API Reference Manual  1.46.0

Performance test application for timer APIs

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Nokia
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <odp_api.h>
#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
#define MAX_TIMER_POOLS 32
#define MAX_TIMERS 10000
#define START_NS (100 * ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS)
typedef struct test_options_t {
uint32_t num_cpu;
uint32_t num_tp;
uint32_t num_timer;
uint64_t res_ns;
uint64_t period_ns;
int shared;
int mode;
uint64_t test_rounds;
} test_options_t;
typedef struct time_stat_t {
uint64_t num;
uint64_t sum_ns;
uint64_t max_ns;
} time_stat_t;
typedef struct test_stat_t {
uint64_t rounds;
uint64_t events;
uint64_t nsec;
uint64_t cycles_0;
uint64_t cycles_1;
uint64_t cancels;
uint64_t sets;
time_stat_t before;
time_stat_t after;
} test_stat_t;
typedef struct test_stat_sum_t {
uint64_t rounds;
uint64_t events;
uint64_t nsec;
uint64_t cycles_0;
uint64_t cycles_1;
uint64_t cancels;
uint64_t sets;
time_stat_t before;
time_stat_t after;
double time_ave;
uint32_t num;
} test_stat_sum_t;
typedef struct thread_arg_t {
void *global;
int worker_idx;
} thread_arg_t;
typedef struct timer_ctx_t {
uint64_t target_ns;
uint64_t target_tick;
uint32_t tp_idx;
uint32_t timer_idx;
int last;
} timer_ctx_t;
typedef struct timer_pool_t {
uint64_t start_tick;
uint64_t period_tick;
} timer_pool_t;
typedef struct test_global_t {
test_options_t test_options;
odp_atomic_u32_t exit_test;
odp_atomic_u32_t timers_started;
odp_barrier_t barrier;
odp_cpumask_t cpumask;
timer_pool_t timer_pool[MAX_TIMER_POOLS];
odp_pool_t pool[MAX_TIMER_POOLS];
odp_queue_t queue[MAX_TIMER_POOLS];
odp_timer_t timer[MAX_TIMER_POOLS][MAX_TIMERS];
timer_ctx_t timer_ctx[MAX_TIMER_POOLS][MAX_TIMERS];
odph_thread_t thread_tbl[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
test_stat_t stat[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
thread_arg_t thread_arg[ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX];
test_stat_sum_t stat_sum;
} test_global_t;
test_global_t *test_global;
static void print_usage(void)
"Timer performance test\n"
"Usage: odp_timer_perf [options]\n"
" -c, --num_cpu Number of CPUs (worker threads). 0: all available CPUs. Default: 1\n"
" -n, --num_tp Number of timer pools. Default: 1\n"
" -t, --num_timer Number of timers per timer pool. Default: 10\n"
" -r, --res_ns Resolution in nsec. Default: 10000000\n"
" -p, --period_ns Timeout period in nsec. Default: 100000000\n"
" -s, --shared Shared vs private timer pool. Currently, private pools can be\n"
" tested only with single CPU. Default: 1\n"
" 0: Private timer pools\n"
" 1: Shared timer pools\n"
" -m, --mode Select test mode. Default: 0\n"
" 0: Measure odp_schedule() overhead when using timers\n"
" 1: Measure timer set + cancel performance\n"
" 2: Measure schedule and timer start overhead while continuously\n"
" restarting expiring timers\n"
" -R, --rounds Number of test rounds in timer set + cancel test.\n"
" Default: 100000\n"
" -h, --help This help\n"
static int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], test_options_t *test_options)
int opt;
int ret = 0;
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{"num_cpu", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"num_tp ", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"num_timer", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"res_ns", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"period_ns", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"shared", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"mode", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"rounds", required_argument, NULL, 'R'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
static const char *shortopts = "+c:n:t:r:p:s:m:R:h";
test_options->num_cpu = 1;
test_options->num_tp = 1;
test_options->num_timer = 10;
test_options->res_ns = 10 * ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS;
test_options->period_ns = 100 * ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS;
test_options->shared = 1;
test_options->mode = 0;
test_options->test_rounds = 100000;
while (1) {
opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
if (opt == -1)
switch (opt) {
case 'c':
test_options->num_cpu = atoi(optarg);
case 'n':
test_options->num_tp = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
test_options->num_timer = atoi(optarg);
case 'r':
test_options->res_ns = atoll(optarg);
case 'p':
test_options->period_ns = atoll(optarg);
case 's':
test_options->shared = atoi(optarg);
case 'm':
test_options->mode = atoi(optarg);
case 'R':
test_options->test_rounds = atoll(optarg);
case 'h':
/* fall through */
ret = -1;
if (test_options->num_timer > MAX_TIMERS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many timers. Max %u\n", MAX_TIMERS);
