API Reference Manual  1.46.0

This L2 forwarding application can be used as example as well as performance test for different ODP packet I/O modes (direct, queue or scheduled).Note that this example is tuned for performance. As a result, when using scheduled packet input mode with direct or queued output mode and multiple output queues, packet order is not guaranteed. To maintain packet order, use a single worker thread or output interfaces with one output queue.

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Linaro Limited
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Nokia
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Marvell
/* enable strtok */
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <odp_api.h>
#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
/* Maximum number of worker threads */
/* Default number of packets per pool */
#define DEFAULT_NUM_PKT (16 * 1024)
/* Packet length to pool create */
#define POOL_PKT_LEN 1536
/* Maximum number of packet in a burst */
#define MAX_PKT_BURST 32
/* Maximum number of pktio queues per interface */
#define MAX_QUEUES 32
/* Maximum number of schedule groups */
#define MAX_GROUPS 32
/* Maximum number of pktio interfaces */
#define MAX_PKTIOS 8
/* Default vector size */
/* Default vector timeout */
/* Maximum thread info string length */
#define EXTRA_STR_LEN 32
/* Packet input mode */
typedef enum pktin_mode_t {
} pktin_mode_t;
/* Packet output modes */
typedef enum pktout_mode_t {
} pktout_mode_t;
static inline int sched_mode(pktin_mode_t in_mode)
return (in_mode == SCHED_PARALLEL) ||
(in_mode == SCHED_ATOMIC) ||
(in_mode == SCHED_ORDERED);
/* Get rid of path in filename - only for unix-type paths using '/' */
#define NO_PATH(file_name) (strrchr((file_name), '/') ? \
strrchr((file_name), '/') + 1 : (file_name))
* Parsed command line application arguments
typedef struct {
/* Some extra features (e.g. error checks) have been enabled */
uint8_t extra_feat;
/* Has some state that needs to be maintained across tx and/or rx */
uint8_t has_state;
/* Prefetch packet data */
uint8_t prefetch;
/* Change destination eth addresses */
uint8_t dst_change;
/* Change source eth addresses */
uint8_t src_change;
/* Read packet data in uint64_t words */
uint16_t data_rd;
/* Check packet errors */
uint8_t error_check;
/* Packet copy */
uint8_t packet_copy;
/* Checksum offload */
uint8_t chksum;
/* Print debug info on every packet */
uint8_t verbose_pkt;
unsigned int cpu_count;
int if_count; /* Number of interfaces to be used */
int addr_count; /* Number of dst addresses to be used */
int num_workers; /* Number of worker threads */
char **if_names; /* Array of pointers to interface names */
odph_ethaddr_t addrs[MAX_PKTIOS]; /* Array of dst addresses */
pktin_mode_t in_mode; /* Packet input mode */
pktout_mode_t out_mode; /* Packet output mode */
int time; /* Time in seconds to run. */
int accuracy; /* Number of seconds to get and print stats */
char *if_str; /* Storage for interface names */
int sched_mode; /* Scheduler mode */
int num_groups; /* Number of scheduling groups */
int group_mode; /* How threads join groups */
int burst_rx; /* Receive burst size */
int rx_queues; /* RX queues per interface */
int pool_per_if; /* Create pool per interface */
uint32_t num_pkt; /* Number of packets per pool */
int flow_control; /* Flow control mode */
bool pause_rx; /* Reception of pause frames enabled */
bool pause_tx; /* Transmission of pause frames enabled */
bool vector_mode; /* Vector mode enabled */
uint32_t num_vec; /* Number of vectors per pool */
uint64_t vec_tmo_ns; /* Vector formation timeout in ns */
uint32_t vec_size; /* Vector size */
int verbose; /* Verbose output */
uint32_t packet_len; /* Maximum packet length supported */
uint32_t seg_len; /* Pool segment length */
int promisc_mode; /* Promiscuous mode enabled */
int flow_aware; /* Flow aware scheduling enabled */
uint8_t input_ts; /* Packet input timestamping enabled */
int mtu; /* Interface MTU */
int num_om;
int num_prio;
struct {
uint32_t nth;
uint32_t thr_compl_id;
uint32_t tot_compl_id;
} tx_compl;
char *output_map[MAX_PKTIOS]; /* Destination port mappings for interfaces */
odp_schedule_prio_t prio[MAX_PKTIOS]; /* Priority of input queues of an interface */
} appl_args_t;
/* Statistics */
typedef union ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE {
struct {
/* Number of forwarded packets */
uint64_t packets;
/* Packets dropped due to receive error */
uint64_t rx_drops;
/* Packets dropped due to transmit error */
uint64_t tx_drops;
/* Number of transmit completion start misses (previous incomplete) */
uint64_t tx_c_misses;
/* Number of transmit completion start failures */
uint64_t tx_c_fails;
/* Number of failed packet copies */
uint64_t copy_fails;
/* Dummy sum of packet data */
uint64_t dummy_sum;
} s;
uint8_t padding[ODP_CACHE_LINE_SIZE];
} stats_t;
/* Transmit completion specific state data */
typedef struct {
/* Options that are passed to transmit completion requests */
/* Thread specific initial value for transmit completion IDs */
uint32_t init;
/* Thread specific maximum value for transmit completion IDs */
uint32_t max;
/* Next free completion ID to be used for a transmit completion request */
uint32_t free_head;
/* Next completion ID to be polled for transmit completion readiness */
uint32_t poll_head;
/* Number of active requests */
uint32_t num_act;
/* Maximum number of active requests */
uint32_t max_act;
/* Transmit completion request interval for packets */
int interval;
/* Next packet in a send burst for which to request transmit completion */
int next_req;
} tx_compl_t;
/* Thread specific state data */
typedef struct {
tx_compl_t tx_compl;
} state_t;
/* Thread specific data */
typedef struct thread_args_t {
stats_t stats;
state_t state;
struct {
odp_queue_t rx_queue;
odp_queue_t tx_queue;
int rx_idx;
int tx_idx;
int rx_queue_idx;
int tx_queue_idx;
} pktio[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Groups to join */
odp_schedule_group_t group[MAX_GROUPS];
int thr_idx;
int num_pktio;
int num_grp_join;
} thread_args_t;
* Grouping of all global data
typedef struct {
/* Thread table */
odph_thread_t thread_tbl[MAX_WORKERS];
/* Thread specific arguments */
thread_args_t thread_args[MAX_WORKERS];
/* Barriers to synchronize main and workers */
odp_barrier_t init_barrier;
odp_barrier_t term_barrier;
/* Application (parsed) arguments */
appl_args_t appl;
/* Table of port ethernet addresses */
odph_ethaddr_t port_eth_addr[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Table of dst ethernet addresses */
odph_ethaddr_t dst_eth_addr[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Table of dst ports. This is used by non-sched modes. */
int dst_port[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Table of pktio handles */
struct {
odp_pktio_t pktio;
odp_pktin_queue_t pktin[MAX_QUEUES];
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[MAX_QUEUES];
odp_queue_t rx_q[MAX_QUEUES];
odp_queue_t tx_q[MAX_QUEUES];
odp_queue_t compl_q;
int num_rx_thr;
int num_tx_thr;
int num_rx_queue;
int num_tx_queue;
int next_rx_queue;
int next_tx_queue;
} pktios[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Destination port lookup table.
* Table index is pktio_index of the API. This is used by the sched
* mode. */
uint8_t dst_port_from_idx[ODP_PKTIO_MAX_INDEX + 1];
/* Break workers loop if set to 1 */
odp_atomic_u32_t exit_threads;
uint32_t pkt_len;
uint32_t num_pkt;
uint32_t seg_len;
uint32_t vector_num;
uint32_t vector_max_size;
char cpumaskstr[ODP_CPUMASK_STR_SIZE];
} args_t;
/* Global pointer to args */
static args_t *gbl_args;
static void sig_handler(int signo ODP_UNUSED)
if (gbl_args == NULL)
odp_atomic_store_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads, 1);
static int setup_sig_handler(void)
struct sigaction action = { .sa_handler = sig_handler };
if (sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask) || sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL))
return -1;
return 0;
* Drop packets which input parsing marked as containing errors.
* Frees packets with error and modifies pkt_tbl[] to only contain packets with
* no detected errors.
