API Reference Manual  1.46.0

Performance test application for scheduling

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2018 Linaro Limited
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Nokia
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE /* Needed for sigaction */
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <odp_api.h>
#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
#include <export_results.h>
#define MAX_QUEUES (256 * 1024)
#define MAX_GROUPS 256
/* Limit data values to 16 bits. Large data values are costly on square root calculation. */
#define DATA_MASK 0xffff
/* Max time to wait for new events in nanoseconds */
/* Scheduling round interval to check for MAX_SCHED_WAIT_NS */
#define TIME_CHECK_INTERVAL (1024 * 1024)
/* Round up 'X' to a multiple of 'NUM' */
#define ROUNDUP(X, NUM) ((NUM) * (((X) + (NUM) - 1) / (NUM)))
typedef struct test_options_t {
uint32_t num_cpu;
uint32_t num_queue;
uint32_t num_low;
uint32_t num_high;
uint32_t num_dummy;
uint32_t num_event;
uint32_t num_sched;
int num_group;
uint32_t num_join;
uint32_t max_burst;
odp_pool_type_t pool_type;
int queue_type;
int forward;
int fairness;
uint32_t event_size;
uint32_t queue_size;
uint32_t tot_queue;
uint32_t tot_event;
int touch_data;
uint32_t stress;
uint32_t rd_words;
uint32_t rw_words;
uint32_t ctx_size;
uint32_t ctx_rd_words;
uint32_t ctx_rw_words;
uint32_t tot_rd_size;
uint32_t tot_rw_size;
uint32_t uarea_rd;
uint32_t uarea_rw;
uint32_t uarea_size;
uint64_t wait_ns;
int verbose;
} test_options_t;
typedef struct test_stat_t {
uint64_t rounds;
uint64_t enqueues;
uint64_t events;
uint64_t nsec;
uint64_t cycles;
uint64_t waits;
uint64_t dummy_sum;
uint8_t failed;
} test_stat_t;
typedef struct thread_arg_t {
void *global;
int first_group;
} thread_arg_t;
typedef struct test_global_t {
test_options_t test_options;
odp_schedule_config_t schedule_config;
odp_barrier_t barrier;
odp_pool_t pool;
odp_cpumask_t cpumask;
odp_shm_t ctx_shm;
odp_queue_t queue[MAX_QUEUES];
odp_schedule_group_t group[MAX_GROUPS];
odph_thread_t thread_tbl[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
test_stat_t stat[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
thread_arg_t thread_arg[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
odp_atomic_u32_t num_worker;
odp_atomic_u32_t exit_threads;
test_common_options_t common_options;
} test_global_t;
typedef struct {
} queue_context_t;
static test_global_t *test_globals;
static void sig_handler(int signum ODP_UNUSED)
odp_atomic_store_u32(&test_globals->exit_threads, 1);
static int setup_sig_handler(void)
struct sigaction action = { .sa_handler = sig_handler };
if (sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask) || sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL))
return -1;
return 0;
static void print_usage(void)
"Scheduler performance test\n"
"Usage: odp_sched_perf [options]\n"
" -c, --num_cpu Number of CPUs (worker threads). 0: all available CPUs. Default: 1.\n"
" -q, --num_queue Number of queues. Default: 1.\n"
" -L, --num_low Number of lowest priority queues out of '--num_queue' queues. Rest of\n"
" the queues are default (or highest) priority. Default: 0.\n"
" -H, --num_high Number of highest priority queues out of '--num_queue' queues. Rest of\n"
" the queues are default (or lowest) priority. Default: 0.\n"
" -d, --num_dummy Number of empty queues. Default: 0.\n"
" -e, --num_event Number of events per queue. Default: 100.\n"
" -s, --num_sched Number of events to schedule per thread. If zero, the application runs\n"
" until SIGINT is received. Default: 100 000.\n"
" -g, --num_group Number of schedule groups. Round robins threads and queues into groups.\n"
" 0: SCHED_GROUP_ALL (default)\n"
" -j, --num_join Number of groups a thread joins. Threads are divide evenly into groups,\n"
" if num_cpu is multiple of num_group and num_group is multiple of num_join.\n"
" 0: join all groups (default)\n"
" -b, --burst Maximum number of events per operation. Default: 100.\n"
" -t, --type Queue type. 0: parallel, 1: atomic, 2: ordered. Default: 0.\n"
" -f, --forward 0: Keep event in the original queue, 1: Forward event to the next queue. Default: 0.\n"
" -F, --fairness 0: Don't count events per queue, 1: Count and report events relative to average. Default: 0.\n"
" -w, --wait_ns Number of nsec to wait before enqueueing events. Default: 0.\n"
" -S, --stress CPU stress function(s) to be called for each event data word (requires -n or -m).\n"
" Data is processed as uint32_t words. Multiple flags may be selected.\n"
" 0: No extra data processing (default)\n"
" 0x1: Calculate square of each uint32_t\n"
" 0x2: Calculate log2 of each uint32_t\n"
" 0x4: Calculate square root of each uint32_t\n"
" 0x8: Calculate square root of each uint32_t in floating point\n"
" -k, --ctx_rd_words Number of queue context words (uint64_t) to read on every event. Default: 0.\n"
" -l, --ctx_rw_words Number of queue context words (uint64_t) to modify on every event. Default: 0.\n"
" -n, --rd_words Number of event data words (uint64_t) to read before enqueueing it. Default: 0.\n"
" -m, --rw_words Number of event data words (uint64_t) to modify before enqueueing it. Default: 0.\n"
" -u, --uarea_rd Number of user area words (uint64_t) to read on every event. Default: 0.\n"
" -U, --uarea_rw Number of user area words (uint64_t) to modify on every event. Default: 0.\n"
" -p, --pool_type Pool type. 0: buffer, 1: packet. Default: 0.\n"
" -v, --verbose Verbose output.\n"
" -h, --help This help\n"
static int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], test_options_t *test_options)
int opt, num_group, num_join;
int ret = 0;
uint32_t ctx_size = 0;
int pool_type = 0;
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{"num_cpu", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"num_queue", required_argument, NULL, 'q'},
{"num_low", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
{"num_high", required_argument, NULL, 'H'},
{"num_dummy", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"num_event", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"num_sched", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"num_group", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
{"num_join", required_argument, NULL, 'j'},
{"burst", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"type", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"forward", required_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"fairness", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
