sizeof(core_stat_t));
globals->core_stat[thr].prio[HI_PRIO].min = UINT64_MAX;
globals->core_stat[thr].prio[LO_PRIO].min = UINT64_MAX;
change_queue = globals->args.forward_mode != EVENT_FORWARD_NONE ? 1 : 0;
for (i = 0; i < test_rounds; i++) {
event = odp_buffer_addr(buf);
stats = &globals->core_stat[thr].prio[event->prio];
if (event->type == SAMPLE) {
latency = odp_time_to_ns(time) - odp_time_to_ns(event->time_stamp);
if (latency > stats->max) {
stats->max = latency;
stats->max_idx = stats->sample_events;
if (latency < stats->min)
stats->min = latency;
stats->tot += latency;
/* Move sample event to a different priority */
if (!globals->args.sample_per_prio &&
event->prio = !event->prio;
if (odp_unlikely(event->type == WARM_UP)) {
if (event->warm_up_rounds >= warm_up_rounds)
event->type = SAMPLE;
} else {
/* Move event to next queue if forwarding is enabled */
if (change_queue)
dst_idx = event->src_idx[event->prio] + 1;
dst_idx = event->src_idx[event->prio];
if (dst_idx >= globals->args.prio[event->prio].queues)
dst_idx = 0;
event->src_idx[event->prio] = dst_idx;
dst_queue = globals->queue[event->prio][dst_idx];
if (event->type == SAMPLE)
event->time_stamp = odp_time_global_strict();
if (odp_queue_enq(dst_queue, ev)) {
ODPH_ERR("[%i] Queue enqueue failed.\n", thr);
return -1;
/* Clear possible locally stored buffers */
while (1) {
odp_queue_t src_queue;
ev = odp_schedule(&src_queue, ODP_SCHED_NO_WAIT);
if (odp_queue_enq(src_queue, ev)) {
ODPH_ERR("[%i] Queue enqueue failed.\n", thr);
return -1;
if (thr == MAIN_THREAD) {
if (output_results(globals))
return -1;
return 0;
static int run_thread(void *arg ODP_UNUSED)
odp_shm_t shm;
test_globals_t *globals;
test_args_t *args;
int thr;
thr = odp_thread_id();
shm = odp_shm_lookup("test_globals");
globals = odp_shm_addr(shm);
if (globals == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared mem lookup failed\n");
return -1;
if (join_groups(globals, thr))
return -1;
if (thr == MAIN_THREAD) {
args = &globals->args;
if (enqueue_events(HI_PRIO, args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues,
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events, args->prio[HI_PRIO].sample_events,
return -1;
if (enqueue_events(LO_PRIO, args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues,
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events, args->prio[LO_PRIO].sample_events,
return -1;
if (test_schedule(thr, globals))
return -1;
return 0;
static void usage(void)
"OpenDataPlane scheduler latency benchmark application.\n"
"Usage: ./odp_sched_latency [options]\n"
"Optional OPTIONS:\n"
" -c, --count <number> CPU count, 0=all available, default=1\n"
" -d, --duration <number> Test duration in scheduling rounds (millions), default=10, min=1\n"
" -f, --forward-mode <mode> Selection of target queue\n"
" 0: Random (default)\n"
" 1: Incremental\n"
" 2: Use source queue\n"
" -g, --num_group <num> Number of schedule groups. Round robins queues into groups.\n"
" 0: SCHED_GROUP_ALL (default)\n"
" -i, --isolate <mode> Select if shared or isolated groups are used. Ignored when num_group <= 0.\n"
" 0: All queues share groups (default)\n"
" 1: Separate groups for high and low priority queues. Creates 2xnum_group groups.\n"
" -l, --lo-prio-queues <number> Number of low priority scheduled queues (default=64)\n"
" -t, --hi-prio-queues <number> Number of high priority scheduled queues (default=16)\n"
" -m, --lo-prio-events-per-queue <number> Number of events per low priority queue (default=32).\n"
" Does not include sample event.\n"
" -n, --hi-prio-events-per-queue <number> Number of events per high priority queues (default=0)\n"
" Does not include sample event.\n"
" -o, --lo-prio-events <number> Total number of low priority events. Overrides the\n"
" number of events per queue, does not include sample event.\n"
" -p, --hi-prio-events <number> Total number of high priority events. Overrides the\n"
" number of events per queue, does not include sample event.\n"
" -r --sample-per-prio Allocate a separate sample event for each priority. By default\n"
" a single sample event is used and its priority is changed after\n"
" each processing round.\n"
" -s, --sync Scheduled queues' sync type\n"
" 0: ODP_SCHED_SYNC_PARALLEL (default)\n"
" -w, --warm-up <number> Number of warm-up rounds, default=100, min=1\n"
" -h, --help Display help and exit.\n\n");
static void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], test_args_t *args)
int opt;
int i;
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{"count", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"duration", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"forward-mode", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"num_group", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