* pkt_tbl Array of packets
* num Number of packets in pkt_tbl[]
* Returns number of packets dropped
static inline int drop_err_pkts(odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[], unsigned num)
unsigned dropped = 0;
unsigned i, j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < num; ++i) {
pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
odp_packet_free(pkt); /* Drop */
} else if (odp_unlikely(i != j++)) {
pkt_tbl[j - 1] = pkt;
return dropped;
static inline void prefetch_data(uint8_t prefetch, odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[], uint32_t num)
if (prefetch == 0)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; i++)
odp_packet_prefetch(pkt_tbl[i], 0, prefetch * 64);
* Fill packets' eth addresses according to the destination port
* pkt_tbl Array of packets
* num Number of packets in the array
* dst_port Destination port
static inline void fill_eth_addrs(odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[],
unsigned num, int dst_port)
odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
unsigned i;
if (!gbl_args->appl.dst_change && !gbl_args->appl.src_change)
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
eth = odp_packet_data(pkt);
if (gbl_args->appl.src_change)
eth->src = gbl_args->port_eth_addr[dst_port];
if (gbl_args->appl.dst_change)
eth->dst = gbl_args->dst_eth_addr[dst_port];
static inline int event_queue_send(odp_queue_t queue, odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl,
unsigned pkts)
int ret;
unsigned sent = 0;
odp_event_t ev_tbl[pkts];
odp_packet_to_event_multi(pkt_tbl, ev_tbl, pkts);
while (sent < pkts) {
ret = odp_queue_enq_multi(queue, &ev_tbl[sent], pkts - sent);
if (odp_unlikely(ret <= 0)) {
if (ret < 0 || odp_atomic_load_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads))
sent += ret;
return sent;
static inline void chksum_insert(odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl, int pkts)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < pkts; i++) {
pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
static void print_packets(odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl, int num)
uintptr_t data_ptr;
uint32_t bit, align;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
data_ptr = (uintptr_t)odp_packet_data(pkt);
for (bit = 0, align = 1; bit < 32; bit++, align *= 2)
if (data_ptr & (0x1 << bit))
printf(" Packet data: 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n"
" Packet len: %u\n"
" Packet seg len: %u\n"
" Data align: %u\n"
" Num segments: %i\n"
" Headroom size: %u\n"
" User area size: %u\n\n",
data_ptr, odp_packet_len(pkt), odp_packet_seg_len(pkt), align,
static inline void data_rd(odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl, int num, uint16_t rd_words, stats_t *stats)
uint64_t *data;
int i;
uint32_t len, words, j;
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
data = odp_packet_data(pkt);
len = odp_packet_seg_len(pkt);
words = rd_words;
if (rd_words * 8 > len)
words = len / 8;
for (j = 0; j < words; j++)
sum += data[j];
stats->s.dummy_sum += sum;
static inline int copy_packets(odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl, int pkts)
odp_packet_t old_pkt, new_pkt;
odp_pool_t pool;
int i;
int copy_fails = 0;
for (i = 0; i < pkts; i++) {
old_pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
pool = odp_packet_pool(old_pkt);
new_pkt = odp_packet_copy(old_pkt, pool);
if (odp_likely(new_pkt != ODP_PACKET_INVALID)) {
pkt_tbl[i] = new_pkt;
} else {
return copy_fails;
* Return number of packets remaining in the pkt_tbl
static inline int process_extra_features(const appl_args_t *appl_args, odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl,
int pkts, stats_t *stats)
if (odp_unlikely(appl_args->extra_feat)) {
uint16_t rd_words = appl_args->data_rd;
if (appl_args->verbose_pkt)
print_packets(pkt_tbl, pkts);
if (rd_words)
data_rd(pkt_tbl, pkts, rd_words, stats);
if (appl_args->packet_copy) {
int fails;
fails = copy_packets(pkt_tbl, pkts);
stats->s.copy_fails += fails;
if (appl_args->chksum)
chksum_insert(pkt_tbl, pkts);
if (appl_args->error_check) {
int rx_drops;
/* Drop packets with errors */
rx_drops = drop_err_pkts(pkt_tbl, pkts);
if (odp_unlikely(rx_drops)) {
stats->s.rx_drops += rx_drops;
if (pkts == rx_drops)
return 0;
pkts -= rx_drops;
return pkts;
static inline void handle_tx_event_compl(tx_compl_t *tx_c, odp_packet_t pkts[], int num,
int tx_idx, stats_t *stats)
int next_req = tx_c->next_req;
const int interval = tx_c->interval;
tx_c->opt.queue = gbl_args->pktios[tx_idx].compl_q;
while (next_req <= num) {
pkt = pkts[next_req - 1];
if (odp_packet_tx_compl_request(pkt, &tx_c->opt) < 0) {
/* Missed one, try requesting for the first packet of next burst. */
next_req = num + 1;
next_req += interval;
tx_c->next_req = next_req - num;
static inline void handle_tx_poll_compl(tx_compl_t *tx_c, odp_packet_t pkts[], int num, int tx_idx,
stats_t *stats)
uint32_t num_act = tx_c->num_act, poll_head = tx_c->poll_head, free_head = tx_c->free_head;
const uint32_t max = tx_c->max, init = tx_c->init, max_act = tx_c->max_act;
odp_pktio_t pktio = gbl_args->pktios[tx_idx].pktio;
int next_req = tx_c->next_req;
const int interval = tx_c->interval;
while (num_act > 0) {
if (odp_packet_tx_compl_done(pktio, poll_head) < 1)
if (++poll_head > max)
poll_head = init;
while (next_req <= num) {
pkt = pkts[next_req - 1];
if (num_act == max_act) {
/* Missed one, try requesting for the first packet of next burst. */
next_req = num + 1;
tx_c->opt.compl_id = free_head;
if (odp_packet_tx_compl_request(pkt, &tx_c->opt) < 0) {
/* Missed one, try requesting for the first packet of next burst. */
next_req = num + 1;
if (++free_head > max)
free_head = init;
next_req += interval;
tx_c->free_head = free_head;
tx_c->poll_head = poll_head;
tx_c->num_act = num_act;
tx_c->next_req = next_req - num;
static inline void handle_tx_state(state_t *state, odp_packet_t pkts[], int num, int tx_idx,
stats_t *stats)
tx_compl_t *tx_c = &state->tx_compl;
if (tx_c->opt.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT)
handle_tx_event_compl(tx_c, pkts, num, tx_idx, stats);
else if (tx_c->opt.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL)
handle_tx_poll_compl(tx_c, pkts, num, tx_idx, stats);
static inline void handle_state_failure(state_t *state, odp_packet_t packet)
if (odp_packet_has_tx_compl_request(packet) != 0) {
if (state->tx_compl.free_head == UINT32_MAX ||
state->tx_compl.free_head < state->tx_compl.init)
state->tx_compl.free_head = state->tx_compl.max;
static inline void send_packets(odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl,
int pkts,
int use_event_queue,
int tx_idx,
odp_queue_t tx_queue,
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout_queue,
state_t *state,
stats_t *stats)
int sent;
unsigned int tx_drops;
int i;
if (odp_unlikely(state != NULL))
handle_tx_state(state, pkt_tbl, pkts, tx_idx, stats);
if (odp_unlikely(use_event_queue))
sent = event_queue_send(tx_queue, pkt_tbl, pkts);
sent = odp_pktout_send(pktout_queue, pkt_tbl, pkts);
sent = odp_unlikely(sent < 0) ? 0 : sent;
tx_drops = pkts - sent;
if (odp_unlikely(tx_drops)) {
stats->s.tx_drops += tx_drops;
/* Drop rejected packets */
for (i = sent; i < pkts; i++) {
pkt = pkt_tbl[i];
handle_state_failure(state, pkt);
stats->s.packets += pkts;
static int handle_rx_state(state_t *state, odp_event_t evs[], int num)
if (state->tx_compl.opt.mode != ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT ||
odp_event_type(evs[0]) != ODP_EVENT_PACKET_TX_COMPL)
return num;
return 0;
* Packet IO worker thread using scheduled queues and vector mode.
* arg thread arguments of type 'thread_args_t *'
static int run_worker_sched_mode_vector(void *arg)
int thr;
int i;
int pktio, num_pktio;
uint16_t max_burst;
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[MAX_PKTIOS];
odp_queue_t tx_queue[MAX_PKTIOS];
thread_args_t *thr_args = arg;
stats_t *stats = &thr_args->stats;
const appl_args_t *appl_args = &gbl_args->appl;
state_t *state = appl_args->has_state ? &thr_args->state : NULL;
int use_event_queue = gbl_args->appl.out_mode;
pktin_mode_t in_mode = gbl_args->appl.in_mode;
thr = odp_thread_id();
max_burst = gbl_args->appl.burst_rx;
odp_thrmask_set(&mask, thr);
/* Join non-default groups */
for (i = 0; i < thr_args->num_grp_join; i++) {
if (odp_schedule_group_join(thr_args->group[i], &mask)) {
ODPH_ERR("Join failed: %i\n", i);
return -1;
num_pktio = thr_args->num_pktio;
if (num_pktio > MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many pktios %i\n", num_pktio);
return -1;
for (pktio = 0; pktio < num_pktio; pktio++) {
tx_queue[pktio] = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_queue;
pktout[pktio] = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktout;
printf("[%02i] PKTIN_SCHED_%s_VECTOR, %s\n", thr,
(in_mode == SCHED_PARALLEL) ? "PARALLEL" :
((in_mode == SCHED_ATOMIC) ? "ATOMIC" : "ORDERED"),
(use_event_queue) ? "PKTOUT_QUEUE" : "PKTOUT_DIRECT");
/* Loop packets */
while (!odp_atomic_load_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads)) {
odp_event_t ev_tbl[MAX_PKT_BURST];
int events;
events = odp_schedule_multi_no_wait(NULL, ev_tbl, max_burst);
if (events <= 0)
for (i = 0; i < events; i++) {
odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl = NULL;
int src_idx, dst_idx;
int pkts = 0;
if (odp_event_type(ev_tbl[i]) == ODP_EVENT_PACKET) {
pkt = odp_packet_from_event(ev_tbl[i]);
pkt_tbl = &pkt;
pkts = 1;
} else if (odp_event_type(ev_tbl[i]) == ODP_EVENT_PACKET_VECTOR) {
pkt_vec = odp_packet_vector_from_event(ev_tbl[i]);
pkts = odp_packet_vector_tbl(pkt_vec, &pkt_tbl);
} else if (state != NULL) {
pkts = handle_rx_state(state, ev_tbl, events);
if (pkts <= 0)
prefetch_data(appl_args->prefetch, pkt_tbl, pkts);
pkts = process_extra_features(appl_args, pkt_tbl, pkts, stats);
if (odp_unlikely(pkts == 0)) {
/* packets from the same queue are from the same interface */
src_idx = odp_packet_input_index(pkt_tbl[0]);
ODPH_ASSERT(src_idx >= 0);
dst_idx = gbl_args->dst_port_from_idx[src_idx];
fill_eth_addrs(pkt_tbl, pkts, dst_idx);
send_packets(pkt_tbl, pkts, use_event_queue, dst_idx, tx_queue[dst_idx],
pktout[dst_idx], state, stats);
* Free prefetched packets before entering the thread barrier.
* Such packets can block sending of later packets in other threads
* that then would never enter the thread barrier and we would
* end up in a dead-lock.
while (1) {
/* Make sure that latest stat writes are visible to other threads */
/* Wait until pktio devices are stopped */
/* Free remaining events in queues */
while (1) {
ev = odp_schedule(NULL,
return 0;
* Packet IO worker thread using scheduled queues
* arg thread arguments of type 'thread_args_t *'
static int run_worker_sched_mode(void *arg)
int pkts;
int thr;
int dst_idx;
int i;
int pktio, num_pktio;
uint16_t max_burst;
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[MAX_PKTIOS];
odp_queue_t tx_queue[MAX_PKTIOS];
char extra_str[EXTRA_STR_LEN];
thread_args_t *thr_args = arg;
stats_t *stats = &thr_args->stats;
const appl_args_t *appl_args = &gbl_args->appl;
state_t *state = appl_args->has_state ? &thr_args->state : NULL;
int use_event_queue = gbl_args->appl.out_mode;
pktin_mode_t in_mode = gbl_args->appl.in_mode;
thr = odp_thread_id();
max_burst = gbl_args->appl.burst_rx;
memset(extra_str, 0, EXTRA_STR_LEN);
odp_thrmask_set(&mask, thr);
/* Join non-default groups */
for (i = 0; i < thr_args->num_grp_join; i++) {
if (odp_schedule_group_join(thr_args->group[i], &mask)) {
ODPH_ERR("Join failed: %i\n", i);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.verbose) {
uint64_t tmp = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)thr_args->group[i];
printf("[%02i] Joined group 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", thr, tmp);
if (thr_args->num_grp_join)
snprintf(extra_str, EXTRA_STR_LEN, ", joined %i groups", thr_args->num_grp_join);
else if (gbl_args->appl.num_groups == 0)
snprintf(extra_str, EXTRA_STR_LEN, ", GROUP_ALL");
else if (gbl_args->appl.num_groups)
snprintf(extra_str, EXTRA_STR_LEN, ", GROUP_WORKER");
num_pktio = thr_args->num_pktio;
if (num_pktio > MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many pktios %i\n", num_pktio);
return -1;
for (pktio = 0; pktio < num_pktio; pktio++) {
tx_queue[pktio] = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_queue;
pktout[pktio] = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktout;
printf("[%02i] PKTIN_SCHED_%s, %s%s\n", thr,
(in_mode == SCHED_PARALLEL) ? "PARALLEL" :
((in_mode == SCHED_ATOMIC) ? "ATOMIC" : "ORDERED"),
(use_event_queue) ? "PKTOUT_QUEUE" : "PKTOUT_DIRECT", extra_str);
/* Loop packets */
while (!odp_atomic_load_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads)) {
odp_event_t ev_tbl[MAX_PKT_BURST];
odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[MAX_PKT_BURST];
int src_idx;
pkts = odp_schedule_multi_no_wait(NULL, ev_tbl, max_burst);
if (pkts <= 0)
if (odp_unlikely(state != NULL)) {
pkts = handle_rx_state(state, ev_tbl, pkts);
if (pkts <= 0)
odp_packet_from_event_multi(pkt_tbl, ev_tbl, pkts);
prefetch_data(appl_args->prefetch, pkt_tbl, pkts);
pkts = process_extra_features(appl_args, pkt_tbl, pkts, stats);
if (odp_unlikely(pkts == 0))
/* packets from the same queue are from the same interface */
src_idx = odp_packet_input_index(pkt_tbl[0]);
ODPH_ASSERT(src_idx >= 0);
dst_idx = gbl_args->dst_port_from_idx[src_idx];
fill_eth_addrs(pkt_tbl, pkts, dst_idx);
send_packets(pkt_tbl, pkts, use_event_queue, dst_idx, tx_queue[dst_idx],
pktout[dst_idx], state, stats);
* Free prefetched packets before entering the thread barrier.