{"wait_ns", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
{"stress", required_argument, NULL, 'S'},
{"ctx_rd_words", required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
{"ctx_rw_words", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"rd_words", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"rw_words", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"uarea_rd", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"uarea_rw", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
{"pool_type", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
static const char *shortopts = "+c:q:L:H:d:e:s:g:j:b:t:f:F:w:S:k:l:n:m:p:u:U:vh";
test_options->num_cpu = 1;
test_options->num_queue = 1;
test_options->num_low = 0;
test_options->num_high = 0;
test_options->num_dummy = 0;
test_options->num_event = 100;
test_options->num_sched = 100000;
test_options->num_group = 0;
test_options->num_join = 0;
test_options->max_burst = 100;
test_options->queue_type = 0;
test_options->forward = 0;
test_options->fairness = 0;
test_options->stress = 0;
test_options->ctx_rd_words = 0;
test_options->ctx_rw_words = 0;
test_options->rd_words = 0;
test_options->rw_words = 0;
test_options->uarea_rd = 0;
test_options->uarea_rw = 0;
test_options->wait_ns = 0;
test_options->verbose = 0;
while (1) {
opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
if (opt == -1)
switch (opt) {
case 'c':
test_options->num_cpu = atoi(optarg);
case 'q':
test_options->num_queue = atoi(optarg);
case 'L':
test_options->num_low = atoi(optarg);
case 'H':
test_options->num_high = atoi(optarg);
case 'd':
test_options->num_dummy = atoi(optarg);
case 'e':
test_options->num_event = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
test_options->num_sched = atoi(optarg);
case 'g':
test_options->num_group = atoi(optarg);
case 'j':
test_options->num_join = atoi(optarg);
case 'b':
test_options->max_burst = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
test_options->queue_type = atoi(optarg);
case 'f':
test_options->forward = atoi(optarg);
case 'F':
test_options->fairness = atoi(optarg);
case 'S':
test_options->stress = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
case 'k':
test_options->ctx_rd_words = atoi(optarg);
case 'l':
test_options->ctx_rw_words = atoi(optarg);
case 'n':
test_options->rd_words = atoi(optarg);
case 'm':
test_options->rw_words = atoi(optarg);
case 'u':
test_options->uarea_rd = atoi(optarg);
case 'U':
test_options->uarea_rw = atoi(optarg);
case 'p':
pool_type = atoi(optarg);
case 'w':
test_options->wait_ns = atoll(optarg);
case 'v':
test_options->verbose = 1;
case 'h':
/* fall through */
ret = -1;
if (pool_type == 0) {
test_options->pool_type = ODP_POOL_BUFFER;
} else if (pool_type == 1) {
test_options->pool_type = ODP_POOL_PACKET;
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid pool type: %d.\n", pool_type);
ret = -1;
test_options->touch_data = test_options->rd_words ||
if (test_options->stress && test_options->touch_data == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Use -n or/and -m to select event data size with a stress function\n");
ret = -1;
if ((test_options->num_queue + test_options->num_dummy) > MAX_QUEUES) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many queues. Max supported %i.\n", MAX_QUEUES);
ret = -1;
if ((test_options->num_low + test_options->num_high) > test_options->num_queue) {
ODPH_ERR("Number of low/high prio %u/%u exceed number of queues %u.\n",
test_options->num_low, test_options->num_high, test_options->num_queue);
ret = -1;
num_group = test_options->num_group;
num_join = test_options->num_join;
if (num_group > MAX_GROUPS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many groups. Max supported %i.\n", MAX_GROUPS);
ret = -1;
if (num_group > 0 && num_join > num_group) {
ODPH_ERR("num_join (%i) larger than num_group (%i).\n", num_join, num_group);
ret = -1;
if (num_join && num_group > (int)(test_options->num_cpu * num_join)) {
printf("WARNING: Too many groups (%i). Some groups (%i) are not served.\n\n",
num_group, num_group - (test_options->num_cpu * num_join));
if (test_options->forward) {
printf("Error: Cannot forward when some queues are not served.\n");
ret = -1;
test_options->tot_queue = test_options->num_queue +
test_options->tot_event = test_options->num_queue *
test_options->queue_size = test_options->num_event;
if (test_options->forward) {
/* When forwarding, all events may end up into
* a single queue */
test_options->queue_size = test_options->tot_event;
if (test_options->forward || test_options->fairness)
ctx_size = sizeof(queue_context_t);
if (test_options->ctx_rd_words || test_options->ctx_rw_words) {
/* Round up queue handle size to a multiple of 8 for correct
* context data alignment */
ctx_size = ROUNDUP(ctx_size, 8);
ctx_size += 8 * test_options->ctx_rd_words;
ctx_size += 8 * test_options->ctx_rw_words;
/* When context data is modified, round up to cache line size to avoid
* false sharing */
if (test_options->fairness || test_options->ctx_rw_words)
ctx_size = ROUNDUP(ctx_size, ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
test_options->ctx_size = ctx_size;
test_options->uarea_size = 8 * (test_options->uarea_rd + test_options->uarea_rw);
test_options->tot_rd_size = 8 * (test_options->ctx_rd_words + test_options->uarea_rd +
test_options->tot_rw_size = 8 * (test_options->ctx_rw_words + test_options->uarea_rw +
return ret;
static int set_num_cpu(test_global_t *global)
int ret;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
/* One thread used for the main thread */
if (num_cpu > ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX - 1) {
printf("Error: Too many workers. Maximum is %i.\n",
return -1;
ret = odp_cpumask_default_worker(&global->cpumask, num_cpu);
if (num_cpu && ret != num_cpu) {
printf("Error: Too many workers. Max supported %i\n.", ret);
return -1;
/* Zero: all available workers */
if (num_cpu == 0) {
num_cpu = ret;
test_options->num_cpu = num_cpu;
odp_barrier_init(&global->barrier, num_cpu);
return 0;
static uint64_t init_data(uint64_t init, uint64_t *data, uint32_t words)
uint32_t i;
uint64_t val = init;
for (i = 0; i < words; i++) {
data[i] = val;
val = (val + 1) & DATA_MASK;
return val;
static void print_options(test_options_t *options)
printf("\nScheduler performance test\n");
printf(" num sched %u\n", options->num_sched);
printf(" num cpu %u\n", options->num_cpu);
printf(" num queues %u\n", options->num_queue);
printf(" num lowest prio queues %u\n", options->num_low);
printf(" num highest prio queues %u\n", options->num_high);
printf(" num empty queues %u\n", options->num_dummy);