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int set_num_cpu(test_global_t *global)
int ret;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
int shared = test_options->shared;
/* One thread used for the main thread */
if (num_cpu > ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX - 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many workers. Maximum is %i.\n", ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX - 1);
return -1;
ret = odp_cpumask_default_worker(&global->cpumask, num_cpu);
if (num_cpu && ret != num_cpu) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many workers. Max supported %i\n.", ret);
return -1;
if (shared == 0 && num_cpu != 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Private pool test supports only single CPU\n.");
return -1;
/* Zero: all available workers */
if (num_cpu == 0) {
num_cpu = ret;
test_options->num_cpu = num_cpu;
if (shared) /* Main thread + all workers */
odp_barrier_init(&global->barrier, num_cpu + 1);
else /* Only the main thread */
odp_barrier_init(&global->barrier, 1);
return 0;
static int create_timer_pools(test_global_t *global)
odp_timer_pool_param_t timer_pool_param;
odp_queue_param_t queue_param;
odp_queue_t queue;
odp_pool_param_t pool_param;
odp_pool_t pool;
uint64_t max_tmo_ns, min_tmo_ns;
uint32_t i, j;
uint32_t max_timers;
int priv;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
uint32_t num_tp = test_options->num_tp;
uint32_t num_timer = test_options->num_timer;
uint64_t res_ns = test_options->res_ns;
uint64_t period_ns = test_options->period_ns;
int mode = test_options->mode;
char tp_name[] = "timer_pool_00";
max_tmo_ns = START_NS + (num_timer * period_ns);
min_tmo_ns = START_NS / 2;
if (test_options->mode == MODE_START_EXPIRE) {
* Timers are set to 1-2 periods from current time. Add an
* arbitrary margin of one period, resulting in maximum of
* three periods.
max_tmo_ns = period_ns * 3;
min_tmo_ns = test_options->res_ns / 2;
priv = 0;
if (test_options->shared == 0)
priv = 1;
printf("\nTimer performance test\n");
printf(" mode %i\n", mode);
printf(" num cpu %u\n", num_cpu);
printf(" private pool %i\n", priv);
printf(" num timer pool %u\n", num_tp);
printf(" num timer %u\n", num_timer);
printf(" resolution %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", res_ns);
printf(" period %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", period_ns);
printf(" max timeout %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", max_tmo_ns);
printf(" min timeout %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", min_tmo_ns);
printf(" first timer at %.2f sec\n", (double)START_NS / ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS);
if (mode == MODE_SCHED_OVERH)
printf(" test duration %.2f sec\n", (double)max_tmo_ns / ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS);
printf(" test rounds %" PRIu64 "\n", test_options->test_rounds);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TIMER_POOLS; i++) {
global->timer_pool[i].tp = ODP_TIMER_POOL_INVALID;
global->pool[i] = ODP_POOL_INVALID;
global->queue[i] = ODP_QUEUE_INVALID;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_TIMERS; j++)
global->timer[i][j] = ODP_TIMER_INVALID;
ODPH_ERR("Timer capability failed\n");
return -1;
memset(&timer_res_capa, 0, sizeof(odp_timer_res_capability_t));
timer_res_capa.res_ns = res_ns;
ODPH_ERR("Timer resolution capability failed\n");
return -1;
if (res_ns < timer_capa.max_res.res_ns) {
ODPH_ERR("Too high resolution\n");
return -1;
if (min_tmo_ns < timer_res_capa.min_tmo) {
ODPH_ERR("Too short min timeout\n");
return -1;
if (max_tmo_ns > timer_res_capa.max_tmo) {
ODPH_ERR("Too long max timeout\n");
return -1;
max_timers = timer_capa.max_timers;
if (max_timers && num_timer > max_timers) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many timers (max %u)\n", max_timers);
return -1;
if (num_tp > timer_capa.max_pools) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many timer pools (max %u)\n", timer_capa.max_pools);
return -1;
timer_pool_param.res_ns = res_ns;
timer_pool_param.min_tmo = min_tmo_ns;
timer_pool_param.max_tmo = max_tmo_ns;
timer_pool_param.num_timers = num_timer;
timer_pool_param.priv = priv;
timer_pool_param.clk_src = ODP_CLOCK_DEFAULT;
pool_param.type = ODP_POOL_TIMEOUT;
pool_param.tmo.num = num_timer;
queue_param.type = ODP_QUEUE_TYPE_SCHED;
for (i = 0; i < num_tp; i++) {
if (num_tp < 100) {
tp_name[11] = '0' + i / 10;
tp_name[12] = '0' + i % 10;
tp = odp_timer_pool_create(tp_name, &timer_pool_param);
global->timer_pool[i].tp = tp;
ODPH_ERR("Timer pool create failed (%u)\n", i);
return -1;
if (odp_timer_pool_start_multi(&tp, 1) != 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer pool start failed (%u)\n", i);
return -1;
pool = odp_pool_create(tp_name, &pool_param);
global->pool[i] = pool;
if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Pool create failed (%u)\n", i);