* Such packets can block sending of later packets in other threads
* that then would never enter the thread barrier and we would
* end up in a dead-lock.
while (1) {
/* Make sure that latest stat writes are visible to other threads */
/* Wait until pktio devices are stopped */
/* Free remaining events in queues */
while (1) {
ev = odp_schedule(NULL,
return 0;
* Packet IO worker thread using plain queues
* arg thread arguments of type 'thread_args_t *'
static int run_worker_plain_queue_mode(void *arg)
int thr;
int pkts;
uint16_t max_burst;
odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[MAX_PKT_BURST];
int dst_idx, num_pktio;
odp_queue_t queue;
odp_queue_t tx_queue;
int pktio = 0;
thread_args_t *thr_args = arg;
stats_t *stats = &thr_args->stats;
const appl_args_t *appl_args = &gbl_args->appl;
state_t *state = appl_args->has_state ? &thr_args->state : NULL;
int use_event_queue = gbl_args->appl.out_mode;
int i;
thr = odp_thread_id();
max_burst = gbl_args->appl.burst_rx;
num_pktio = thr_args->num_pktio;
dst_idx = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_idx;
queue = thr_args->pktio[pktio].rx_queue;
pktout = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktout;
tx_queue = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_queue;
printf("[%02i] num pktios %i, PKTIN_QUEUE, %s\n", thr, num_pktio,
(use_event_queue) ? "PKTOUT_QUEUE" : "PKTOUT_DIRECT");
/* Loop packets */
while (!odp_atomic_load_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads)) {
odp_event_t event[MAX_PKT_BURST];
if (num_pktio > 1) {
dst_idx = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_idx;
queue = thr_args->pktio[pktio].rx_queue;
pktout = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktout;
if (odp_unlikely(use_event_queue))
tx_queue = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_queue;
if (pktio == num_pktio)
pktio = 0;
pkts = odp_queue_deq_multi(queue, event, max_burst);
if (odp_unlikely(pkts <= 0))
odp_packet_from_event_multi(pkt_tbl, event, pkts);
prefetch_data(appl_args->prefetch, pkt_tbl, pkts);
pkts = process_extra_features(appl_args, pkt_tbl, pkts, stats);
if (odp_unlikely(pkts == 0))
fill_eth_addrs(pkt_tbl, pkts, dst_idx);
send_packets(pkt_tbl, pkts, use_event_queue, dst_idx, tx_queue, pktout, state,
/* Make sure that latest stat writes are visible to other threads */
/* Wait until pktio devices are stopped */
/* Free remaining events in queues */
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
odp_time_t recv_last = odp_time_local();
odp_time_t since_last;
queue = thr_args->pktio[i].rx_queue;
do {
if (ev != ODP_EVENT_INVALID) {
recv_last = odp_time_local();
since_last = odp_time_diff(odp_time_local(), recv_last);
} while (odp_time_to_ns(since_last) < ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS);
return 0;
* Packet IO worker thread accessing IO resources directly
* arg thread arguments of type 'thread_args_t *'
static int run_worker_direct_mode(void *arg)
int thr;
int pkts;
uint16_t max_burst;
odp_packet_t pkt_tbl[MAX_PKT_BURST];
int dst_idx, num_pktio;
odp_queue_t tx_queue;
int pktio = 0;
thread_args_t *thr_args = arg;
stats_t *stats = &thr_args->stats;
const appl_args_t *appl_args = &gbl_args->appl;
state_t *state = appl_args->has_state ? &thr_args->state : NULL;
int use_event_queue = gbl_args->appl.out_mode;
thr = odp_thread_id();
max_burst = gbl_args->appl.burst_rx;
num_pktio = thr_args->num_pktio;
dst_idx = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_idx;
pktin = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktin;
pktout = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktout;
tx_queue = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_queue;
printf("[%02i] num pktios %i, PKTIN_DIRECT, %s\n", thr, num_pktio,
(use_event_queue) ? "PKTOUT_QUEUE" : "PKTOUT_DIRECT");
/* Loop packets */
while (!odp_atomic_load_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads)) {
if (num_pktio > 1) {
dst_idx = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_idx;
pktin = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktin;
pktout = thr_args->pktio[pktio].pktout;
if (odp_unlikely(use_event_queue))
tx_queue = thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_queue;
if (pktio == num_pktio)
pktio = 0;
pkts = odp_pktin_recv(pktin, pkt_tbl, max_burst);
if (odp_unlikely(pkts <= 0))
prefetch_data(appl_args->prefetch, pkt_tbl, pkts);
pkts = process_extra_features(appl_args, pkt_tbl, pkts, stats);
if (odp_unlikely(pkts == 0))
fill_eth_addrs(pkt_tbl, pkts, dst_idx);
send_packets(pkt_tbl, pkts, use_event_queue, dst_idx, tx_queue, pktout, state,
/* Make sure that latest stat writes are visible to other threads */
return 0;
static int set_pktin_vector_params(odp_pktin_queue_param_t *pktin_param, odp_pool_t vec_pool,
uint64_t vec_tmo_ns;
uint32_t vec_size;
pktin_param->vector.enable = true;
pktin_param->vector.pool = vec_pool;
if (gbl_args->appl.vec_size == 0)
vec_size = DEFAULT_VEC_SIZE;
vec_size = gbl_args->appl.vec_size;
if (vec_size > pktio_capa.vector.max_size ||
vec_size < pktio_capa.vector.min_size) {
if (gbl_args->appl.vec_size == 0) {
vec_size = (vec_size > pktio_capa.vector.max_size) ?
pktio_capa.vector.max_size : pktio_capa.vector.min_size;
printf("\nWarning: Modified vector size to %u\n\n", vec_size);
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid pktio vector size %u, valid range [%u, %u]\n",
vec_size, pktio_capa.vector.min_size, pktio_capa.vector.max_size);
return -1;
pktin_param->vector.max_size = vec_size;
if (gbl_args->appl.vec_tmo_ns == 0)
vec_tmo_ns = DEFAULT_VEC_TMO;
vec_tmo_ns = gbl_args->appl.vec_tmo_ns;
if (vec_tmo_ns > pktio_capa.vector.max_tmo_ns ||
vec_tmo_ns < pktio_capa.vector.min_tmo_ns) {
if (gbl_args->appl.vec_tmo_ns == 0) {
vec_tmo_ns = (vec_tmo_ns > pktio_capa.vector.max_tmo_ns) ?
pktio_capa.vector.max_tmo_ns : pktio_capa.vector.min_tmo_ns;
printf("\nWarning: Modified vector timeout to %" PRIu64 "\n\n", vec_tmo_ns);
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid vector timeout %" PRIu64 ", valid range [%" PRIu64
", %" PRIu64 "]\n", vec_tmo_ns,
pktio_capa.vector.min_tmo_ns, pktio_capa.vector.max_tmo_ns);
return -1;
pktin_param->vector.max_tmo_ns = vec_tmo_ns;
return 0;
* Create a pktio handle, optionally associating a default input queue.