printf(" total queues %u\n", options->tot_queue);
printf(" num groups %i", options->num_group);
if (options->num_group == -1)
printf(" (ODP_SCHED_GROUP_WORKER)\n");
else if (options->num_group == 0)
printf(" (ODP_SCHED_GROUP_ALL)\n");
printf(" num join %u\n", options->num_join);
printf(" forward events %i\n", options->forward ? 1 : 0);
printf(" wait %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", options->wait_ns);
printf(" events per queue %u\n", options->num_event);
printf(" queue size %u\n", options->queue_size);
printf(" max burst size %u\n", options->max_burst);
printf(" total events %u\n", options->tot_event);
printf(" stress 0x%x\n", options->stress);
printf(" event size %u bytes", options->event_size);
if (options->touch_data)
printf(" (rd: %u, rw: %u)", 8 * options->rd_words, 8 * options->rw_words);
printf(" queue context size %u bytes", options->ctx_size);
if (options->ctx_rd_words || options->ctx_rw_words) {
printf(" (rd: %u, rw: %u)",
8 * options->ctx_rd_words,
8 * options->ctx_rw_words);
printf(" user area size %u bytes", options->uarea_size);
if (options->uarea_size)
printf(" (rd: %u, rw: %u)", 8 * options->uarea_rd, 8 * options->uarea_rw);
printf(" pool type %s\n", options->pool_type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER ?
"buffer" : "packet");
printf(" queue type %s\n\n", options->queue_type == 0 ? "parallel" :
options->queue_type == 1 ? "atomic" :
printf("Extra rd/rw ops per event (queue context + user area + event data)\n");
printf(" read %u bytes\n", options->tot_rd_size);
printf(" write %u bytes\n\n", options->tot_rw_size);
static int create_pool(test_global_t *global)
odp_pool_param_t pool_param;
odp_pool_t pool;
uint32_t max_num, max_size, max_uarea;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t tot_event = test_options->tot_event;
uint32_t event_size = 16;
uint32_t uarea_size = test_options->uarea_size;
if (test_options->touch_data) {
event_size = test_options->rd_words + test_options->rw_words;
event_size = 8 * event_size;
test_options->event_size = event_size;
if (odp_pool_capability(&pool_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: pool capa failed\n");
return -1;
if (test_options->pool_type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER) {
max_num = pool_capa.buf.max_num;
max_size = pool_capa.buf.max_size;
max_uarea = pool_capa.buf.max_uarea_size;
} else {
max_num = pool_capa.pkt.max_num;
max_size = pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len;
max_uarea = pool_capa.pkt.max_uarea_size;
if (max_num && tot_event > max_num) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: max events supported %u\n", max_num);
return -1;
if (max_size && event_size > max_size) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: max supported event size %u\n", max_size);
return -1;
if (uarea_size > max_uarea) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: max supported user area size %u\n", max_uarea);
return -1;
if (test_options->pool_type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER) {
pool_param.type = ODP_POOL_BUFFER;
pool_param.buf.num = tot_event;
pool_param.buf.size = event_size;
pool_param.buf.align = 8;
pool_param.buf.uarea_size = uarea_size;
} else {
pool_param.type = ODP_POOL_PACKET;
pool_param.pkt.num = tot_event;
pool_param.pkt.len = event_size;
pool_param.pkt.seg_len = event_size;
pool_param.pkt.align = 8;
pool_param.pkt.uarea_size = uarea_size;
pool = odp_pool_create("sched perf", &pool_param);
if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: pool create failed\n");
return -1;
global->pool = pool;
return 0;
static int create_groups(test_global_t *global)
odp_thrmask_t thrmask;
uint32_t i;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_group = test_options->num_group;
if (test_options->num_group <= 0)
return 0;
if (odp_schedule_capability(&sched_capa)) {
printf("Error: schedule capability failed\n");
return -1;
if (num_group > sched_capa.max_groups) {
printf("Error: Too many sched groups (max_groups capa %u)\n",
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < num_group; i++) {
group = odp_schedule_group_create("test_group", &thrmask);
printf("Error: Group create failed %u\n", i);
return -1;
global->group[i] = group;
return 0;
static int create_queues(test_global_t *global)
odp_queue_param_t queue_param;
odp_queue_t queue;
uint32_t i, j, first;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t event_size = test_options->event_size;
uint32_t num_event = test_options->num_event;
uint32_t queue_size = test_options->queue_size;
uint32_t tot_queue = test_options->tot_queue;
uint32_t num_low = test_options->num_low;
uint32_t num_high = test_options->num_high;
uint32_t num_default = test_options->num_queue - num_low - num_high;
int num_group = test_options->num_group;
int type = test_options->queue_type;
odp_pool_t pool = global->pool;
uint8_t *ctx = NULL;
uint32_t ctx_size = test_options->ctx_size;
uint64_t init_val = 0;
if (type == 0)
else if (type == 1)
if (tot_queue > global->schedule_config.num_queues) {
printf("Max queues supported %u\n",
return -1;
if (global->schedule_config.queue_size &&
queue_size > global->schedule_config.queue_size) {
printf("Max queue size %u\n",
return -1;
if (ctx_size) {
ctx = odp_shm_addr(global->ctx_shm);
if (ctx == NULL) {
printf("Bad queue context\n");
return -1;
queue_param.type = ODP_QUEUE_TYPE_SCHED;
queue_param.sched.sync = sync;
queue_param.size = queue_size;
if (num_group == -1)
first = test_options->num_dummy;
for (i = 0; i < tot_queue; i++) {
if (num_group > 0) {
/* Divide all queues evenly into groups */
group = global->group[i % num_group];
queue_param.sched.group = group;
/* Create low, high and default queues in a mixed order. Dummy queues are created
* first and with default priority. */
if (i >= first) {
switch (i % 3) {
case 0:
if (num_low) {
} else if (num_high) {
} else {
case 1:
if (num_high) {
} else if (num_low) {
} else {
if (num_default) {
} else if (num_high) {
} else {
queue_param.sched.prio = prio;
queue = odp_queue_create(NULL, &queue_param);
global->queue[i] = queue;
if (queue == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) {
printf("Error: Queue create failed %u\n", i);
return -1;
/* Store events into queues. Dummy queues are allocated from
* the beginning of the array, so that usage of those affect allocation
* of active queues. Dummy queues are left empty. */
for (i = first; i < tot_queue; i++) {
queue = global->queue[i];
if (ctx_size) {
* Cast increases alignment, but it's ok, since ctx and
* ctx_size are both cache line aligned.