return -1;
queue = odp_queue_create(tp_name, &queue_param);
global->queue[i] = queue;
if (queue == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Queue create failed (%u)\n", i);
return -1;
global->timer_pool[i].period_tick = odp_timer_ns_to_tick(tp,
global->timer_pool[i].start_tick = odp_timer_ns_to_tick(tp, START_NS);
printf(" start %" PRIu64 " tick\n", global->timer_pool[0].start_tick);
printf(" period %" PRIu64 " ticks\n", global->timer_pool[0].period_tick);
return 0;
static int set_timers(test_global_t *global)
odp_timer_pool_info_t timer_pool_info;
odp_timer_t timer;
odp_pool_t pool;
odp_queue_t queue;
odp_time_t time;
uint64_t tick_cur, nsec, time_ns;
uint64_t max_tmo_ns;
uint32_t i, j;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_tp = test_options->num_tp;
uint32_t num_timer = test_options->num_timer;
uint64_t period_ns = test_options->period_ns;
max_tmo_ns = START_NS + (num_timer * period_ns);
for (i = 0; i < num_tp; i++) {
tp = global->timer_pool[i].tp;
pool = global->pool[i];
queue = global->queue[i];
nsec = max_tmo_ns;
tick_cur = odp_timer_current_tick(tp);
time = odp_time_global();
time_ns = odp_time_to_ns(time);
for (j = 0; j < num_timer; j++) {
uint64_t tick_ns;
odp_timeout_t timeout;
int status;
timer_ctx_t *ctx = &global->timer_ctx[i][j];
odp_timer_start_t start_param;
/* Set timers backwards, the last timer is set first */
if (j == 0)
ctx->last = 1;
ctx->target_ns = time_ns + nsec;
ctx->tp_idx = i;
ctx->timer_idx = j;
timeout = odp_timeout_alloc(pool);
ev = odp_timeout_to_event(timeout);
timer = odp_timer_alloc(tp, queue, ctx);
global->timer[i][j] = timer;
tick_ns = odp_timer_ns_to_tick(tp, nsec);
nsec = nsec - period_ns;
start_param.tick = tick_cur + tick_ns;
start_param.tmo_ev = ev;
if (test_options->mode == MODE_START_EXPIRE) {
uint64_t offset_ns = period_ns + j * period_ns / num_timer;
ctx->target_ns = time_ns + offset_ns;
ctx->target_tick = tick_cur + odp_timer_ns_to_tick(tp, offset_ns);
start_param.tick = ctx->target_tick;
status = odp_timer_start(timer, &start_param);
if (status != ODP_TIMER_SUCCESS) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer set %i/%i (ret %i)\n", i, j, status);
return -1;
if (odp_timer_pool_info(tp, &timer_pool_info)) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer pool info failed\n");
return -1;
printf("Timer pool info [%i]:\n", i);
printf(" cur_timers %u\n", timer_pool_info.cur_timers);
printf(" hwm_timers %u\n", timer_pool_info.hwm_timers);
return 0;
static int destroy_timer_pool(test_global_t *global)
odp_pool_t pool;
odp_queue_t queue;
odp_timer_t timer;
uint32_t i, j;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_timer = test_options->num_timer;
uint32_t num_tp = test_options->num_tp;
for (i = 0; i < num_tp; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_timer; j++) {
timer = global->timer[i][j];
if (timer == ODP_TIMER_INVALID)
if (odp_timer_free(timer))
printf("Timer free failed: %i/%i\n", i, j);
queue = global->queue[i];
if (queue != ODP_QUEUE_INVALID)
pool = global->pool[i];
if (pool != ODP_POOL_INVALID)
tp = global->timer_pool[i].tp;
return 0;
static int sched_mode_worker(void *arg)
int thr;
uint32_t exit_test;
uint64_t c2, diff, nsec, time_ns, target_ns;
odp_time_t t1, t2, time;
time_stat_t before, after;
timer_ctx_t *ctx;
thread_arg_t *thread_arg = arg;
test_global_t *global = thread_arg->global;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_tp = test_options->num_tp;
uint64_t cycles = 0;
uint64_t events = 0;
uint64_t rounds = 0;
uint64_t c1 = 0;
int meas = 1;
int ret = 0;
memset(&before, 0, sizeof(time_stat_t));
memset(&after, 0, sizeof(time_stat_t));
thr = odp_thread_id();
/* Start all workers at the same time */
while (1) {
if (meas) {
meas = 0;
exit_test = odp_atomic_load_u32(&global->exit_test);
if (odp_likely(ev == ODP_EVENT_INVALID && exit_test < num_tp))
diff = odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c2, c1);
cycles += diff;
if (ev == ODP_EVENT_INVALID && exit_test >= num_tp)
time = odp_time_global();
time_ns = odp_time_to_ns(time);
meas = 1;
target_ns = ctx->target_ns;
if (time_ns < target_ns) {
diff = target_ns - time_ns;
before.sum_ns += diff;
if (diff > before.max_ns)
before.max_ns = diff;
ODPH_DBG("before %" PRIu64 "\n", diff);
} else {
diff = time_ns - target_ns;
after.sum_ns += diff;
if (diff > after.max_ns)
after.max_ns = diff;
ODPH_DBG("after %" PRIu64 "\n", time_ns - target_ns);
if (ctx->last)
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
/* Update stats*/
global->stat[thr].events = events;
global->stat[thr].cycles_0 = cycles;
global->stat[thr].rounds = rounds;
global->stat[thr].nsec = nsec;
global->stat[thr].before = before;
global->stat[thr].after = after;
return ret;
static int cancel_timers(test_global_t *global, uint32_t worker_idx)
uint32_t i, j;
int r;