* dev Name of device to open
* index Pktio index
* pool Pool to associate with device for packet RX/TX
* Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
static int create_pktio(const char *dev, int idx, int num_rx, int num_tx, odp_pool_t pool,
odp_pktio_t pktio;
odp_pktio_param_t pktio_param;
odp_queue_param_t compl_queue;
pktin_mode_t in_mode = gbl_args->appl.in_mode;
uint8_t *addr;
if (in_mode == PLAIN_QUEUE)
else if (in_mode != DIRECT_RECV) /* pktin_mode SCHED_* */
if (gbl_args->appl.out_mode != PKTOUT_DIRECT)
if (num_rx == 0)
if (num_tx == 0)
pktio = odp_pktio_open(dev, pool, &pktio_param);
if (pktio == ODP_PKTIO_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio open failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_info(pktio, &info)) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio info failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_capability(pktio, &pktio_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio capability query failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.input_ts) {
if (!pktio_capa.config.pktin.bit.ts_all) {
ODPH_ERR("Packet input timestamping not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
config.pktin.bit.ts_all = 1;
if (gbl_args->appl.error_check || gbl_args->appl.chksum)
if (gbl_args->appl.chksum) {
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode != ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_DISABLED) {
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT &&
!(pktio_capa.tx_compl.mode_event && pktio_capa.tx_compl.queue_type_sched)) {
ODPH_ERR("Transmit event completion not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL &&
!(pktio_capa.tx_compl.mode_poll &&
pktio_capa.tx_compl.max_compl_id >= gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.tot_compl_id)) {
ODPH_ERR("Transmit poll completion not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT)
config.tx_compl.mode_event = 1;
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL) {
config.tx_compl.mode_poll = 1;
config.tx_compl.max_compl_id = gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.tot_compl_id;
/* Provide hint to pktio that packet references are not used */
if (gbl_args->appl.pause_rx) {
if (!pktio_capa.flow_control.pause_rx) {
ODPH_ERR("Reception of pause frames not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.pause_tx) {
if (!pktio_capa.flow_control.pause_tx) {
ODPH_ERR("Transmission of pause frames not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
odp_pktio_config(pktio, &config);
if (gbl_args->appl.promisc_mode && odp_pktio_promisc_mode(pktio) != 1) {
if (!pktio_capa.set_op.op.promisc_mode) {
ODPH_ERR("Promisc mode set not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
/* Enable promisc mode */
if (odp_pktio_promisc_mode_set(pktio, true)) {
ODPH_ERR("Promisc mode enable failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.mtu) {
uint32_t maxlen_input = pktio_capa.maxlen.max_input ? gbl_args->appl.mtu : 0;
uint32_t maxlen_output = pktio_capa.maxlen.max_output ? gbl_args->appl.mtu : 0;
if (!pktio_capa.set_op.op.maxlen) {
ODPH_ERR("Modifying interface MTU not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (maxlen_input &&
(maxlen_input < pktio_capa.maxlen.min_input ||
maxlen_input > pktio_capa.maxlen.max_input)) {
ODPH_ERR("Unsupported MTU value %" PRIu32 " for %s "
"(min %" PRIu32 ", max %" PRIu32 ")\n", maxlen_input, dev,
pktio_capa.maxlen.min_input, pktio_capa.maxlen.max_input);
return -1;
if (maxlen_output &&
(maxlen_output < pktio_capa.maxlen.min_output ||
maxlen_output > pktio_capa.maxlen.max_output)) {
ODPH_ERR("Unsupported MTU value %" PRIu32 " for %s "
"(min %" PRIu32 ", max %" PRIu32 ")\n", maxlen_output, dev,
pktio_capa.maxlen.min_output, pktio_capa.maxlen.max_output);
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_maxlen_set(pktio, maxlen_input, maxlen_output)) {
ODPH_ERR("Setting MTU failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
/* By default use a queue per worker. Sched mode ignores rx side
* setting. */
if (gbl_args->appl.sched_mode) {
if (gbl_args->appl.num_prio) {
prio = gbl_args->appl.prio[idx];
} else {
gbl_args->appl.prio[idx] = prio;
if (gbl_args->appl.in_mode == SCHED_ATOMIC)
else if (gbl_args->appl.in_mode == SCHED_ORDERED)
pktin_param.queue_param.sched.prio = prio;
pktin_param.queue_param.sched.sync = sync_mode;
pktin_param.queue_param.sched.group = group;
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT) {
compl_queue.type = ODP_QUEUE_TYPE_SCHED;
compl_queue.sched.prio = prio;
compl_queue.sched.group = group;
gbl_args->pktios[idx].compl_q = odp_queue_create(NULL, &compl_queue);
if (gbl_args->pktios[idx].compl_q == ODP_QUEUE_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Creating completion queue failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (num_rx > (int)pktio_capa.max_input_queues) {
num_rx = pktio_capa.max_input_queues;
mode_rx = ODP_PKTIO_OP_MT;
printf("Warning: %s: maximum number of input queues: %i\n", dev, num_rx);
if (num_rx < gbl_args->appl.num_workers)
printf("Warning: %s: sharing %i input queues between %i workers\n",
dev, num_rx, gbl_args->appl.num_workers);
if (num_tx > (int)pktio_capa.max_output_queues) {
printf("Warning: %s: sharing %i output queues between %i workers\n",
dev, pktio_capa.max_output_queues, num_tx);
num_tx = pktio_capa.max_output_queues;
mode_tx = ODP_PKTIO_OP_MT;
pktin_param.hash_enable = (num_rx > 1 || gbl_args->appl.flow_aware) ? 1 : 0;
pktin_param.hash_proto.proto.ipv4_udp = 1;
pktin_param.num_queues = num_rx;
pktin_param.op_mode = mode_rx;
pktout_param.op_mode = mode_tx;
pktout_param.num_queues = num_tx;
if (gbl_args->appl.vector_mode) {
if (!pktio_capa.vector.supported) {
ODPH_ERR("Packet vector input not supported: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (set_pktin_vector_params(&pktin_param, vec_pool, pktio_capa))
return -1;
if (num_rx > 0 && odp_pktin_queue_config(pktio, &pktin_param)) {
ODPH_ERR("Input queue config failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (num_tx > 0 && odp_pktout_queue_config(pktio, &pktout_param)) {
ODPH_ERR("Output queue config failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (num_rx > 0) {
if (gbl_args->appl.in_mode == DIRECT_RECV) {
if (odp_pktin_queue(pktio, gbl_args->pktios[idx].pktin, num_rx)
!= num_rx) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktin queue query failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
} else {
if (odp_pktin_event_queue(pktio, gbl_args->pktios[idx].rx_q, num_rx)
!= num_rx) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktin event queue query failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (num_tx > 0) {
if (gbl_args->appl.out_mode == PKTOUT_DIRECT) {
if (odp_pktout_queue(pktio, gbl_args->pktios[idx].pktout, num_tx)
!= num_tx) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktout queue query failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
} else {
if (odp_pktout_event_queue(pktio, gbl_args->pktios[idx].tx_q, num_tx)
!= num_tx) {
ODPH_ERR("Event queue query failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_mac_addr(pktio, gbl_args->port_eth_addr[idx].addr,
ODPH_ERR("Reading interface Ethernet address failed: %s\n", dev);
return -1;
addr = gbl_args->port_eth_addr[idx].addr;
printf(" dev: %s, drv: %s, rx_queues: %i, tx_queues: %i, mac: "
"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x\n", dev, info.drv_name, num_rx, num_tx,
addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
if (gbl_args->appl.verbose)
gbl_args->pktios[idx].num_rx_queue = num_rx;
gbl_args->pktios[idx].num_tx_queue = num_tx;
gbl_args->pktios[idx].pktio = pktio;
return 0;
* Print statistics
* num_workers Number of worker threads
* thr_stats Pointers to stats storage
* duration Number of seconds to loop in
* timeout Number of seconds for stats calculation
static int print_speed_stats(int num_workers, stats_t **thr_stats,
int duration, int timeout)
uint64_t pkts = 0;
uint64_t pkts_prev = 0;
uint64_t pps;
uint64_t rx_drops, tx_drops, tx_c_misses, tx_c_fails, copy_fails;
uint64_t maximum_pps = 0;
int i;
int elapsed = 0;
int stats_enabled = 1;
int loop_forever = (duration == 0);
if (timeout <= 0) {
stats_enabled = 0;
timeout = 1;
/* Wait for all threads to be ready*/
do {
pkts = 0;
rx_drops = 0;
tx_drops = 0;
tx_c_misses = 0;
tx_c_fails = 0;
copy_fails = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_workers; i++) {
pkts += thr_stats[i]->s.packets;
rx_drops += thr_stats[i]->s.rx_drops;
tx_drops += thr_stats[i]->s.tx_drops;
tx_c_misses += thr_stats[i]->s.tx_c_misses;
tx_c_fails += thr_stats[i]->s.tx_c_fails;
copy_fails += thr_stats[i]->s.copy_fails;
if (stats_enabled) {
pps = (pkts - pkts_prev) / timeout;
if (pps > maximum_pps)
maximum_pps = pps;
printf("%" PRIu64 " pps, %" PRIu64 " max pps, ", pps,
if (gbl_args->appl.packet_copy)
printf("%" PRIu64 " copy fails, ", copy_fails);
if (gbl_args->appl.tx_compl.mode != ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_DISABLED)
printf("%" PRIu64 " tx compl misses, %" PRIu64 " tx compl fails, ",
tx_c_misses, tx_c_fails);
printf("%" PRIu64 " rx drops, %" PRIu64 " tx drops\n",
rx_drops, tx_drops);
pkts_prev = pkts;
elapsed += timeout;
} while (!odp_atomic_load_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads) && (loop_forever ||
(elapsed < duration)));
if (stats_enabled)
printf("TEST RESULT: %" PRIu64 " maximum packets per second.\n",
return pkts > 100 ? 0 : -1;
static void print_port_mapping(void)
int if_count;
int pktio;
if_count = gbl_args->appl.if_count;
printf("\nPort config\n--------------------\n");
for (pktio = 0; pktio < if_count; pktio++) {
const char *dev = gbl_args->appl.if_names[pktio];
printf("Port %i (%s)\n", pktio, dev);
printf(" rx workers %i\n",
printf(" tx workers %i\n",
printf(" rx queues %i\n",
printf(" tx queues %i\n",
* Find the destination port for a given input port
* port Input port index
static int find_dest_port(int port)
const char *output = gbl_args->appl.output_map[port];
/* Check output mappings first */
if (output != NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < gbl_args->appl.if_count; i++)
if (strcmp(output, gbl_args->appl.if_names[i]) == 0)
return i;
/* Even number of ports */
if (gbl_args->appl.if_count % 2 == 0)
return (port % 2 == 0) ? port + 1 : port - 1;
/* Odd number of ports */
if (port == gbl_args->appl.if_count - 1)
return 0;
return port + 1;
* Bind worker threads to interfaces and calculate number of queues needed
* less workers (N) than interfaces (M)
* - assign each worker to process every Nth interface
* - workers process inequal number of interfaces, when M is not divisible by N
* - needs only single queue per interface
* otherwise
* - assign an interface to every Mth worker
* - interfaces are processed by inequal number of workers, when N is not
* divisible by M