{"isolate", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"lo-prio-queues", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"hi-prio-queues", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"lo-prio-events-per-queue", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"hi-prio-events-per-queue", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"lo-prio-events", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{"hi-prio-events", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"sync", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"warm-up", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
{"sample-per-prio", no_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
static const char *shortopts = "+c:d:f:g:i:l:t:m:n:o:p:s:w:rh";
args->cpu_count = 1;
args->forward_mode = EVENT_FORWARD_RAND;
args->num_group = 0;
args->isolate = 0;
args->test_rounds = 10;
args->warm_up_rounds = 100;
args->sync_type = ODP_SCHED_SYNC_PARALLEL;
args->sample_per_prio = 0;
args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues = 64;
args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues = 16;
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events = 32;
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events = 0;
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events_per_queue = 1;
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events_per_queue = 0;
args->prio[LO_PRIO].sample_events = 0;
args->prio[HI_PRIO].sample_events = 1;
while (1) {
opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
if (opt == -1)
break; /* No more options */
switch (opt) {
case 'c':
args->cpu_count = atoi(optarg);
case 'd':
args->test_rounds = atoi(optarg);
case 'f':
args->forward_mode = atoi(optarg);
case 'g':
args->num_group = atoi(optarg);
case 'i':
args->isolate = atoi(optarg);
case 'l':
args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues = atoi(optarg);
case 'm':
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events = atoi(optarg);
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events_per_queue = 1;
case 'n':
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events = atoi(optarg);
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events_per_queue = 1;
case 'o':
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events = atoi(optarg);
args->prio[LO_PRIO].events_per_queue = 0;
case 'p':
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events = atoi(optarg);
args->prio[HI_PRIO].events_per_queue = 0;
case 's':
i = atoi(optarg);
if (i == 1)
args->sync_type = ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ATOMIC;
else if (i == 2)
args->sync_type = ODP_SCHED_SYNC_ORDERED;
args->sync_type = ODP_SCHED_SYNC_PARALLEL;
case 'r':
args->sample_per_prio = 1;
case 'w':
args->warm_up_rounds = atoi(optarg);
case 'h':
/* Make sure arguments are valid */
/* -1 for main thread */
if (args->cpu_count > ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX - 1)
args->cpu_count = ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX - 1;
if (args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues > MAX_QUEUES)
args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues = MAX_QUEUES;
if (args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues > MAX_QUEUES)
args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues = MAX_QUEUES;
if (args->test_rounds < 1)
args->test_rounds = 1;
if (!args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues && !args->prio[LO_PRIO].queues) {
printf("No queues configured\n");
if (args->forward_mode > EVENT_FORWARD_NONE ||
args->forward_mode < EVENT_FORWARD_RAND) {
printf("Invalid forwarding mode\n");
if (args->num_group > MAX_GROUPS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many groups. Max supported %i.\n", MAX_GROUPS);
if (args->prio[HI_PRIO].queues == 0 || args->sample_per_prio)
args->prio[LO_PRIO].sample_events = 1;
static void randomize_queues(odp_queue_t queues[], uint32_t num, uint64_t *seed)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
uint32_t new_index;
odp_queue_t swap_queue;
odp_queue_t cur_queue = queues[i];
odp_random_test_data((uint8_t *)&new_index, sizeof(new_index),
new_index = new_index % num;
swap_queue = queues[new_index];
queues[new_index] = cur_queue;
queues[i] = swap_queue;
static int create_groups(test_globals_t *globals, odp_schedule_group_t group[], int num)
odp_thrmask_t zeromask;
int i, j, max;
if (num <= 0)
return 0;