odp_timer_t timer;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_tp = test_options->num_tp;
uint32_t num_timer = test_options->num_timer;
uint32_t num_worker = test_options->num_cpu;
int ret = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_tp; i++) {
for (j = worker_idx; j < num_timer; j += num_worker) {
timer = global->timer[i][j];
if (timer == ODP_TIMER_INVALID)
r = odp_timer_cancel(timer, &ev);
} else if (r == ODP_TIMER_TOO_NEAR) {
ret = 1;
} else {
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int set_cancel_mode_worker(void *arg)
uint64_t tick, start_tick, period_tick, nsec;
uint64_t c1, c2;
int thr, status;
uint32_t i, j, worker_idx;
odp_time_t t1, t2;
odp_timer_t timer;
odp_timer_start_t start_param;
thread_arg_t *thread_arg = arg;
test_global_t *global = thread_arg->global;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_tp = test_options->num_tp;
uint32_t num_timer = test_options->num_timer;
uint32_t num_worker = test_options->num_cpu;
int ret = 0;
int started = 0;
uint64_t test_rounds = test_options->test_rounds;
uint64_t num_tmo = 0;
uint64_t num_cancel = 0;
uint64_t num_set = 0;
uint64_t cancel_cycles = 0, start_cycles = 0;
odp_event_t ev_tbl[MAX_TIMERS];
thr = odp_thread_id();
worker_idx = thread_arg->worker_idx;
/* Start all workers at the same time */
while (1) {
/* Timeout, set timer again. When start_tick is large enough, this should
* not happen. */
timer_ctx_t *ctx;
i = ctx->tp_idx;
j = ctx->timer_idx;
timer = global->timer[i][j];
start_tick = global->timer_pool[i].start_tick;
period_tick = global->timer_pool[i].period_tick;
tick = start_tick + j * period_tick;
start_param.tick = tick;
start_param.tmo_ev = ev;
status = odp_timer_start(timer, &start_param);
if (status != ODP_TIMER_SUCCESS) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer set (tmo) failed (ret %i)\n", status);
ret = -1;
if (odp_unlikely(odp_atomic_load_u32(&global->exit_test)))
if (odp_unlikely(started == 0)) {
/* Run schedule loop while waiting for timers to be created */
if (odp_atomic_load_acq_u32(&global->timers_started) == 0)
/* Start measurements */
started = 1;
/* Cancel and set timers again */
for (i = 0; i < num_tp; i++) {
tp = global->timer_pool[i].tp;
start_tick = global->timer_pool[i].start_tick;
period_tick = global->timer_pool[i].period_tick;
tick = odp_timer_current_tick(tp) + start_tick;
for (j = worker_idx; j < num_timer; j += num_worker) {
ev_tbl[j] = ODP_EVENT_INVALID;
timer = global->timer[i][j];
if (timer == ODP_TIMER_INVALID)
status = odp_timer_cancel(timer, &ev_tbl[j]);
if (odp_unlikely(status == ODP_TIMER_TOO_NEAR)) {
} else if (odp_unlikely(status != ODP_TIMER_SUCCESS)) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer (%u/%u) cancel failed (ret %i)\n", i, j,
ret = -1;
cancel_cycles += odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c2, c1);
c1 = c2;
for (j = worker_idx; j < num_timer; j += num_worker) {
if (ev_tbl[j] == ODP_EVENT_INVALID)
timer = global->timer[i][j];
if (timer == ODP_TIMER_INVALID)
start_param.tick = tick + j * period_tick;
start_param.tmo_ev = ev_tbl[j];
status = odp_timer_start(timer, &start_param);
if (status != ODP_TIMER_SUCCESS) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer (%u/%u) set failed (ret %i)\n", i, j,
ret = -1;
start_cycles += odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c2, c1);
if (test_rounds) {
if (test_rounds == 0)
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
/* Cancel all timers that belong to this thread */
if (cancel_timers(global, worker_idx))
ODPH_ERR("Timer cancel failed\n");
/* Update stats */
global->stat[thr].events = num_tmo;
global->stat[thr].rounds = test_options->test_rounds - test_rounds;
global->stat[thr].nsec = nsec;
global->stat[thr].cycles_0 = cancel_cycles;
global->stat[thr].cycles_1 = start_cycles;
global->stat[thr].cancels = num_cancel;
global->stat[thr].sets = num_set;
return ret;
static int set_expire_mode_worker(void *arg)
int status, thr;
uint32_t i, j, exit_test;
uint64_t c2, c3, c4, diff, nsec, time_ns, target_ns, period_tick, wait;
odp_timer_t timer;
odp_timer_start_t start_param;
odp_time_t t1, t2;
time_stat_t before, after;
timer_ctx_t *ctx;
thread_arg_t *thread_arg = arg;
test_global_t *global = thread_arg->global;
test_options_t *opt = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_tp = opt->num_tp;
uint64_t sched_cycles = 0;
uint64_t start_cycles = 0;
uint64_t events = 0;
uint64_t rounds = 0;
uint64_t c1 = 0;
int meas = 1;
int ret = 0;
memset(&before, 0, sizeof(time_stat_t));
memset(&after, 0, sizeof(time_stat_t));
thr = odp_thread_id();
/* Start all workers at the same time */
while (events < opt->test_rounds * opt->num_timer / opt->num_cpu) {
if (meas) {
meas = 0;
exit_test = odp_atomic_load_u32(&global->exit_test);
if (odp_likely(ev == ODP_EVENT_INVALID && exit_test < num_tp))