* - tries to configure a queue per worker per interface
* - shares queues, if interface capability does not allows a queue per worker
static void bind_workers(void)
int if_count, num_workers;
int rx_idx, tx_idx, thr, pktio, i;
thread_args_t *thr_args;
if_count = gbl_args->appl.if_count;
num_workers = gbl_args->appl.num_workers;
if (gbl_args->appl.sched_mode) {
/* all threads receive and send on all pktios */
for (i = 0; i < if_count; i++) {
gbl_args->pktios[i].num_rx_thr = num_workers;
gbl_args->pktios[i].num_tx_thr = num_workers;
for (thr = 0; thr < num_workers; thr++) {
thr_args = &gbl_args->thread_args[thr];
thr_args->num_pktio = if_count;
/* In sched mode, pktios are not cross connected with
* local pktio indexes */
for (i = 0; i < if_count; i++) {
thr_args->pktio[i].rx_idx = i;
thr_args->pktio[i].tx_idx = i;
} else {
/* initialize port forwarding table */
for (rx_idx = 0; rx_idx < if_count; rx_idx++)
gbl_args->dst_port[rx_idx] = find_dest_port(rx_idx);
if (if_count > num_workers) {
/* Less workers than pktios. Assign single worker per
* pktio. */
thr = 0;
for (rx_idx = 0; rx_idx < if_count; rx_idx++) {
thr_args = &gbl_args->thread_args[thr];
pktio = thr_args->num_pktio;
/* Cross connect rx to tx */
tx_idx = gbl_args->dst_port[rx_idx];
thr_args->pktio[pktio].rx_idx = rx_idx;
thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_idx = tx_idx;
if (thr >= num_workers)
thr = 0;
} else {
/* More workers than pktios. Assign at least one worker
* per pktio. */
rx_idx = 0;
for (thr = 0; thr < num_workers; thr++) {
thr_args = &gbl_args->thread_args[thr];
pktio = thr_args->num_pktio;
/* Cross connect rx to tx */
tx_idx = gbl_args->dst_port[rx_idx];
thr_args->pktio[pktio].rx_idx = rx_idx;
thr_args->pktio[pktio].tx_idx = tx_idx;
if (rx_idx >= if_count)
rx_idx = 0;
* Bind queues to threads and fill in missing thread arguments (handles)
static void bind_queues(void)
int num_workers;
int thr, i;
num_workers = gbl_args->appl.num_workers;
printf("\nQueue binding (indexes)\n-----------------------\n");
for (thr = 0; thr < num_workers; thr++) {
int rx_idx, tx_idx;
thread_args_t *thr_args = &gbl_args->thread_args[thr];
int num = thr_args->num_pktio;
printf("worker %i\n", thr);
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int rx_queue, tx_queue;
rx_idx = thr_args->pktio[i].rx_idx;
tx_idx = thr_args->pktio[i].tx_idx;
rx_queue = gbl_args->pktios[rx_idx].next_rx_queue;
tx_queue = gbl_args->pktios[tx_idx].next_tx_queue;
thr_args->pktio[i].rx_queue_idx = rx_queue;
thr_args->pktio[i].tx_queue_idx = tx_queue;
thr_args->pktio[i].pktin =
thr_args->pktio[i].rx_queue =
thr_args->pktio[i].pktout =
thr_args->pktio[i].tx_queue =
if (!gbl_args->appl.sched_mode)
printf(" rx: pktio %i, queue %i\n",
rx_idx, rx_queue);
printf(" tx: pktio %i, queue %i\n",
tx_idx, tx_queue);
if (rx_queue >= gbl_args->pktios[rx_idx].num_rx_queue)
rx_queue = 0;
if (tx_queue >= gbl_args->pktios[tx_idx].num_tx_queue)
tx_queue = 0;
gbl_args->pktios[rx_idx].next_rx_queue = rx_queue;
gbl_args->pktios[tx_idx].next_tx_queue = tx_queue;
static void init_state(const appl_args_t *args, state_t *state, int thr_idx)
const uint32_t cnt = args->tx_compl.thr_compl_id + 1;
state->tx_compl.opt.mode = args->tx_compl.mode;
state->tx_compl.init = thr_idx * cnt;
state->tx_compl.max = state->tx_compl.init + cnt - 1;
state->tx_compl.free_head = state->tx_compl.init;
state->tx_compl.poll_head = state->tx_compl.init;
state->tx_compl.num_act = 0;
state->tx_compl.max_act = state->tx_compl.max - state->tx_compl.init + 1;
state->tx_compl.interval = args->tx_compl.nth;
state->tx_compl.next_req = state->tx_compl.interval;
static void init_port_lookup_tbl(void)
int rx_idx, if_count;
if_count = gbl_args->appl.if_count;
for (rx_idx = 0; rx_idx < if_count; rx_idx++) {
odp_pktio_t pktio = gbl_args->pktios[rx_idx].pktio;
int pktio_idx = odp_pktio_index(pktio);
int dst_port = find_dest_port(rx_idx);
if (pktio_idx < 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Reading pktio (%s) index failed: %i\n",
gbl_args->appl.if_names[rx_idx], pktio_idx);
gbl_args->dst_port_from_idx[pktio_idx] = dst_port;
* Print usage information
static void usage(char *progname)
"OpenDataPlane L2 forwarding application.\n"
"Usage: %s [options]\n"
" E.g. %s -i eth0,eth1,eth2,eth3 -m 0 -t 1\n"
" In the above example,\n"
" eth0 will send pkts to eth1 and vice versa\n"
" eth2 will send pkts to eth3 and vice versa\n"
"Mandatory OPTIONS:\n"
" -i, --interface <name> Eth interfaces (comma-separated, no spaces)\n"
" Interface count min 1, max %i\n"
"Optional OPTIONS:\n"
" -m, --mode <arg> Packet input mode\n"
" 0: Direct mode: PKTIN_MODE_DIRECT (default)\n"
" 1: Scheduler mode with parallel queues:\n"
" 2: Scheduler mode with atomic queues:\n"
" 3: Scheduler mode with ordered queues:\n"
" 4: Plain queue mode: PKTIN_MODE_QUEUE\n"
" -o, --out_mode <arg> Packet output mode\n"
" 0: Direct mode: PKTOUT_MODE_DIRECT (default)\n"
" 1: Queue mode: PKTOUT_MODE_QUEUE\n"
" -O, --output_map <list> List of destination ports for passed interfaces\n"
" (comma-separated, no spaces). Ordering follows\n"
" the '--interface' option, e.g. passing\n"
" '-i eth0,eth1' and '-O eth0,eth1' would result\n"
" in eth0 and eth1 looping packets back.\n"
" -c, --count <num> CPU count, 0=all available, default=1\n"
" -t, --time <sec> Time in seconds to run.\n"
" -a, --accuracy <sec> Time in seconds get print statistics\n"
" (default is 1 second).\n"
" -d, --dst_change <arg> 0: Don't change packets' dst eth addresses\n"
" 1: Change packets' dst eth addresses (default)\n"
" -s, --src_change <arg> 0: Don't change packets' src eth addresses\n"
" 1: Change packets' src eth addresses (default)\n"
" -r, --dst_addr <addr> Destination addresses (comma-separated, no\n"
" spaces) Requires also the -d flag to be set\n"
" -e, --error_check <arg> 0: Don't check packet errors (default)\n"
" 1: Check packet errors\n"
" -k, --chksum <arg> 0: Don't use checksum offload (default)\n"
" 1: Use checksum offload\n",
NO_PATH(progname), NO_PATH(progname), MAX_PKTIOS);
printf(" -g, --groups <num> Number of new groups to create (1 ... num).\n"
" Interfaces are placed into the groups in round\n"
" robin.\n"
" 0: Use SCHED_GROUP_ALL (default)\n"
" -G, --group_mode <arg> Select how threads join new groups\n"
" (when -g > 0)\n"
" 0: All threads join all created groups\n"
" (default)\n"
" 1: All threads join first N created groups.\n"
" N is number of interfaces (== active\n"
" groups).\n"
" 2: Each thread joins a part of the first N\n"
" groups (in round robin).\n"
" -I, --prio <prio list> Schedule priority of packet input queues.\n"
" Comma separated list of priorities (no spaces).\n"
" A value per interface. All queues of an\n"
" interface have the same priority. Values must\n"
" be between odp_schedule_min_prio and\n"
" odp_schedule_max_prio.\n"
" odp_schedule_default_prio is used by default.\n"
" -b, --burst_rx <num> 0: Use max burst size (default)\n"
" num: Max number of packets per receive call\n"
" -q, --rx_queues <num> Number of RX queues per interface in scheduler\n"
" mode\n"
" 0: RX queue per worker CPU (default)\n"
" -p, --packet_copy 0: Don't copy packet (default)\n"
" 1: Create and send copy of the received packet.\n"
" Free the original packet.\n"
" -R, --data_rd <num> Number of packet data words (uint64_t) to read\n"
" from every received packet. Number of words is\n"
" rounded down to fit into the first segment of a\n"
" packet. Default is 0.\n"
" -y, --pool_per_if Create a packet (and packet vector) pool per\n"
" interface.\n"
" 0: Share a single pool between all interfaces\n"
" (default)\n"
" 1: Create a pool per interface\n"
" -n, --num_pkt <num> Number of packets per pool. Default is 16k or\n"
" the maximum capability. Use 0 for the default.\n"
" -u, --vector_mode Enable vector mode.\n"
" Supported only with scheduler packet input\n"
" modes (1-3).\n"
" -w, --num_vec <num> Number of vectors per pool.\n"
" Default is num_pkts divided by vec_size.\n"
" -x, --vec_size <num> Vector size (default %i).\n"
" -z, --vec_tmo_ns <ns> Vector timeout in ns (default %llu ns).\n"
" -M, --mtu <len> Interface MTU in bytes.\n"
" -P, --promisc_mode Enable promiscuous mode.\n"
" -l, --packet_len <len> Maximum length of packets supported\n"
" (default %d).\n"
" -L, --seg_len <len> Packet pool segment length\n"
" (default equal to packet length).\n"
" -F, --prefetch <num> Prefetch packet data in 64 byte multiples\n"
" (default 1).\n"
" -f, --flow_aware Enable flow aware scheduling.\n"
" -T, --input_ts Enable packet input timestamping.\n",
printf(" -C, --tx_compl <mode,n,max_id> Enable transmit completion with a specified\n"
" completion mode for nth packet, with maximum\n"
" completion ID per worker thread in case of poll\n"
" completion (comma-separated, no spaces).\n"
" 0: Event completion mode\n"
" 1: Poll completion mode\n"
" -X, --flow_control <mode> Ethernet flow control mode.\n"
" 0: Flow control disabled (default)\n"
" 1: Enable reception of pause frames\n"
" 2: Enable transmission of pause frames\n"
" 3: Enable reception and transmission of pause\n"
" frames\n"
" -v, --verbose Verbose output.\n"
" -V, --verbose_pkt Print debug information on every received\n"
" packet.\n"
" -h, --help Display help and exit.\n\n"
* Parse and store the command line arguments
* argc argument count
* argv[] argument vector
* appl_args Store application arguments here
static void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], appl_args_t *appl_args)
int opt;
char *token;
char *tmp_str, *tmp;
size_t str_len, len;
int i;
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{"count", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"time", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"accuracy", required_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"interface", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"mode", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"out_mode", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{"output_map", required_argument, NULL, 'O'},
{"dst_addr", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"dst_change", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"src_change", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"error_check", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"chksum", required_argument, NULL, 'k'},
{"groups", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
{"group_mode", required_argument, NULL, 'G'},
{"prio", required_argument, NULL, 'I'},
{"burst_rx", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"rx_queues", required_argument, NULL, 'q'},
{"packet_copy", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"data_rd", required_argument, NULL, 'R'},
{"pool_per_if", required_argument, NULL, 'y'},
{"num_pkt", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"num_vec", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