queue_context_t *qc = (queue_context_t *)(uintptr_t)ctx;
if (test_options->forward) {
uint32_t next = i + 1;
if (next == tot_queue)
next = first;
qc->next = global->queue[next];
if (test_options->fairness)
odp_atomic_init_u64(&qc->count, 0);
if (odp_queue_context_set(queue, ctx, ctx_size)) {
printf("Error: Context set failed %u\n", i);
return -1;
ctx += ctx_size;
for (j = 0; j < num_event; j++) {
uint64_t *data;
uint32_t words;
if (test_options->pool_type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER) {
if (buf == ODP_BUFFER_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: alloc failed %u/%u\n", i, j);
return -1;
data = odp_buffer_addr(buf);
words = odp_buffer_size(buf) / 8;
} else {
odp_packet_t pkt = odp_packet_alloc(pool, event_size);
if (pkt == ODP_PACKET_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: alloc failed %u/%u\n", i, j);
return -1;
data = odp_packet_data(pkt);
words = odp_packet_seg_len(pkt) / 8;
init_val = init_data(init_val, data, words);
if (odp_queue_enq(queue, ev)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: enqueue failed %u/%u\n", i, j);
return -1;
return 0;
static int join_group(test_global_t *global, int grp_index, int thr)
odp_thrmask_t thrmask;
odp_thrmask_set(&thrmask, thr);
group = global->group[grp_index];
if (odp_schedule_group_join(group, &thrmask)) {
printf("Error: Group %i join failed (thr %i)\n",
grp_index, thr);
return -1;
return 0;
static int join_all_groups(test_global_t *global, int thr)
int i;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_group = test_options->num_group;
if (num_group <= 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_group; i++) {
if (join_group(global, i, thr)) {
printf("Error: Group %u join failed (thr %i)\n",
i, thr);
return -1;
return 0;
static void print_queue_fairness(test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i;
queue_context_t *ctx;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t first = test_options->num_dummy;
uint32_t num_queue = test_options->num_queue;
uint32_t tot_queue = test_options->tot_queue;
uint64_t total = 0;
double average;
if (!test_options->fairness)
for (i = first; i < tot_queue; i++) {
ctx = odp_queue_context(global->queue[i]);
total += odp_atomic_load_u64(&ctx->count);
average = (double)total / (double)num_queue;
printf("RESULTS - events per queue (percent of average):\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = first; i < tot_queue; i++) {
ctx = odp_queue_context(global->queue[i]);
if ((i % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%6.1f ", (double)odp_atomic_load_u64(&ctx->count) /
average * 100.0);
static int destroy_queues(test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i;
uint64_t wait;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t tot_queue = test_options->tot_queue;
int thr = odp_thread_id();
if (join_all_groups(global, thr))
return -1;
while ((ev = odp_schedule(NULL, wait)) != ODP_EVENT_INVALID)
for (i = 0; i < tot_queue; i++) {
if (global->queue[i] != ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) {
if (odp_queue_destroy(global->queue[i])) {
printf("Error: Queue destroy failed %u\n", i);
return -1;
return 0;
static int destroy_groups(test_global_t *global)
int i;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_group = test_options->num_group;
if (num_group <= 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_group; i++) {
odp_schedule_group_t group = global->group[i];
printf("Error: Group destroy failed %u\n", i);
return -1;
return 0;
static uint64_t rw_uarea(odp_event_t ev[], int num, uint32_t rd_words, uint32_t rw_words)
uint64_t *data;
int i;
uint32_t j;
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
data = odp_event_user_area(ev[i]);
for (j = 0; j < rd_words; j++)
sum += data[j];
for (; j < rd_words + rw_words; j++) {
sum += data[j];
data[j] += 1;
return sum;
static inline uint64_t rw_ctx_data(void *ctx, uint32_t offset,
uint32_t rd_words, uint32_t rw_words)
uint64_t *data;
uint32_t i;
uint64_t sum = 0;
data = (uint64_t *)(uintptr_t)((uint8_t *)ctx + offset);
for (i = 0; i < rd_words; i++)
sum += data[i];
for (; i < rd_words + rw_words; i++) {
sum += data[i];
data[i] += 1;
return sum;
static uint64_t rw_data(odp_event_t ev[], int num, uint32_t rd_words, uint32_t rw_words,
odp_pool_type_t pool_type)
uint64_t *data;
uint32_t j;
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (pool_type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER)
for (j = 0; j < rd_words; j++)
sum += data[j];
for (; j < rd_words + rw_words; j++) {
sum += data[j];
data[j] += 1;
return sum;
static uint64_t rw_data_stress(odp_event_t ev[], int num, uint32_t rd_words, uint32_t rw_words,
uint32_t stress, odp_pool_type_t pool_type)
uint64_t *data;
uint64_t word;
uint32_t j;
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (pool_type == ODP_POOL_BUFFER)
for (j = 0; j < rd_words + rw_words; j++) {
word = data[j];
if (stress & 0x1)
sum += odph_stress_pow2_u32(word);
if (stress & 0x2)
sum += odph_stress_log2_u32(word);
if (stress & 0x4)
sum += odph_stress_sqrt_u32(word);
if (stress & 0x8)
sum += odph_stress_sqrt_f32(word);
if (j >= rd_words)
data[j] = (word + 1) & DATA_MASK;
return sum;
static int test_sched(void *arg)
int num, num_enq, ret, thr;
uint32_t i, rounds;
uint64_t c1, c2, cycles, nsec;