diff = odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c2, c1);
sched_cycles += diff;
if (ev == ODP_EVENT_INVALID && exit_test >= num_tp)
meas = 1;
i = ctx->tp_idx;
j = ctx->timer_idx;
timer = global->timer[i][j];
period_tick = global->timer_pool[i].period_tick;
time_ns = odp_time_global_ns();
target_ns = ctx->target_ns;
if (time_ns < target_ns) {
diff = target_ns - time_ns;
before.sum_ns += diff;
if (diff > before.max_ns)
before.max_ns = diff;
ODPH_DBG("before %" PRIu64 "\n", diff);
} else {
diff = time_ns - target_ns;
after.sum_ns += diff;
if (diff > after.max_ns)
after.max_ns = diff;
ODPH_DBG("after %" PRIu64 "\n", diff);
/* Start the timer again */
ctx->target_ns += opt->period_ns;
ctx->target_tick += period_tick;
start_param.tick = ctx->target_tick;
start_param.tmo_ev = ev;
status = odp_timer_start(timer, &start_param);
diff = odp_cpu_cycles_diff(c4, c3);
start_cycles += diff;
if (status != ODP_TIMER_SUCCESS) {
ODPH_ERR("Timer set (tmo) failed (ret %i)\n", status);
ret = -1;
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
/* Cancel all timers that belong to this thread */
status = cancel_timers(global, thread_arg->worker_idx);
if (status > 0)
wait = odp_schedule_wait_time(opt->period_ns);
/* Wait and free remaining events */
while (1) {
ev = odp_schedule(NULL, wait);
/* Update stats*/
global->stat[thr].events = events;
global->stat[thr].cycles_0 = sched_cycles;
global->stat[thr].cycles_1 = start_cycles;
global->stat[thr].rounds = rounds;
global->stat[thr].nsec = nsec;
global->stat[thr].before = before;
global->stat[thr].after = after;
return ret;
static int start_workers(test_global_t *global, odp_instance_t instance)
odph_thread_common_param_t thr_common;
int i, ret;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
odph_thread_param_t thr_param[num_cpu];
memset(global->thread_tbl, 0, sizeof(global->thread_tbl));
thr_common.instance = instance;
thr_common.cpumask = &global->cpumask;
for (i = 0; i < num_cpu; i++) {
if (test_options->mode == MODE_SCHED_OVERH)
thr_param[i].start = sched_mode_worker;
else if (test_options->mode == MODE_START_CANCEL)
thr_param[i].start = set_cancel_mode_worker;
thr_param[i].start = set_expire_mode_worker;
thr_param[i].arg = &global->thread_arg[i];
thr_param[i].thr_type = ODP_THREAD_WORKER;
ret = odph_thread_create(global->thread_tbl, &thr_common, thr_param,
if (ret != num_cpu) {
ODPH_ERR("Thread create failed %i\n", ret);
return -1;
return 0;
static void sum_stat(test_global_t *global)
int i;
test_stat_sum_t *sum = &global->stat_sum;
memset(sum, 0, sizeof(test_stat_sum_t));
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].rounds == 0)
sum->events += global->stat[i].events;
sum->rounds += global->stat[i].rounds;
sum->cycles_0 += global->stat[i].cycles_0;
sum->cycles_1 += global->stat[i].cycles_1;
sum->nsec += global->stat[i].nsec;
sum->cancels += global->stat[i].cancels;
sum->sets += global->stat[i].sets;
sum->before.num += global->stat[i].before.num;
sum->before.sum_ns += global->stat[i].before.sum_ns;
sum->after.num += global->stat[i].after.num;
sum->after.sum_ns += global->stat[i].after.sum_ns;
if (global->stat[i].before.max_ns > sum->before.max_ns)
sum->before.max_ns = global->stat[i].before.max_ns;
if (global->stat[i].after.max_ns > sum->after.max_ns)
sum->after.max_ns = global->stat[i].after.max_ns;
if (sum->num)
sum->time_ave = ((double)sum->nsec / sum->num) / ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS;
static void print_stat_sched_mode(test_global_t *global)
int i;
test_stat_sum_t *sum = &global->stat_sum;
double round_ave = 0.0;
double before_ave = 0.0;
double after_ave = 0.0;
int num = 0;
printf("RESULTS - schedule() cycles per thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].rounds) {
if ((num % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%6.1f ", (double)global->stat[i].cycles_0 / global->stat[i].rounds);
if (sum->num)
round_ave = (double)sum->rounds / sum->num;
if (sum->before.num)
before_ave = (double)sum->before.sum_ns / sum->before.num;
if (sum->after.num)
after_ave = (double)sum->after.sum_ns / sum->after.num;
printf("TOTAL (%i workers)\n", sum->num);
printf(" events: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->events);
printf(" ave time: %.2f sec\n", sum->time_ave);
printf(" ave rounds per sec: %.2fM\n", (round_ave / sum->time_ave) / 1000000.0);
printf(" num before: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->before.num);
printf(" ave before: %.1f nsec\n", before_ave);
printf(" max before: %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", sum->before.max_ns);
printf(" num after: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->after.num);
printf(" ave after: %.1f nsec\n", after_ave);
printf(" max after: %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", sum->after.max_ns);
static void print_stat_set_cancel_mode(test_global_t *global)
int i;