{"vec_size", required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
{"vec_tmo_ns", required_argument, NULL, 'z'},
{"vector_mode", no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"mtu", required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
{"promisc_mode", no_argument, NULL, 'P'},
{"packet_len", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"seg_len", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
{"prefetch", required_argument, NULL, 'F'},
{"flow_aware", no_argument, NULL, 'f'},
{"input_ts", no_argument, NULL, 'T'},
{"tx_compl", required_argument, NULL, 'C'},
{"flow_control", required_argument, NULL, 'X'},
{"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"verbose_pkt", no_argument, NULL, 'V'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
static const char *shortopts = "+c:t:a:i:m:o:O:r:d:s:e:k:g:G:I:"
appl_args->time = 0; /* loop forever if time to run is 0 */
appl_args->accuracy = 1; /* get and print pps stats second */
appl_args->cpu_count = 1; /* use one worker by default */
appl_args->dst_change = 1; /* change eth dst address by default */
appl_args->src_change = 1; /* change eth src address by default */
appl_args->num_groups = 0; /* use default group */
appl_args->group_mode = 0;
appl_args->error_check = 0; /* don't check packet errors by default */
appl_args->packet_copy = 0;
appl_args->burst_rx = 0;
appl_args->rx_queues = 0;
appl_args->verbose = 0;
appl_args->verbose_pkt = 0;
appl_args->chksum = 0; /* don't use checksum offload by default */
appl_args->pool_per_if = 0;
appl_args->num_pkt = 0;
appl_args->packet_len = POOL_PKT_LEN;
appl_args->seg_len = UINT32_MAX;
appl_args->mtu = 0;
appl_args->promisc_mode = 0;
appl_args->vector_mode = 0;
appl_args->num_vec = 0;
appl_args->vec_size = 0;
appl_args->vec_tmo_ns = 0;
appl_args->flow_aware = 0;
appl_args->input_ts = 0;
appl_args->num_prio = 0;
appl_args->prefetch = 1;
appl_args->data_rd = 0;
appl_args->flow_control = 0;
while (1) {
opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
if (opt == -1)
break; /* No more options */
switch (opt) {
case 'c':
appl_args->cpu_count = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
appl_args->time = atoi(optarg);
case 'a':
appl_args->accuracy = atoi(optarg);
case 'r':
len = strlen(optarg);
if (len == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad dest address string\n");
str_len = len + 1;
tmp_str = malloc(str_len);
if (tmp_str == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Dest address malloc() failed\n");
/* store the mac addresses names */
memcpy(tmp_str, optarg, str_len);
for (token = strtok(tmp_str, ","), i = 0;
token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, ","), i++) {
if (i >= MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many MAC addresses\n");
if (odph_eth_addr_parse(&appl_args->addrs[i], token) != 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid MAC address\n");
appl_args->addr_count = i;
if (appl_args->addr_count < 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad dest address count\n");
case 'i':
len = strlen(optarg);
if (len == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad pktio interface string\n");
str_len = len + 1;
appl_args->if_str = malloc(str_len);
if (appl_args->if_str == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio interface malloc() failed\n");
/* count the number of tokens separated by ',' */
memcpy(appl_args->if_str, optarg, str_len);
for (token = strtok(appl_args->if_str, ","), i = 0;
token != NULL;
token = strtok(NULL, ","), i++)
appl_args->if_count = i;
if (appl_args->if_count < 1 || appl_args->if_count > MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad pktio interface count: %i\n", appl_args->if_count);
/* allocate storage for the if names */
appl_args->if_names = calloc(appl_args->if_count, sizeof(char *));
/* store the if names (reset names string) */
memcpy(appl_args->if_str, optarg, str_len);
for (token = strtok(appl_args->if_str, ","), i = 0;
token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, ","), i++) {
appl_args->if_names[i] = token;
case 'm':
i = atoi(optarg);
if (i == 1)
appl_args->in_mode = SCHED_PARALLEL;
else if (i == 2)
appl_args->in_mode = SCHED_ATOMIC;
else if (i == 3)
appl_args->in_mode = SCHED_ORDERED;
else if (i == 4)
appl_args->in_mode = PLAIN_QUEUE;
appl_args->in_mode = DIRECT_RECV;
case 'o':
i = atoi(optarg);
if (i != 0)
appl_args->out_mode = PKTOUT_QUEUE;
case 'O':
if (strlen(optarg) == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad output map string\n");
tmp_str = strdup(optarg);
if (tmp_str == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Output map string duplication failed\n");
token = strtok(tmp_str, ",");
while (token) {
if (appl_args->num_om >= MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad output map element count\n");
appl_args->output_map[appl_args->num_om] = strdup(token);
if (appl_args->output_map[appl_args->num_om] == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Output map element duplication failed\n");
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
case 'd':
appl_args->dst_change = atoi(optarg);
case 's':
appl_args->src_change = atoi(optarg);
case 'e':
appl_args->error_check = atoi(optarg);
case 'k':
appl_args->chksum = atoi(optarg);
case 'g':
appl_args->num_groups = atoi(optarg);
case 'G':
appl_args->group_mode = atoi(optarg);
case 'I':
len = strlen(optarg);
if (len == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad priority list\n");
str_len = len + 1;
tmp_str = malloc(str_len);
if (tmp_str == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Priority list malloc() failed\n");
memcpy(tmp_str, optarg, str_len);
token = strtok(tmp_str, ",");
for (i = 0; token != NULL; token = strtok(NULL, ","), i++) {
if (i >= MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many priorities\n");
appl_args->prio[i] = atoi(token);
if (appl_args->num_prio == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad priority list\n");
case 'b':
appl_args->burst_rx = atoi(optarg);
case 'q':
appl_args->rx_queues = atoi(optarg);
case 'p':
appl_args->packet_copy = atoi(optarg);
case 'R':
appl_args->data_rd = atoi(optarg);
case 'y':
appl_args->pool_per_if = atoi(optarg);
case 'n':
appl_args->num_pkt = atoi(optarg);
case 'l':
appl_args->packet_len = atoi(optarg);
case 'L':
appl_args->seg_len = atoi(optarg);
case 'M':
appl_args->mtu = atoi(optarg);
case 'P':
appl_args->promisc_mode = 1;
case 'u':
appl_args->vector_mode = 1;
case 'w':
appl_args->num_vec = atoi(optarg);
case 'x':
appl_args->vec_size = atoi(optarg);
case 'X':
appl_args->flow_control = atoi(optarg);
if (appl_args->flow_control == 1 || appl_args->flow_control == 3)
appl_args->pause_rx = true;
if (appl_args->flow_control == 2 || appl_args->flow_control == 3)
appl_args->pause_tx = true;
case 'z':
appl_args->vec_tmo_ns = atoi(optarg);
case 'F':
appl_args->prefetch = atoi(optarg);
case 'f':
appl_args->flow_aware = 1;
case 'T':
appl_args->input_ts = 1;
case 'C':
if (strlen(optarg) == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Bad transmit completion parameter string\n");
tmp_str = strdup(optarg);
if (tmp_str == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Transmit completion parameter string duplication"
" failed\n");
tmp = strtok(tmp_str, ",");
if (tmp == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid transmit completion parameter format\n");
i = atoi(tmp);
if (i == 0)
appl_args->tx_compl.mode = ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT;
else if (i == 1)
appl_args->tx_compl.mode = ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL;
tmp = strtok(NULL, ",");
if (tmp == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid transmit completion parameter format\n");
appl_args->tx_compl.nth = atoi(tmp);
if (appl_args->tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL) {
tmp = strtok(NULL, ",");
if (tmp == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid transmit completion parameter format\n");
appl_args->tx_compl.thr_compl_id = atoi(tmp);
case 'v':
appl_args->verbose = 1;
case 'V':
appl_args->verbose_pkt = 1;
case 'h':
if (appl_args->if_count == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("No pktio interfaces\n");
if (appl_args->num_om && appl_args->num_om != appl_args->if_count) {
ODPH_ERR("Different number of output mappings and pktio interfaces\n");
if (appl_args->num_prio && appl_args->num_prio != appl_args->if_count) {
ODPH_ERR("Different number of priorities and pktio interfaces\n");
if (appl_args->addr_count != 0 && appl_args->addr_count != appl_args->if_count) {
ODPH_ERR("Number of dest addresses differs from number of interfaces\n");
if (appl_args->burst_rx > MAX_PKT_BURST) {
ODPH_ERR("Burst size (%i) too large. Maximum is %i.\n",
appl_args->burst_rx, MAX_PKT_BURST);
if (appl_args->tx_compl.mode != ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_DISABLED &&
appl_args->tx_compl.nth == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid packet interval for transmit completion: %u\n",
if (appl_args->tx_compl.mode == ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT &&
(appl_args->in_mode == PLAIN_QUEUE || appl_args->in_mode == DIRECT_RECV)) {
ODPH_ERR("Transmit event completion mode not supported with plain queue or direct "
"input modes\n");
appl_args->tx_compl.tot_compl_id = (appl_args->tx_compl.thr_compl_id + 1) *
appl_args->cpu_count - 1;
if (appl_args->burst_rx == 0)
appl_args->burst_rx = MAX_PKT_BURST;
appl_args->extra_feat = 0;
if (appl_args->error_check || appl_args->chksum ||
appl_args->packet_copy || appl_args->data_rd || appl_args->verbose_pkt)
appl_args->extra_feat = 1;
appl_args->has_state = 0;
if (appl_args->tx_compl.mode != ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_DISABLED)
appl_args->has_state = 1;
optind = 1; /* reset 'extern optind' from the getopt lib */
static void print_options(void)
int i;
appl_args_t *appl_args = &gbl_args->appl;
"odp_l2fwd options\n"
"IF-count: %i\n"
"Using IFs: ", appl_args->if_count);
for (i = 0; i < appl_args->if_count; ++i)
printf(" %s", appl_args->if_names[i]);
"Mode: ");
if (appl_args->in_mode == DIRECT_RECV)
printf("PKTIN_DIRECT, ");
else if (appl_args->in_mode == PLAIN_QUEUE)
printf("PKTIN_QUEUE, ");
else if (appl_args->in_mode == SCHED_PARALLEL)
else if (appl_args->in_mode == SCHED_ATOMIC)
else if (appl_args->in_mode == SCHED_ORDERED)
if (appl_args->out_mode)
if (appl_args->num_om > 0) {
printf("Output mappings: ");
for (i = 0; i < appl_args->num_om; ++i)
printf(" %s", appl_args->output_map[i]);
printf("MTU: ");
if (appl_args->mtu)
printf("%i bytes\n", appl_args->mtu);
printf("interface default\n");
printf("Promisc mode: %s\n", appl_args->promisc_mode ?
"enabled" : "disabled");
if (appl_args->flow_control)
printf("Flow control: %s%s\n",
appl_args->pause_rx ? "rx " : "",
appl_args->pause_tx ? "tx" : "");
printf("Flow aware: %s\n", appl_args->flow_aware ?