if (odp_schedule_capability(&sched_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Schedule capability failed\n");
return 0;
max = sched_capa.max_groups - 3;
if (num > max) {
printf("Too many schedule groups %i (max %u)\n", num, max);
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRIOS; i++)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GROUPS; j++)
globals->group[i][j] = ODP_SCHED_GROUP_INVALID;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
group[i] = odp_schedule_group_create("test_group", &zeromask);
if (group[i] == ODP_SCHED_GROUP_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Group create failed %i\n", i);
if (globals->args.isolate) {
globals->group[i % 2][i / 2] = group[i];
} else {
globals->group[0][i] = group[i];
globals->group[1][i] = group[i];
return i;
static int destroy_groups(odp_schedule_group_t group[], int num)
int i;
if (num <= 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (odp_schedule_group_destroy(group[i])) {
ODPH_ERR("Group destroy failed %i\n", i);
return -1;
return 0;
static int calc_queue_sizes(test_globals_t *globals, uint32_t queue_size[])
test_args_t *args = &globals->args;
const uint32_t min_queue_size = 256;
uint32_t tot_queues = 0;
ODPH_ERR("Schedule capability failed\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PRIOS; i++) {
uint32_t events = args->prio[i].events;
int queues = args->prio[i].queues;
if (!args->prio[i].events_per_queue && queues)
events = (events + queues - 1) / queues;
/* Events may stack up if forwarding is enabled */
if (args->forward_mode != EVENT_FORWARD_NONE)
events *= queues;
/* Reserve room for sample event */
queue_size[i] = ODPH_MAX(events, min_queue_size);
if (capa.max_queue_size && queue_size[i] > capa.max_queue_size) {
ODPH_ERR("Warn: queues may not be able to store all events (required size "
"%" PRIu32 ", max supported %" PRIu32 ")\n", queue_size[i],
queue_size[i] = capa.max_queue_size;
tot_queues += queues;
if (tot_queues > capa.max_queues) {
ODPH_ERR("Requested %" PRIu32 " queues, max %" PRIu32 " supported\n",
tot_queues, capa.max_queues);
return -1;
return 0;
static int create_queues(test_globals_t *globals)
test_args_t *args = &globals->args;
int num_group = args->num_group;
uint32_t queue_size[NUM_PRIOS];
if (calc_queue_sizes(globals, queue_size))
return -1;
param.sched.sync = args->sync_type;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PRIOS; i++) {
char name[] = "sched_XX_YY";
odp_queue_t queue;
const int prio = i == HI_PRIO ? odp_schedule_max_prio() :
param.sched.prio = prio;
param.size = queue_size[i];
/* Replace XX and YY in name to differentiate queues */
name[6] = '0' + (prio / 10);
name[7] = '0' + prio - (10 * (prio / 10));
for (int j = 0; j < args->prio[i].queues; j++) {
name[9] = '0' + j / 10;
name[10] = '0' + j - 10 * (j / 10);
/* Round robin queues into groups */
if (num_group > 0)
grp = globals->group[i][j % num_group];
param.sched.group = grp;
queue = odp_queue_create(name, &param);
if (queue == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Scheduled queue create failed\n");
return -1;
globals->queue[i][j] = queue;
if (args->forward_mode == EVENT_FORWARD_RAND) {
uint64_t seed = i;
randomize_queues(globals->queue[i], args->prio[i].queues, &seed);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
odp_instance_t instance;
odp_init_t init_param;
odph_helper_options_t helper_options;
odph_thread_common_param_t thr_common;
odph_thread_param_t thr_param;
odp_cpumask_t cpumask;
test_globals_t *globals;
test_args_t args;
char cpumaskstr[ODP_CPUMASK_STR_SIZE];
uint32_t pool_size;
int i, j, ret;
int num_group, tot_group;
odp_schedule_group_t group[2 * MAX_GROUPS];
odph_thread_t thread_tbl[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
int err = 0;
int num_workers = 0;
test_common_options_t common_options;
printf("\nODP scheduling latency benchmark starts\n\n");
/* Let helper collect its own arguments (e.g. --odph_proc) */
argc = odph_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (odph_options(&helper_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: reading ODP helper options failed.\n");
argc = test_common_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (test_common_options(&common_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: reading test options failed\n");
init_param.mem_model = helper_options.mem_model;
memset(&args, 0, sizeof(args));
parse_args(argc, argv, &args);
/* ODP global init */
if (odp_init_global(&instance, &init_param, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("ODP global init failed.\n");
* Init this thread. It makes also ODP calls when
* setting up resources for worker threads.