test_stat_sum_t *sum = &global->stat_sum;
double set_ave = 0.0;
int num = 0;
printf("odp_timer_cancel() cycles per thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
const test_stat_t *si = &global->stat[i];
if (si->cancels) {
if ((num % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%6.1f ", (double)si->cycles_0 / si->cancels);
num = 0;
printf("odp_timer_start() cycles per thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
const test_stat_t *si = &global->stat[i];
if (si->sets) {
if ((num % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%6.1f ", (double)si->cycles_1 / si->sets);
if (sum->num)
set_ave = (double)sum->sets / sum->num;
printf("TOTAL (%i workers)\n", sum->num);
printf(" rounds: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->rounds);
printf(" timeouts: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->events);
printf(" timer cancels: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->cancels);
printf(" cancels failed: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->cancels - sum->sets);
printf(" timer sets: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->sets);
printf(" ave time: %.2f sec\n", sum->time_ave);
printf(" cancel+set per cpu: %.2fM per sec\n", (set_ave / sum->time_ave) / 1000000.0);
static void print_stat_expire_mode(test_global_t *global)
int i;
test_stat_sum_t *sum = &global->stat_sum;
double round_ave = 0.0;
double before_ave = 0.0;
double after_ave = 0.0;
int num = 0;
printf("odp_schedule() cycles per thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].rounds) {
if ((num % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%6.1f ", (double)global->stat[i].cycles_0 / global->stat[i].rounds);
num = 0;
printf("odp_timer_start() cycles per thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].events) {
if ((num % 10) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%6.1f ", (double)global->stat[i].cycles_1 / global->stat[i].events);
if (sum->num)
round_ave = (double)sum->rounds / sum->num;
if (sum->before.num)
before_ave = (double)sum->before.sum_ns / sum->before.num;
if (sum->after.num)
after_ave = (double)sum->after.sum_ns / sum->after.num;
printf("TOTAL (%i workers)\n", sum->num);
printf(" events: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->events);
printf(" ave time: %.2f sec\n", sum->time_ave);
printf(" ave rounds per sec: %.2fM\n", (round_ave / sum->time_ave) / 1000000.0);
printf(" num before: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->before.num);
printf(" ave before: %.1f nsec\n", before_ave);
printf(" max before: %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", sum->before.max_ns);
printf(" num after: %" PRIu64 "\n", sum->after.num);
printf(" ave after: %.1f nsec\n", after_ave);
printf(" max after: %" PRIu64 " nsec\n", sum->after.max_ns);
static void sig_handler(int signo)
if (test_global == NULL)
odp_atomic_add_u32(&test_global->exit_test, MAX_TIMER_POOLS);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
odph_helper_options_t helper_options;
odp_instance_t instance;
odp_init_t init;
odp_shm_t shm;
test_global_t *global;
test_options_t *test_options;
int i, shared, mode;
signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
/* Let helper collect its own arguments (e.g. --odph_proc) */
argc = odph_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (odph_options(&helper_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Reading ODP helper options failed.\n");
/* List features not to be used */
init.not_used.feat.cls = 1;
init.not_used.feat.crypto = 1;
init.not_used.feat.ipsec = 1;
init.not_used.feat.tm = 1;
init.mem_model = helper_options.mem_model;
/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
if (odp_init_global(&instance, &init, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("Global init failed.\n");
return -1;
/* Init this thread */
ODPH_ERR("Local init failed.\n");
return -1;
shm = odp_shm_reserve("timer_perf_global", sizeof(test_global_t), ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0);
if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared mem reserve failed.\n");
global = odp_shm_addr(shm);
if (global == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared mem alloc failed\n");
test_global = global;
memset(global, 0, sizeof(test_global_t));
odp_atomic_init_u32(&global->exit_test, 0);
odp_atomic_init_u32(&global->timers_started, 0);
for (i = 0; i < ODP_THREAD_COUNT_MAX; i++) {
global->thread_arg[i].global = global;
global->thread_arg[i].worker_idx = i;
if (parse_options(argc, argv, &global->test_options))
return -1;
test_options = &global->test_options;
shared = test_options->shared;
mode = test_options->mode;
if (set_num_cpu(global))
return -1;
if (create_timer_pools(global))
return -1;
if (shared) {
/* Start worker threads */
start_workers(global, instance);
/* Wait until workers have started.