"yes" : "no");
printf("Input TS: %s\n", appl_args->input_ts ? "yes" : "no");
printf("Burst size: %i\n", appl_args->burst_rx);
printf("RX queues per IF: %i\n", appl_args->rx_queues);
printf("Number of pools: %i\n", appl_args->pool_per_if ?
appl_args->if_count : 1);
if (appl_args->extra_feat || appl_args->has_state) {
printf("Extra features: %s%s%s%s%s%s\n",
appl_args->error_check ? "error_check " : "",
appl_args->chksum ? "chksum " : "",
appl_args->packet_copy ? "packet_copy " : "",
appl_args->data_rd ? "data_rd" : "",
appl_args->tx_compl.mode != ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_DISABLED ? "tx_compl" : "",
appl_args->verbose_pkt ? "verbose_pkt" : "");
printf("Num worker threads: %i\n", appl_args->num_workers);
printf("CPU mask: %s\n", gbl_args->cpumaskstr);
if (appl_args->num_groups > 0)
printf("num groups: %i\n", appl_args->num_groups);
else if (appl_args->num_groups == 0)
printf("group: ODP_SCHED_GROUP_ALL\n");
printf("group: ODP_SCHED_GROUP_WORKER\n");
printf("Packets per pool: %u\n", appl_args->num_pkt);
printf("Packet length: %u\n", appl_args->packet_len);
printf("Segment length: %u\n", appl_args->seg_len == UINT32_MAX ? 0 :
printf("Read data: %u bytes\n", appl_args->data_rd * 8);
printf("Prefetch data %u bytes\n", appl_args->prefetch * 64);
printf("Vectors per pool: %u\n", appl_args->num_vec);
printf("Vector size: %u\n", appl_args->vec_size);
printf("Priority per IF: ");
for (i = 0; i < appl_args->if_count; i++)
printf(" %i", appl_args->prio[i]);
static void gbl_args_init(args_t *args)
int pktio, queue;
memset(args, 0, sizeof(args_t));
odp_atomic_init_u32(&args->exit_threads, 0);
for (pktio = 0; pktio < MAX_PKTIOS; pktio++) {
args->pktios[pktio].pktio = ODP_PKTIO_INVALID;
for (queue = 0; queue < MAX_QUEUES; queue++)
args->pktios[pktio].rx_q[queue] = ODP_QUEUE_INVALID;
args->pktios[pktio].compl_q = ODP_QUEUE_INVALID;
args->appl.tx_compl.mode = ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_DISABLED;
static void create_groups(int num, odp_schedule_group_t *group)
int i;
/* Create groups */
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
group[i] = odp_schedule_group_create(NULL, &zero);
if (group[i] == ODP_SCHED_GROUP_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Group create failed\n");
static int set_vector_pool_params(odp_pool_param_t *params, const odp_pool_capability_t *pool_capa)
uint32_t num_vec, vec_size;
if (gbl_args->appl.vec_size == 0)
vec_size = DEFAULT_VEC_SIZE;
vec_size = gbl_args->appl.vec_size;
ODPH_ASSERT(pool_capa->vector.max_size > 0);
if (vec_size > pool_capa->vector.max_size) {
if (gbl_args->appl.vec_size == 0) {
vec_size = pool_capa->vector.max_size;
printf("\nWarning: Vector size reduced to %u\n\n", vec_size);
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Vector size too big %u. Maximum is %u.\n",
vec_size, pool_capa->vector.max_size);
return -1;
if (gbl_args->appl.num_vec == 0) {
uint32_t num_pkt = gbl_args->appl.num_pkt ?
gbl_args->appl.num_pkt : DEFAULT_NUM_PKT;
num_vec = (num_pkt + vec_size - 1) / vec_size;
} else {
num_vec = gbl_args->appl.num_vec;
if (pool_capa->vector.max_num && num_vec > pool_capa->vector.max_num) {
if (gbl_args->appl.num_vec == 0) {
num_vec = pool_capa->vector.max_num;
printf("\nWarning: number of vectors reduced to %u\n\n", num_vec);
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Too many vectors (%u) per pool. Maximum is %u.\n",
num_vec, pool_capa->vector.max_num);
return -1;
params->vector.num = num_vec;
params->vector.max_size = vec_size;
params->type = ODP_POOL_VECTOR;
return 0;
* L2 forwarding main function
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
odph_helper_options_t helper_options;
odph_thread_param_t thr_param[MAX_WORKERS];
odph_thread_common_param_t thr_common;
int i;
int num_workers, num_thr;
odp_shm_t shm;
odp_cpumask_t cpumask;
odph_ethaddr_t new_addr;
int ret;
stats_t *stats[MAX_WORKERS];
int if_count, num_pools, num_vec_pools;
int (*thr_run_func)(void *);
odp_instance_t instance;
int num_groups, max_groups;
odp_schedule_group_t group[MAX_GROUPS];
odp_pool_t pool_tbl[MAX_PKTIOS], vec_pool_tbl[MAX_PKTIOS];
odp_pool_t pool, vec_pool;
odp_init_t init;
odp_schedule_config_t sched_config;
uint32_t pkt_len, num_pkt, seg_len;
/* Let helper collect its own arguments (e.g. --odph_proc) */
argc = odph_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (odph_options(&helper_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Reading ODP helper options failed.\n");
/* List features not to be used (may optimize performance) */
init.not_used.feat.cls = 1;
init.not_used.feat.crypto = 1;
init.not_used.feat.ipsec = 1;
init.not_used.feat.timer = 1;
init.not_used.feat.tm = 1;
init.mem_model = helper_options.mem_model;
if (setup_sig_handler()) {
ODPH_ERR("Signal handler setup failed\n");
/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
if (odp_init_global(&instance, &init, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("ODP global init failed.\n");
/* Init this thread */
ODPH_ERR("ODP local init failed.\n");
/* Reserve memory for args from shared mem */
shm = odp_shm_reserve("shm_args", sizeof(args_t),
if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared mem reserve failed.\n");
gbl_args = odp_shm_addr(shm);
if (gbl_args == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Shared mem addr failed.\n");
/* Parse and store the application arguments */
parse_args(argc, argv, &gbl_args->appl);
if (sched_mode(gbl_args->appl.in_mode))
gbl_args->appl.sched_mode = 1;
num_workers = MAX_WORKERS;
if (gbl_args->appl.cpu_count && gbl_args->appl.cpu_count < MAX_WORKERS)
num_workers = gbl_args->appl.cpu_count;
/* Get default worker cpumask */
num_workers = odp_cpumask_default_worker(&cpumask, num_workers);
(void)odp_cpumask_to_str(&cpumask, gbl_args->cpumaskstr, sizeof(gbl_args->cpumaskstr));
gbl_args->appl.num_workers = num_workers;
for (i = 0; i < num_workers; i++)
gbl_args->thread_args[i].thr_idx = i;
if_count = gbl_args->appl.if_count;
num_pools = 1;
if (gbl_args->appl.pool_per_if)
num_pools = if_count;
if (odp_pool_capability(&pool_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Pool capability failed\n");
return -1;
if (num_pools > (int)pool_capa.pkt.max_pools) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many pools %i\n", num_pools);
return -1;
pkt_len = gbl_args->appl.packet_len;
if (pool_capa.pkt.max_len && pkt_len > pool_capa.pkt.max_len) {
pkt_len = pool_capa.pkt.max_len;
printf("\nWarning: packet length reduced to %u\n\n", pkt_len);
if (gbl_args->appl.seg_len == UINT32_MAX)
seg_len = gbl_args->appl.packet_len;
seg_len = gbl_args->appl.seg_len;
/* Check whether we have sufficient segments to support requested packet
* length, if not adjust to bigger segment size */
if (seg_len < (pkt_len / pool_capa.pkt.max_segs_per_pkt))
seg_len = pkt_len / pool_capa.pkt.max_segs_per_pkt;
if (pool_capa.pkt.min_seg_len && seg_len < pool_capa.pkt.min_seg_len)
seg_len = pool_capa.pkt.min_seg_len;
if (pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len && seg_len > pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len)
seg_len = pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len;
if ((gbl_args->appl.seg_len != UINT32_MAX) && (seg_len != gbl_args->appl.seg_len))
printf("\nWarning: Segment length requested %d configured %d\n",
gbl_args->appl.seg_len, seg_len);
if (seg_len < gbl_args->appl.data_rd * 8) {
ODPH_ERR("Requested data read length %u exceeds maximum segment length %u\n",
gbl_args->appl.data_rd * 8, seg_len);
return -1;
/* zero means default number of packets */
if (gbl_args->appl.num_pkt == 0)
num_pkt = DEFAULT_NUM_PKT;
num_pkt = gbl_args->appl.num_pkt;
if (pool_capa.pkt.max_num && num_pkt > pool_capa.pkt.max_num) {
if (gbl_args->appl.num_pkt == 0) {
num_pkt = pool_capa.pkt.max_num;
printf("\nWarning: number of packets reduced to %u\n\n",
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Too many packets %u. Maximum is %u.\n",
num_pkt, pool_capa.pkt.max_num);
return -1;
gbl_args->num_pkt = num_pkt;
gbl_args->pkt_len = pkt_len;
gbl_args->seg_len = seg_len;
printf("Resulting pool parameter values:\n");
printf("Packets per pool: %u\n", num_pkt);
printf("Packet length: %u\n", pkt_len);
printf("Segment length: %u\n", seg_len);
/* Create packet pool */
params.pkt.seg_len = seg_len;
params.pkt.len = pkt_len;
params.pkt.num = num_pkt;
for (i = 0; i < num_pools; i++) {
pool_tbl[i] = odp_pool_create("packet pool", &params);
if (pool_tbl[i] == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Pool create failed %i\n", i);
if (gbl_args->appl.verbose)
/* Create vector pool */
num_vec_pools = 0;
if (gbl_args->appl.vector_mode) {
if (!sched_mode(gbl_args->appl.in_mode)) {
ODPH_ERR("Vector mode only supports scheduler pktin modes (1-3)\n");
return -1;
num_vec_pools = gbl_args->appl.pool_per_if ? if_count : 1;
if (num_vec_pools > (int)pool_capa.vector.max_pools) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many vector pools %i\n", num_vec_pools);
return -1;
if (set_vector_pool_params(&params, &pool_capa))
return -1;
gbl_args->vector_num = params.vector.num;
gbl_args->vector_max_size = params.vector.max_size;
/* Print resulting values */
printf("Vectors per pool: %u\n", gbl_args->vector_num);
printf("Vector size: %u\n", gbl_args->vector_max_size);
for (i = 0; i < num_vec_pools; i++) {
vec_pool_tbl[i] = odp_pool_create("vector pool", &params);
if (vec_pool_tbl[i] == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Vector pool create failed %i\n", i);
if (gbl_args->appl.verbose)
if (odp_schedule_capability(&sched_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Schedule capability failed\n");
if (gbl_args->appl.flow_aware) {
if (sched_capa.max_flow_id) {
sched_config.max_flow_id = sched_capa.max_flow_id;
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Flow aware mode not supported\n");
num_groups = gbl_args->appl.num_groups;
/* Predefined groups are enabled by default */
max_groups = sched_capa.max_groups - 3;
if (max_groups > MAX_GROUPS)
max_groups = MAX_GROUPS;
if (num_groups > max_groups) {
ODPH_ERR("Too many groups. Maximum is %i.\n", max_groups);
/* Default */
if (num_groups == 0) {
num_groups = 1;
} else if (num_groups == -1) {
num_groups = 1;
} else {
create_groups(num_groups, group);
pool = pool_tbl[0];
vec_pool = vec_pool_tbl[0];
for (i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) {
const char *dev = gbl_args->appl.if_names[i];
int num_rx, num_tx;
/* A queue per worker in scheduled mode */
num_rx = gbl_args->appl.rx_queues > 0 ? gbl_args->appl.rx_queues : num_workers;
num_tx = num_workers;
if (!gbl_args->appl.sched_mode) {
/* A queue per assigned worker */
num_rx = gbl_args->pktios[i].num_rx_thr;
num_tx = gbl_args->pktios[i].num_tx_thr;
/* Round robin pktios to groups */
grp = group[i % num_groups];
if (gbl_args->appl.pool_per_if) {
pool = pool_tbl[i];
vec_pool = vec_pool_tbl[i];
if (create_pktio(dev, i, num_rx, num_tx, pool, vec_pool, grp))
/* Save destination eth address */
if (gbl_args->appl.dst_change) {
/* 02:00:00:00:00:XX */
memset(&new_addr, 0, sizeof(odph_ethaddr_t));
if (gbl_args->appl.addr_count) {
memcpy(&new_addr, &gbl_args->appl.addrs[i],
} else {
new_addr.addr[0] = 0x02;
new_addr.addr[5] = i;
gbl_args->dst_eth_addr[i] = new_addr;
gbl_args->pktios[i].pktio = ODP_PKTIO_INVALID;
if (!gbl_args->appl.sched_mode)
odp_barrier_init(&gbl_args->init_barrier, num_workers + 1);
odp_barrier_init(&gbl_args->term_barrier, num_workers + 1);
if (gbl_args->appl.in_mode == DIRECT_RECV)
thr_run_func = run_worker_direct_mode;
else if (gbl_args->appl.in_mode == PLAIN_QUEUE)
thr_run_func = run_worker_plain_queue_mode;
thr_run_func = gbl_args->appl.vector_mode ?