uint64_t events, enqueues, waits, events_prev;
odp_time_t t1, t2, last_retry_ts;
odp_queue_t queue;
thread_arg_t *thread_arg = arg;
test_global_t *global = thread_arg->global;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_sched = test_options->num_sched;
uint32_t max_burst = test_options->max_burst;
int num_group = test_options->num_group;
int forward = test_options->forward;
int fairness = test_options->fairness;
const int touch_data = test_options->touch_data;
const uint32_t stress = test_options->stress;
const uint32_t rd_words = test_options->rd_words;
const uint32_t rw_words = test_options->rw_words;
uint32_t ctx_size = test_options->ctx_size;
uint32_t ctx_rd_words = test_options->ctx_rd_words;
uint32_t ctx_rw_words = test_options->ctx_rw_words;
const uint32_t uarea_size = test_options->uarea_size;
const uint32_t uarea_rd = test_options->uarea_rd;
const uint32_t uarea_rw = test_options->uarea_rw;
const odp_pool_type_t pool_type = test_options->pool_type;
int touch_ctx = ctx_rd_words || ctx_rw_words;
odp_atomic_u32_t *exit_threads = &global->exit_threads;
uint32_t ctx_offset = 0;
uint32_t sched_retries = 0;
uint64_t data_sum = 0;
uint64_t ctx_sum = 0;
uint64_t uarea_sum = 0;
uint64_t wait_ns = test_options->wait_ns;
odp_event_t ev[max_burst];
thr = odp_thread_id();
if (forward || fairness)
ctx_offset = ROUNDUP(sizeof(queue_context_t), 8);
if (num_group > 0) {
uint32_t num_join = test_options->num_join;
if (num_join) {
int pos = 0;
int n = 512;
char str[n];
int group_index = thread_arg->first_group;
pos += snprintf(&str[pos], n - pos,
"Thread %i joined groups:", thr);
for (i = 0; i < num_join; i++) {
if (join_group(global, group_index, thr))
return -1;
pos += snprintf(&str[pos], n - pos, " %i",
group_index = (group_index + 1) % num_group;
printf("%s\n", str);
} else {
if (join_all_groups(global, thr))
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < max_burst; i++)
enqueues = 0;
events = 0;
events_prev = 0;
waits = 0;
ret = 0;
/* Start all workers at the same time */
last_retry_ts = t1;
for (rounds = 0; odp_likely(!odp_atomic_load_u32(exit_threads)); rounds++) {
if (odp_unlikely(num_sched && events >= num_sched))
ev, max_burst);
if (odp_likely(num > 0)) {
sched_retries = 0;
events += num;
i = 0;
if (odp_unlikely(uarea_size))
uarea_sum += rw_uarea(ev, num, uarea_rd, uarea_rw);
if (odp_unlikely(ctx_size)) {
queue_context_t *ctx = odp_queue_context(queue);
if (forward)
queue = ctx->next;
if (fairness)
odp_atomic_add_u64(&ctx->count, num);
if (odp_unlikely(touch_ctx))
ctx_sum += rw_ctx_data(ctx, ctx_offset,
if (odp_unlikely(touch_data)) {
if (stress) {
data_sum += rw_data_stress(ev, num, rd_words, rw_words,
stress, pool_type);
} else {
data_sum += rw_data(ev, num, rd_words, rw_words, pool_type);
if (odp_unlikely(wait_ns)) {
while (num) {
num_enq = odp_queue_enq_multi(queue, &ev[i],
if (num_enq < 0) {
printf("Error: Enqueue failed. Round %u\n",
odp_event_free_multi(&ev[i], num);
ret = -1;
num -= num_enq;
i += num_enq;
if (odp_unlikely(ret))
} else if (num == 0) {
if (odp_unlikely(sched_retries > TIME_CHECK_INTERVAL)) {
odp_time_t cur_time = odp_time_local();
/* Measure time from the last received event and
* break if MAX_SCHED_WAIT_NS is exceeded */
sched_retries = 0;
if (events_prev != events) {
events_prev = events;
last_retry_ts = cur_time;
} else if (odp_time_diff_ns(cur_time,
last_retry_ts) >
printf("Error: scheduling timed out\n");
ret = -1;
/* <0 not specified as an error but checking anyway */
if (num < 0) {
printf("Error: Sched failed. Round %u\n", rounds);
ret = -1;
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
cycles = odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c2, c1);
/* Update stats*/
global->stat[thr].rounds = rounds;
global->stat[thr].enqueues = enqueues;
global->stat[thr].events = events;
global->stat[thr].nsec = nsec;
global->stat[thr].cycles = cycles;
global->stat[thr].waits = waits;
global->stat[thr].dummy_sum = data_sum + ctx_sum + uarea_sum;
global->stat[thr].failed = ret;
if (odp_atomic_fetch_dec_u32(&global->num_worker) == 1) {
/* The last worker frees all events. This is needed when the main
* thread cannot do the clean up (ODP_SCHED_GROUP_WORKER). */
odp_event_t event;
uint64_t sched_wait = odp_schedule_wait_time(200 * ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS);
/* Print queue and scheduler status at the end of the test, before any queues
* are emptied or destroyed. */
if (test_options->verbose) {
while ((event = odp_schedule(NULL, sched_wait)) != ODP_EVENT_INVALID)
/* Pause scheduling before thread exit */
while (1) {
ev[0] = odp_schedule(&queue, ODP_SCHED_NO_WAIT);
if (ev[0] == ODP_EVENT_INVALID)
if (odp_unlikely(forward))
queue = ((queue_context_t *)odp_queue_context(queue))->next;
if (odp_queue_enq(queue, ev[0])) {
printf("Error: Queue enqueue failed\n");
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int start_workers(test_global_t *global, odp_instance_t instance)
odph_thread_common_param_t thr_common;
int i, ret;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_group = test_options->num_group;
uint32_t num_join = test_options->num_join;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
odph_thread_param_t thr_param[num_cpu];
odp_atomic_init_u32(&global->num_worker, num_cpu);