ODPH_ERR("ODP global init failed.\n");
num_group = args.num_group;
tot_group = 0;
if (num_group > 0)
tot_group = args.isolate ? 2 * num_group : num_group;
/* Get default worker cpumask */
if (args.cpu_count)
num_workers = args.cpu_count;
num_workers = odp_cpumask_default_worker(&cpumask, num_workers);
args.cpu_count = num_workers;
(void)odp_cpumask_to_str(&cpumask, cpumaskstr, sizeof(cpumaskstr));
printf("Test options:\n");
printf(" Worker threads: %i\n", num_workers);
printf(" First CPU: %i\n", odp_cpumask_first(&cpumask));
printf(" CPU mask: %s\n", cpumaskstr);
printf(" Test rounds: %iM\n", args.test_rounds);
printf(" Warm-up rounds: %i\n", args.warm_up_rounds);
printf(" Isolated groups: %i\n", args.isolate);
printf(" Number of groups: %i\n", num_group);
printf(" Created groups: %i\n", tot_group);
shm = odp_shm_reserve("test_globals", sizeof(test_globals_t), ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0);
if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared memory reserve failed.\n");
err = -1;
goto error;
globals = odp_shm_addr(shm);
memset(globals, 0, sizeof(test_globals_t));
memcpy(&globals->args, &args, sizeof(test_args_t));
globals->common_options = common_options;
* Create event pool
if (odp_pool_capability(&pool_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("pool capa failed\n");
err = -1;
goto error;
pool_size = EVENT_POOL_SIZE;
if (pool_capa.buf.max_num && pool_capa.buf.max_num < EVENT_POOL_SIZE)
pool_size = pool_capa.buf.max_num;
params.buf.size = sizeof(test_event_t);
params.buf.align = 0;
params.buf.num = pool_size;
pool = odp_pool_create("event_pool", &params);
if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Pool create failed.\n");
err = -1;
goto error;
globals->pool = pool;
/* Create groups */
ret = create_groups(globals, group, tot_group);
if (ret != tot_group) {
ODPH_ERR("Group create failed.\n");
tot_group = ret;
err = -1;
goto error;
if (create_queues(globals)) {
ODPH_ERR("Creating test queues failed.\n");
err = -1;
goto error;
odp_barrier_init(&globals->barrier, num_workers);
/* Create and launch worker threads */
memset(thread_tbl, 0, sizeof(thread_tbl));
thr_common.instance = instance;
thr_common.cpumask = &cpumask;
thr_common.share_param = 1;
thr_param.start = run_thread;
thr_param.arg = NULL;
thr_param.thr_type = ODP_THREAD_WORKER;
odph_thread_create(thread_tbl, &thr_common, &thr_param, num_workers);
/* Wait for worker threads to terminate */
if (odph_thread_join(thread_tbl, num_workers) != num_workers)
err = -1;
printf("ODP scheduling latency test complete\n\n");
for (i = 0; i < NUM_PRIOS; i++) {
odp_queue_t queue;
int num_queues;
num_queues = args.prio[i].queues;
for (j = 0; j < num_queues; j++) {
queue = globals->queue[i][j];
if (odp_queue_destroy(queue)) {
ODPH_ERR("Queue destroy failed [%i][%i]\n", i, j);
err = -1;
if (destroy_groups(group, tot_group)) {
ODPH_ERR("Group destroy failed\n");
err = -1;
if (pool != ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
if (odp_pool_destroy(pool)) {
ODPH_ERR("Pool destroy failed\n");
err = -1;
if (shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
if (odp_shm_free(shm)) {
ODPH_ERR("SHM destroy failed\n");
err = -1;
err += odp_term_local();
err += odp_term_global(instance);
return err;
void odp_barrier_init(odp_barrier_t *barr, int count)
Initialize barrier with thread count.
void odp_barrier_wait(odp_barrier_t *barr)
Synchronize thread execution on barrier.
odp_event_t odp_buffer_to_event(odp_buffer_t buf)
Convert buffer handle to event.
odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_alloc(odp_pool_t pool)
Buffer alloc.
int odp_buffer_is_valid(odp_buffer_t buf)
Check that buffer is valid.
void * odp_buffer_addr(odp_buffer_t buf)
Buffer start address.
odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_from_event(odp_event_t ev)
Get buffer handle from event.
int odp_buffer_alloc_multi(odp_pool_t pool, odp_buffer_t buf[], int num)
Allocate multiple buffers.
Invalid buffer.
void odp_buffer_free_multi(const odp_buffer_t buf[], int num)
Free multiple buffers.
Defines type/struct/variable to be cache line size aligned.
#define odp_unlikely(x)
Branch unlikely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:64
#define ODP_UNUSED
Intentionally unused variables of functions.
Definition: spec/hints.h:54
int odp_cpumask_default_worker(odp_cpumask_t *mask, int num)
Default CPU mask for worker threads.
int odp_cpumask_first(const odp_cpumask_t *mask)
Find first set CPU in mask.
int32_t odp_cpumask_to_str(const odp_cpumask_t *mask, char *str, int32_t size)
Format a string from CPU mask.
The maximum number of characters needed to record any CPU mask as a string (output of odp_cpumask_to_...
void odp_event_free(odp_event_t event)
Free event.