* Scheduler calls from workers may be needed to run timer
* pools in a software implementation. Wait 1 msec to ensure
* that timer pools are running before setting timers. */
/* Set timers. Force workers to exit on failure. */
if (set_timers(global))
odp_atomic_add_u32(&global->exit_test, MAX_TIMER_POOLS);
odp_atomic_store_rel_u32(&global->timers_started, 1);
if (!shared) {
/* Test private pools on the master thread */
if (mode == MODE_SCHED_OVERH) {
if (sched_mode_worker(&global->thread_arg[0])) {
ODPH_ERR("Sched_mode_worker failed\n");
return -1;
} else if (mode == MODE_START_CANCEL) {
if (set_cancel_mode_worker(&global->thread_arg[0])) {
ODPH_ERR("Set_cancel_mode_worker failed\n");
return -1;
} else {
if (set_expire_mode_worker(&global->thread_arg[0])) {
ODPH_ERR("Set_expire_mode_worker failed\n");
return -1;
} else {
/* Wait workers to exit */
if (mode == MODE_SCHED_OVERH)
else if (mode == MODE_START_CANCEL)
if (odp_shm_free(shm)) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared mem free failed.\n");
if (odp_term_local()) {
ODPH_ERR("Term local failed.\n");
return -1;
if (odp_term_global(instance)) {
ODPH_ERR("Term global failed.\n");
return -1;
return 0;
void odp_atomic_init_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Initialize atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_add_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Add to atomic uint32 variable.
uint32_t odp_atomic_load_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Load value of atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_inc_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Increment atomic uint32 variable.
uint32_t odp_atomic_load_acq_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Load value of atomic uint32 variable using ACQUIRE memory ordering.
void odp_atomic_store_rel_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Store value to atomic uint32 variable using RELEASE memory ordering.
void odp_barrier_init(odp_barrier_t *barr, int count)
Initialize barrier with thread count.
void odp_barrier_wait(odp_barrier_t *barr)
Synchronize thread execution on barrier.
#define odp_unlikely(x)
Branch unlikely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:64
#define odp_likely(x)
Branch likely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:59
uint64_t odp_cpu_cycles_diff(uint64_t c2, uint64_t c1)
CPU cycle count difference.
uint64_t odp_cpu_cycles(void)
Current CPU cycle count.
int odp_cpumask_default_worker(odp_cpumask_t *mask, int num)
Default CPU mask for worker threads.
void odp_event_free(odp_event_t event)
Free event.
Invalid event.
void odp_init_param_init(odp_init_t *param)
Initialize the odp_init_t to default values for all fields.
int odp_init_local(odp_instance_t instance, odp_thread_type_t thr_type)
Thread local ODP initialization.
int odp_init_global(odp_instance_t *instance, const odp_init_t *params, const odp_platform_init_t *platform_params)
Global ODP initialization.
int odp_term_local(void)
Thread local ODP termination.
int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance)
Global ODP termination.
uint64_t odp_instance_t
ODP instance ID.
odp_pool_t odp_pool_create(const char *name, const odp_pool_param_t *param)
Create a pool.
void odp_pool_param_init(odp_pool_param_t *param)
Initialize pool params.
int odp_pool_destroy(odp_pool_t pool)
Destroy a pool previously created by odp_pool_create()
Invalid pool.
Timeout pool.
void odp_queue_param_init(odp_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize queue params.
Invalid queue.
odp_queue_t odp_queue_create(const char *name, const odp_queue_param_t *param)
Queue create.
int odp_queue_destroy(odp_queue_t queue)
Destroy ODP queue.
Scheduled queue.
Atomic queue synchronization.
Do not wait.
int odp_schedule_default_prio(void)
Default scheduling priority level.
int odp_schedule_config(const odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Global schedule configuration.
uint64_t odp_schedule_wait_time(uint64_t ns)
Schedule wait time.
odp_event_t odp_schedule(odp_queue_t *from, uint64_t wait)
Schedule an event.
Group of all threads.
int odp_shm_free(odp_shm_t shm)
Free a contiguous block of shared memory.
Invalid shared memory block.
void * odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_t shm)
Shared memory block address.
odp_shm_t odp_shm_reserve(const char *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t align, uint32_t flags)
Reserve a contiguous block of shared memory.
void odp_sys_info_print(void)
Print system info.
Maximum number of threads supported in build time.
int odp_thread_id(void)
Get thread identifier.
Worker thread.
Control thread.
uint64_t odp_time_to_ns(odp_time_t time)
Convert time to nanoseconds.