memset(global->thread_tbl, 0, sizeof(global->thread_tbl));
thr_common.instance = instance;
thr_common.cpumask = &global->cpumask;
for (i = 0; i < num_cpu; i++) {
thr_param[i].start = test_sched;
thr_param[i].arg = &global->thread_arg[i];
thr_param[i].thr_type = ODP_THREAD_WORKER;
global->thread_arg[i].global = global;
global->thread_arg[i].first_group = 0;
if (num_group > 0 && num_join) {
/* Each thread joins only num_join groups, starting
* from this group index and wrapping around the group
* table. */
int first_group = (i * num_join) % num_group;
global->thread_arg[i].first_group = first_group;
ret = odph_thread_create(global->thread_tbl, &thr_common, thr_param,
if (ret != num_cpu) {
printf("Error: thread create failed %i\n", ret);
return -1;
return 0;
static double measure_wait_time_cycles(uint64_t wait_ns)
uint64_t i, c1, c2, diff;
uint64_t rounds;
double wait_cycles;
if (wait_ns == 0)
return 0.0;
/* Run measurement for 100msec or at least two times, so that effect
* from CPU frequency scaling is minimized. */
rounds = (100 * ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS) / wait_ns;
if (rounds == 0)
rounds = 2;
for (i = 0; i < rounds; i++)
diff = odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c2, c1);
wait_cycles = (double)diff / rounds;
printf("\nMeasured wait cycles: %.3f\n", wait_cycles);
return wait_cycles;
static int output_results(test_global_t *global)
int i, num;
double rounds_ave, enqueues_ave, events_ave, events_per_sec, nsec_ave, cycles_ave;
double waits_ave, wait_cycles, wait_cycles_ave;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
uint64_t wait_ns = test_options->wait_ns;
uint64_t rounds_sum = 0;
uint64_t enqueues_sum = 0;
uint64_t events_sum = 0;
uint64_t nsec_sum = 0;
uint64_t cycles_sum = 0;
uint64_t waits_sum = 0;
uint32_t tot_rd = test_options->tot_rd_size;
uint32_t tot_rw = test_options->tot_rw_size;
wait_cycles = measure_wait_time_cycles(wait_ns);
/* Averages */
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].failed) {
rounds_sum += global->stat[i].rounds;
enqueues_sum += global->stat[i].enqueues;
events_sum += global->stat[i].events;
nsec_sum += global->stat[i].nsec;
cycles_sum += global->stat[i].cycles;
waits_sum += global->stat[i].waits;
if (rounds_sum == 0 || num_cpu <= 0) {
printf("No results.\n");
return 0;
rounds_ave = rounds_sum / num_cpu;
enqueues_ave = enqueues_sum / num_cpu;
events_ave = events_sum / num_cpu;
nsec_ave = nsec_sum / num_cpu;
cycles_ave = cycles_sum / num_cpu;
waits_ave = waits_sum / num_cpu;
wait_cycles_ave = waits_ave * wait_cycles;
num = 0;
printf("RESULTS - per thread (Million events per sec):\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].rounds) {
if ((num % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
if (global->stat[i].failed)
printf(" n/a ");
printf("%6.1f ",
(1000.0 * global->stat[i].events) /
printf("RESULTS - average over %i threads:\n", num_cpu);
printf(" schedule calls: %.3f\n", rounds_ave);
printf(" enqueue calls: %.3f\n", enqueues_ave);
printf(" duration: %.3f msec\n", nsec_ave / 1000000);
printf(" num cycles: %.3f M\n", cycles_ave / 1000000);
printf(" cycles per round: %.3f\n",
cycles_ave / rounds_ave);
printf(" cycles per event: %.3f\n",
cycles_ave / events_ave);
if (wait_ns) {
printf(" without wait_ns cycles: %.3f\n",
(cycles_ave - wait_cycles_ave) / events_ave);
printf(" ave events received: %.3f\n",
events_ave / rounds_ave);
printf(" rounds per sec: %.3f M\n",
(1000.0 * rounds_ave) / nsec_ave);
events_per_sec = (1000.0 * events_ave) / nsec_ave;
printf(" events per sec: %.3f M\n", events_per_sec);
printf(" extra reads per sec: %.3f MB\n", tot_rd * events_per_sec);
printf(" extra writes per sec: %.3f MB\n", tot_rw * events_per_sec);
printf("TOTAL events per sec: %.3f M\n\n",
(1000.0 * events_sum) / nsec_ave);
if (global->common_options.is_export) {
if (test_common_write("schedule calls,enqueue calls,duration (msec),"
"num cycles (M),cycles per round,cycles per event,"
"ave events received,rounds per sec (M),"
"events per sec (M), TOTAL events per sec (M)\n")) {
ODPH_ERR("Export failed\n");
return -1;
if (test_common_write("%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f\n",
rounds_ave, enqueues_ave, nsec_ave / 1000000,
cycles_ave / 1000000, cycles_ave / rounds_ave,
cycles_ave / events_ave, events_ave / rounds_ave,
(1000.0 * rounds_ave) / nsec_ave,
(1000.0 * events_ave) / nsec_ave,
(1000.0 * events_sum) / nsec_ave)) {
ODPH_ERR("Export failed\n");
return -1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
odph_helper_options_t helper_options;
odp_instance_t instance;
odp_init_t init;
odp_shm_t shm;
test_global_t *global;
test_common_options_t common_options;
/* Let helper collect its own arguments (e.g. --odph_proc) */
argc = odph_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (odph_options(&helper_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Reading ODP helper options failed.\n");
argc = test_common_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (test_common_options(&common_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Reading test options failed\n");
/* List features not to be used */
init.not_used.feat.cls = 1;
init.not_used.feat.crypto = 1;
init.not_used.feat.ipsec = 1;
init.not_used.feat.timer = 1;
init.not_used.feat.tm = 1;