Invalid event.
void odp_init_param_init(odp_init_t *param)
Initialize the odp_init_t to default values for all fields.
int odp_init_local(odp_instance_t instance, odp_thread_type_t thr_type)
Thread local ODP initialization.
int odp_init_global(odp_instance_t *instance, const odp_init_t *params, const odp_platform_init_t *platform_params)
Global ODP initialization.
int odp_term_local(void)
Thread local ODP termination.
int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance)
Global ODP termination.
uint64_t odp_instance_t
ODP instance ID.
odp_pool_t odp_pool_create(const char *name, const odp_pool_param_t *param)
Create a pool.
int odp_pool_capability(odp_pool_capability_t *capa)
Query pool capabilities.
void odp_pool_param_init(odp_pool_param_t *param)
Initialize pool params.
int odp_pool_destroy(odp_pool_t pool)
Destroy a pool previously created by odp_pool_create()
Invalid pool.
Buffer pool.
int odp_queue_enq_multi(odp_queue_t queue, const odp_event_t events[], int num)
Enqueue multiple events to a queue.
void odp_queue_param_init(odp_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize queue params.
Invalid queue.
int odp_queue_enq(odp_queue_t queue, odp_event_t ev)
Enqueue an event to a queue.
odp_queue_t odp_queue_create(const char *name, const odp_queue_param_t *param)
Queue create.
int odp_queue_destroy(odp_queue_t queue)
Destroy ODP queue.
uint64_t odp_queue_to_u64(odp_queue_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_queue_t.
Scheduled queue.
int32_t odp_random_test_data(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, uint64_t *seed)
Generate repeatable random data for testing purposes.
int odp_schedule_sync_t
Scheduler synchronization method.
Wait infinitely.
Parallel scheduled queues.
int odp_schedule_group_t
Scheduler thread group.
int odp_schedule_group_join(odp_schedule_group_t group, const odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Join a schedule group.
Atomic queue synchronization.
Ordered queue synchronization.
int odp_schedule_min_prio(void)
Minimum scheduling priority level.
Group of all worker threads.
int odp_schedule_group_destroy(odp_schedule_group_t group)
Schedule group destroy.
Invalid scheduler group.
Do not wait.
void odp_schedule_pause(void)
Pause scheduling.
int odp_schedule_max_prio(void)
Maximum scheduling priority level.
int odp_schedule_config(const odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Global schedule configuration.
int odp_schedule_capability(odp_schedule_capability_t *capa)
Query scheduler capabilities.
odp_schedule_group_t odp_schedule_group_create(const char *name, const odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Schedule group create.
odp_event_t odp_schedule(odp_queue_t *from, uint64_t wait)
Schedule an event.
void odp_schedule_resume(void)
Resume scheduling.
Group of all threads.
odp_shm_t odp_shm_lookup(const char *name)
Lookup for a block of shared memory.
int odp_shm_free(odp_shm_t shm)
Free a contiguous block of shared memory.
Invalid shared memory block.
void * odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_t shm)
Shared memory block address.
odp_shm_t odp_shm_reserve(const char *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t align, uint32_t flags)
Reserve a contiguous block of shared memory.
bool odp_bool_t
Boolean type.
void odp_sys_info_print(void)
Print system info.
Maximum number of threads supported in build time.
void odp_thrmask_set(odp_thrmask_t *mask, int thr)
Add thread to mask.
int odp_thread_id(void)
Get thread identifier.
void odp_thrmask_zero(odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Clear entire thread mask.
Worker thread.
Control thread.
uint64_t odp_time_to_ns(odp_time_t time)
Convert time to nanoseconds.
odp_time_t odp_time_global_strict(void)
Current global time (strict)
The OpenDataPlane API.
Global initialization parameters.
odp_mem_model_t mem_model
Application memory model.
struct odp_pool_capability_t::@121 buf
Buffer pool capabilities
uint32_t max_num
Maximum number of buffers of any size.
Pool parameters.
uint32_t num
Number of buffers in the pool.
uint32_t align
Minimum buffer alignment in bytes.
uint32_t size
Minimum buffer size in bytes.
odp_pool_type_t type
Pool type.
struct odp_pool_param_t::@125 buf
Parameters for buffer pools.
ODP Queue parameters.
odp_schedule_param_t sched
Scheduler parameters.
uint32_t size
Queue size.
odp_queue_type_t type
Queue type.
uint32_t max_groups
Maximum number of scheduling groups.
uint32_t max_queues
Maximum number of scheduled (ODP_BLOCKING) queues of the default size.
uint32_t max_queue_size
Maximum number of events a scheduled (ODP_BLOCKING) queue can store simultaneously.
odp_schedule_group_t group
Thread group.
odp_schedule_prio_t prio
Priority level.
odp_schedule_sync_t sync
Synchronization method.