A second in nanoseconds.
void odp_time_wait_ns(uint64_t ns)
Wait the specified number of nanoseconds.
odp_time_t odp_time_global(void)
Current global time.
odp_time_t odp_time_local(void)
Current local time.
Zero time stamp.
A millisecond in nanoseconds.
uint64_t odp_time_global_ns(void)
Current global time in nanoseconds.
uint64_t odp_time_diff_ns(odp_time_t t2, odp_time_t t1)
Time difference in nanoseconds.
void odp_timeout_free(odp_timeout_t tmo)
Timeout free.
int odp_timer_pool_start_multi(odp_timer_pool_t timer_pool[], int num)
Start timer pools.
odp_timeout_t odp_timeout_alloc(odp_pool_t pool)
Timeout alloc.
int odp_timer_free(odp_timer_t timer)
Free a timer.
odp_timeout_t odp_timeout_from_event(odp_event_t ev)
Get timeout handle from a ODP_EVENT_TIMEOUT type event.
Invalid timer pool handle.
odp_timer_pool_t odp_timer_pool_create(const char *name, const odp_timer_pool_param_t *params)
Create a timer pool.
int odp_timer_cancel(odp_timer_t timer, odp_event_t *tmo_ev)
Cancel a timer.
uint64_t odp_timer_current_tick(odp_timer_pool_t timer_pool)
Current tick value.
int odp_timer_capability(odp_timer_clk_src_t clk_src, odp_timer_capability_t *capa)
Query timer capabilities per clock source.
uint64_t odp_timer_ns_to_tick(odp_timer_pool_t timer_pool, uint64_t ns)
Convert nanoseconds to timer ticks.
int odp_timer_start(odp_timer_t timer, const odp_timer_start_t *start_param)
Start a timer.
int odp_timer_res_capability(odp_timer_clk_src_t clk_src, odp_timer_res_capability_t *res_capa)
Timer resolution capability.
odp_event_t odp_timeout_to_event(odp_timeout_t tmo)
Convert timeout handle to event handle.
int odp_timer_pool_info(odp_timer_pool_t timer_pool, odp_timer_pool_info_t *info)
Query timer pool configuration and current state.
odp_timer_t odp_timer_alloc(odp_timer_pool_t timer_pool, odp_queue_t queue, const void *user_ptr)
Allocate a timer.
The default clock source.
Invalid timer handle.
void odp_timer_pool_param_init(odp_timer_pool_param_t *param)
Initialize timer pool parameters.
void odp_timer_pool_destroy(odp_timer_pool_t timer_pool)
Destroy a timer pool.
void * odp_timeout_user_ptr(odp_timeout_t tmo)
Return user pointer for the timeout.
Timer operation succeeded.
Timer operation failed, too near to the current time.
Relative ticks.
Absolute ticks.
The OpenDataPlane API.
Global initialization parameters.
odp_mem_model_t mem_model
Application memory model.
odp_feature_t not_used
Unused features.
Pool parameters.
uint32_t num
Number of buffers in the pool.
struct odp_pool_param_t::@127 tmo
Parameters for timeout pools.
odp_pool_type_t type
Pool type.
ODP Queue parameters.
odp_schedule_param_t sched
Scheduler parameters.
odp_queue_type_t type
Queue type.
odp_schedule_group_t group
Thread group.
odp_schedule_prio_t prio
Priority level.
odp_schedule_sync_t sync
Synchronization method.
uint32_t max_timers
Maximum number of single shot timers in a pool.
uint32_t max_pools
Maximum number of timer pools for single shot timers (per clock source)
odp_timer_res_capability_t max_res
Maximum resolution.
ODP timer pool information and configuration.
uint32_t hwm_timers
High watermark of allocated timers.
uint32_t cur_timers
Number of currently allocated timers.
Timer pool parameters.
uint64_t res_ns
Timeout resolution in nanoseconds.
int priv
Thread private timer pool.
uint64_t min_tmo
Minimum relative timeout in nanoseconds.
uint32_t num_timers
Number of timers in the pool.
odp_timer_clk_src_t clk_src
Clock source for timers.
uint64_t max_tmo
Maximum relative timeout in nanoseconds.
Timer resolution capability.
uint64_t max_tmo
Maximum relative timeout in nanoseconds.
uint64_t min_tmo
Minimum relative timeout in nanoseconds.
uint64_t res_ns
Timeout resolution in nanoseconds.
Timer start parameters.
uint64_t tick
Expiration time in ticks.
odp_event_t tmo_ev
Timeout event.
odp_timer_tick_type_t tick_type
Tick type.
uint32_t tm
Traffic Manager APIs, e.g., odp_tm_xxx()
uint32_t crypto
Crypto APIs, e.g., odp_crypto_xxx()
uint32_t ipsec
IPsec APIs, e.g., odp_ipsec_xxx()
uint32_t cls
Classifier APIs, e.g., odp_cls_xxx(), odp_cos_xxx()
struct odp_feature_t::@148 feat
Individual feature bits.
uint32_t compress
Compression APIs, e.g., odp_comp_xxx()