init.mem_model = helper_options.mem_model;
/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
if (odp_init_global(&instance, &init, NULL)) {
printf("Error: Global init failed.\n");
return -1;
/* Init this thread */
printf("Error: Local init failed.\n");
return -1;
shm = odp_shm_reserve("sched_perf_global", sizeof(test_global_t), ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0);
if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: SHM reserve failed.\n");
global = odp_shm_addr(shm);
if (global == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: SHM alloc failed\n");
test_globals = global;
memset(global, 0, sizeof(test_global_t));
global->pool = ODP_POOL_INVALID;
global->ctx_shm = ODP_SHM_INVALID;
odp_atomic_init_u32(&global->exit_threads, 0);
global->common_options = common_options;
if (setup_sig_handler()) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: signal handler setup failed\n");
if (parse_options(argc, argv, &global->test_options))
return -1;
if (global->test_options.ctx_size) {
uint64_t size = (uint64_t)global->test_options.ctx_size *
global->ctx_shm = odp_shm_reserve("queue contexts", size,
if (global->ctx_shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
printf("Error: SHM reserve %" PRIu64 " bytes failed\n",
return -1;
if (set_num_cpu(global))
return -1;
if (create_pool(global))
return -1;
if (create_groups(global))
return -1;
if (create_queues(global))
return -1;
if (global->test_options.verbose)
/* Start workers */
start_workers(global, instance);
/* Wait workers to exit */
odph_thread_join(global->thread_tbl, global->test_options.num_cpu);
if (destroy_queues(global))
return -1;
if (destroy_groups(global))
return -1;
if (output_results(global))
return -1;
if (odp_pool_destroy(global->pool)) {
printf("Error: Pool destroy failed.\n");
return -1;
if (global->ctx_shm != ODP_SHM_INVALID)
if (odp_shm_free(shm)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: SHM free failed.\n");
if (odp_term_local()) {
printf("Error: term local failed.\n");
return -1;
if (odp_term_global(instance)) {
printf("Error: term global failed.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
void odp_atomic_init_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Initialize atomic uint32 variable.
uint32_t odp_atomic_load_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Load value of atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_init_u64(odp_atomic_u64_t *atom, uint64_t val)
Initialize atomic uint64 variable.
void odp_atomic_store_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Store value to atomic uint32 variable.
uint32_t odp_atomic_fetch_dec_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Fetch and decrement atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_add_u64(odp_atomic_u64_t *atom, uint64_t val)
Add to atomic uint64 variable.
uint64_t odp_atomic_load_u64(odp_atomic_u64_t *atom)
Load value of atomic uint64 variable.
void odp_barrier_init(odp_barrier_t *barr, int count)
Initialize barrier with thread count.
void odp_barrier_wait(odp_barrier_t *barr)
Synchronize thread execution on barrier.
uint32_t odp_buffer_size(odp_buffer_t buf)
Buffer maximum data size.
odp_event_t odp_buffer_to_event(odp_buffer_t buf)
Convert buffer handle to event.
odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_alloc(odp_pool_t pool)
Buffer alloc.
void * odp_buffer_addr(odp_buffer_t buf)
Buffer start address.
odp_buffer_t odp_buffer_from_event(odp_event_t ev)
Get buffer handle from event.
Invalid buffer.
#define odp_unlikely(x)
Branch unlikely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:64
#define ODP_UNUSED
Intentionally unused variables of functions.
Definition: spec/hints.h:54
#define odp_likely(x)
Branch likely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:59
uint64_t odp_cpu_cycles_diff(uint64_t c2, uint64_t c1)
CPU cycle count difference.
uint64_t odp_cpu_cycles(void)
Current CPU cycle count.
int odp_cpumask_default_worker(odp_cpumask_t *mask, int num)
Default CPU mask for worker threads.
void odp_event_free_multi(const odp_event_t event[], int num)
Free multiple events.
void odp_event_free(odp_event_t event)
Free event.
void * odp_event_user_area(odp_event_t event)
Event user area.
Invalid event.
void odp_init_param_init(odp_init_t *param)
Initialize the odp_init_t to default values for all fields.
int odp_init_local(odp_instance_t instance, odp_thread_type_t thr_type)
Thread local ODP initialization.
int odp_init_global(odp_instance_t *instance, const odp_init_t *params, const odp_platform_init_t *platform_params)
Global ODP initialization.
int odp_term_local(void)
Thread local ODP termination.
int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance)
Global ODP termination.
uint64_t odp_instance_t
ODP instance ID.
odp_event_t odp_packet_to_event(odp_packet_t pkt)
Convert packet handle to event.
uint32_t odp_packet_seg_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data length following the data pointer.
void * odp_packet_data(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data pointer.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_alloc(odp_pool_t pool, uint32_t len)
Allocate a packet from a packet pool.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_from_event(odp_event_t ev)
Get packet handle from event.
Invalid packet.
odp_pool_t odp_pool_create(const char *name, const odp_pool_param_t *param)
Create a pool.
int odp_pool_capability(odp_pool_capability_t *capa)
Query pool capabilities.
void odp_pool_param_init(odp_pool_param_t *param)
Initialize pool params.
int odp_pool_destroy(odp_pool_t pool)
Destroy a pool previously created by odp_pool_create()
Pool types.
Invalid pool.
Buffer pool.
Packet pool.
int odp_queue_context_set(odp_queue_t queue, void *context, uint32_t len)
Set queue context.
int odp_queue_enq_multi(odp_queue_t queue, const odp_event_t events[], int num)
Enqueue multiple events to a queue.
void odp_queue_param_init(odp_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize queue params.
Invalid queue.
void * odp_queue_context(odp_queue_t queue)
Get queue context.
int odp_queue_enq(odp_queue_t queue, odp_event_t ev)
Enqueue an event to a queue.
void odp_queue_print_all(void)
Print debug info about all queues.
odp_queue_t odp_queue_create(const char *name, const odp_queue_param_t *param)
Queue create.
int odp_queue_destroy(odp_queue_t queue)
Destroy ODP queue.
Scheduled queue.
int odp_schedule_sync_t
Scheduler synchronization method.
Parallel scheduled queues.
int odp_schedule_prio_t
Scheduling priority level.
int odp_schedule_multi(odp_queue_t *from, uint64_t wait, odp_event_t events[], int num)
Schedule multiple events.
int odp_schedule_group_t
Scheduler thread group.
void odp_schedule_config_init(odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Initialize schedule configuration options.
int odp_schedule_group_join(odp_schedule_group_t group, const odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Join a schedule group.
Atomic queue synchronization.
Ordered queue synchronization.
int odp_schedule_min_prio(void)
Minimum scheduling priority level.
Group of all worker threads.
int odp_schedule_group_destroy(odp_schedule_group_t group)
Schedule group destroy.
Invalid scheduler group.
Do not wait.
int odp_schedule_default_prio(void)
Default scheduling priority level.
void odp_schedule_pause(void)
Pause scheduling.
int odp_schedule_max_prio(void)
Maximum scheduling priority level.
int odp_schedule_config(const odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Global schedule configuration.
uint64_t odp_schedule_wait_time(uint64_t ns)
Schedule wait time.
int odp_schedule_capability(odp_schedule_capability_t *capa)
Query scheduler capabilities.
odp_schedule_group_t odp_schedule_group_create(const char *name, const odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Schedule group create.
odp_event_t odp_schedule(odp_queue_t *from, uint64_t wait)
Schedule an event.
void odp_schedule_print(void)
Print debug info about scheduler.
Group of all threads.
void odp_shm_print_all(void)
Print all shared memory blocks.
int odp_shm_free(odp_shm_t shm)
Free a contiguous block of shared memory.
Invalid shared memory block.
void * odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_t shm)
Shared memory block address.
odp_shm_t odp_shm_reserve(const char *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t align, uint32_t flags)
Reserve a contiguous block of shared memory.
void odp_sys_info_print(void)
Print system info.
Maximum number of threads supported in build time.
void odp_thrmask_set(odp_thrmask_t *mask, int thr)
Add thread to mask.
int odp_thread_id(void)
Get thread identifier.
void odp_thrmask_zero(odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Clear entire thread mask.
Worker thread.
Control thread.
void odp_time_wait_ns(uint64_t ns)
Wait the specified number of nanoseconds.
odp_time_t odp_time_local(void)
Current local time.
A millisecond in nanoseconds.
uint64_t odp_time_diff_ns(odp_time_t t2, odp_time_t t1)
Time difference in nanoseconds.
The OpenDataPlane API.
Global initialization parameters.
odp_mem_model_t mem_model
Application memory model.
odp_feature_t not_used
Unused features.
struct odp_pool_capability_t::@121 buf
Buffer pool capabilities
struct odp_pool_capability_t::@122 pkt
Packet pool capabilities
uint32_t max_num
Maximum number of buffers of any size.
uint32_t max_uarea_size
Maximum user area size in bytes.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum buffer data size in bytes.
uint32_t max_seg_len
Maximum packet segment data length in bytes.
Pool parameters.
uint32_t uarea_size
Minimum user area size in bytes.
uint32_t num
Number of buffers in the pool.
uint32_t align
Minimum buffer alignment in bytes.
uint32_t size
Minimum buffer size in bytes.
odp_pool_type_t type
Pool type.
uint32_t len
Minimum length of 'num' packets.
uint32_t seg_len
Minimum number of packet data bytes that can be stored in the first segment of a newly allocated pack...
struct odp_pool_param_t::@126 pkt
Parameters for packet pools.
struct odp_pool_param_t::@125 buf
Parameters for buffer pools.
ODP Queue parameters.
odp_schedule_param_t sched
Scheduler parameters.
uint32_t size
Queue size.
odp_queue_type_t type
Queue type.
uint32_t max_groups
Maximum number of scheduling groups.
Schedule configuration.
odp_schedule_group_t group
Thread group.
odp_schedule_prio_t prio
Priority level.
odp_schedule_sync_t sync
Synchronization method.
uint32_t tm
Traffic Manager APIs, e.g., odp_tm_xxx()
uint32_t crypto
Crypto APIs, e.g., odp_crypto_xxx()
uint32_t ipsec
IPsec APIs, e.g., odp_ipsec_xxx()
uint32_t timer
Timer APIs, e.g., odp_timer_xxx(), odp_timeout_xxx()
uint32_t cls
Classifier APIs, e.g., odp_cls_xxx(), odp_cos_xxx()
struct odp_feature_t::@148 feat
Individual feature bits.
uint32_t compress
Compression APIs, e.g., odp_comp_xxx()