run_worker_sched_mode_vector : run_worker_sched_mode;
/* Create worker threads */
thr_common.instance = instance;
thr_common.cpumask = &cpumask;
/* Synchronize thread start up. Test runs are more repeatable when
* thread / thread ID / CPU ID mapping stays constant. */
thr_common.sync = 1;
for (i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i) {
int j;
int num_join;
int mode = gbl_args->appl.group_mode;
init_state(&gbl_args->appl, &gbl_args->thread_args[i].state, i);
thr_param[i].start = thr_run_func;
thr_param[i].arg = &gbl_args->thread_args[i];
thr_param[i].thr_type = ODP_THREAD_WORKER;
gbl_args->thread_args[i].num_grp_join = 0;
/* Fill in list of groups to join */
if (gbl_args->appl.num_groups > 0) {
num_join = if_count < num_groups ? if_count : num_groups;
if (mode == 0 || mode == 1) {
/* All threads join all groups */
if (mode == 0)
num_join = num_groups;
gbl_args->thread_args[i].num_grp_join = num_join;
for (j = 0; j < num_join; j++)
gbl_args->thread_args[i].group[j] = group[j];
} else {
/* Thread joins first groups in round robin */
if (num_workers >= num_join) {
gbl_args->thread_args[i].num_grp_join = 1;
gbl_args->thread_args[i].group[0] = group[i % num_join];
} else {
int cnt = 0;
for (j = 0; i + j < num_join; j += num_workers) {
gbl_args->thread_args[i].group[cnt] = group[i + j];
gbl_args->thread_args[i].num_grp_join = cnt;
stats[i] = &gbl_args->thread_args[i].stats;
num_thr = odph_thread_create(gbl_args->thread_tbl, &thr_common,
thr_param, num_workers);
if (num_thr != num_workers) {
ODPH_ERR("Worker create failed: %i\n", num_thr);
if (gbl_args->appl.verbose)
/* Start packet receive and transmit */
for (i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) {
odp_pktio_t pktio;
pktio = gbl_args->pktios[i].pktio;
ret = odp_pktio_start(pktio);
if (ret) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio start failed: %s\n", gbl_args->appl.if_names[i]);
ret = print_speed_stats(num_workers, stats, gbl_args->appl.time,
for (i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) {
if (odp_pktio_stop(gbl_args->pktios[i].pktio)) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio stop failed: %s\n", gbl_args->appl.if_names[i]);
odp_atomic_store_u32(&gbl_args->exit_threads, 1);
if (gbl_args->appl.in_mode != DIRECT_RECV)
odph_thread_join_result_t res[num_workers];
/* Master thread waits for other threads to exit */
if (odph_thread_join_result(gbl_args->thread_tbl, res, num_workers) != num_workers) {
ODPH_ERR("Worker join failed\n");
for (i = 0; i < num_workers; i++) {
if (res[i].is_sig || res[i].ret != 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Worker thread failure%s: %d\n", res[i].is_sig ?
" (signaled)" : "", res[i].ret);
for (i = 0; i < if_count; ++i) {
odp_pktio_t pktio = gbl_args->pktios[i].pktio;
if (gbl_args->appl.verbose && odp_pktio_extra_stat_info(pktio, NULL, 0) > 0) {
printf("Pktio %s extra statistics:\n", gbl_args->appl.if_names[i]);
if (gbl_args->pktios[i].compl_q != ODP_QUEUE_INVALID)
if (odp_pktio_close(pktio)) {
ODPH_ERR("Pktio close failed: %s\n", gbl_args->appl.if_names[i]);
for (i = 0; i < gbl_args->appl.num_om; i++)
gbl_args = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < num_pools; i++) {
if (odp_pool_destroy(pool_tbl[i])) {
ODPH_ERR("Pool destroy failed: %i\n", i);
for (i = 0; i < num_vec_pools; i++) {
if (odp_pool_destroy(vec_pool_tbl[i])) {
ODPH_ERR("Vector pool destroy failed: %i\n", i);
if (odp_shm_free(shm)) {
ODPH_ERR("Shm free failed\n");
if (odp_term_local()) {
ODPH_ERR("Term local failed\n");
if (odp_term_global(instance)) {
ODPH_ERR("Term global failed\n");
return ret;
void odp_atomic_init_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Initialize atomic uint32 variable.
uint32_t odp_atomic_load_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Load value of atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_store_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Store value to atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_barrier_init(odp_barrier_t *barr, int count)
Initialize barrier with thread count.
void odp_mb_full(void)
Full memory barrier.
void odp_barrier_wait(odp_barrier_t *barr)
Synchronize thread execution on barrier.
Defines type/struct/variable to be cache line size aligned.
#define odp_unlikely(x)
Branch unlikely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:64
#define ODP_UNUSED
Intentionally unused variables of functions.
Definition: spec/hints.h:54
#define odp_likely(x)
Branch likely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:59
int odp_cpumask_default_worker(odp_cpumask_t *mask, int num)
Default CPU mask for worker threads.
int32_t odp_cpumask_to_str(const odp_cpumask_t *mask, char *str, int32_t size)
Format a string from CPU mask.
The maximum number of characters needed to record any CPU mask as a string (output of odp_cpumask_to_...
void odp_event_free_multi(const odp_event_t event[], int num)
Free multiple events.
void odp_event_free(odp_event_t event)
Free event.
odp_event_type_t odp_event_type(odp_event_t event)
Event type of an event.
Invalid event.
void odp_init_param_init(odp_init_t *param)
Initialize the odp_init_t to default values for all fields.
int odp_init_local(odp_instance_t instance, odp_thread_type_t thr_type)
Thread local ODP initialization.
int odp_init_global(odp_instance_t *instance, const odp_init_t *params, const odp_platform_init_t *platform_params)
Global ODP initialization.
int odp_term_local(void)
Thread local ODP termination.
int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance)
Global ODP termination.
uint64_t odp_instance_t
ODP instance ID.
int odp_pktio_mac_addr(odp_pktio_t pktio, void *mac_addr, int size)
Get the default MAC address of a packet IO interface.
void odp_pktin_queue_param_init(odp_pktin_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize packet input queue parameters.
void odp_pktio_param_init(odp_pktio_param_t *param)
Initialize pktio params.
int odp_pktio_promisc_mode(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Determine if promiscuous mode is enabled for a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktio_close(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Close a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktio_info(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktio_info_t *info)
Retrieve information about a pktio.
int odp_pktout_queue(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktout_queue_t queues[], int num)
Direct packet output queues.
int odp_pktio_maxlen_set(odp_pktio_t pktio, uint32_t maxlen_input, uint32_t maxlen_output)
Set maximum frame lengths.
int odp_pktio_promisc_mode_set(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_bool_t enable)
Set promiscuous mode.
void odp_pktio_extra_stats_print(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Print extra statistics for a packet IO interface.
void odp_pktio_config_init(odp_pktio_config_t *config)
Initialize packet IO configuration options.
int odp_pktin_event_queue(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_queue_t queues[], int num)
Event queues for packet input.
odp_pktio_t odp_pktio_open(const char *name, odp_pool_t pool, const odp_pktio_param_t *param)
Open a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktio_config(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_pktio_config_t *config)
Configure packet IO interface options.
void odp_pktio_print(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Print pktio info to the console.
int odp_pktio_start(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Start packet receive and transmit.
Invalid packet IO handle.
int odp_pktin_queue(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktin_queue_t queues[], int num)
Direct packet input queues.
void odp_pktout_queue_param_init(odp_pktout_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize packet output queue parameters.
int odp_pktout_event_queue(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_queue_t queues[], int num)
Event queues for packet output.
int odp_pktio_stop(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Stop packet receive and transmit.
int odp_pktin_recv(odp_pktin_queue_t queue, odp_packet_t packets[], int num)
Receive packets directly from an interface input queue.
int odp_pktio_index(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Get pktio interface index.
int odp_pktio_capability(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktio_capability_t *capa)
Query packet IO interface capabilities.
Maximum packet IO interface index.
int odp_pktout_send(odp_pktout_queue_t queue, const odp_packet_t packets[], int num)
Send packets directly to an interface output queue.
Packet IO operation mode.
int odp_pktio_extra_stat_info(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktio_extra_stat_info_t info[], int num)
Get extra statistics counter information for a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktin_queue_config(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_pktin_queue_param_t *param)
Configure packet input queues.
int odp_pktout_queue_config(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_pktout_queue_param_t *param)
Configure packet output queues.
Packet output through event queues.
Application will never send to this interface.
Not multithread safe operation.
Multithread safe operation.
Pause frame flow control enabled.
Packet input through plain event queues.
Application will never receive from this interface.
Packet input through scheduler and scheduled event queues.
void odp_packet_from_event_multi(odp_packet_t pkt[], const odp_event_t ev[], int num)
Convert multiple packet events to packet handles.
int odp_packet_tx_compl_request(odp_packet_t pkt, const odp_packet_tx_compl_opt_t *opt)
Request packet transmit completion.
int odp_packet_input_index(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet input interface index.
int odp_packet_tx_compl_done(odp_pktio_t pktio, uint32_t compl_id)
Check packet transmit completion.
void odp_packet_to_event_multi(const odp_packet_t pkt[], odp_event_t ev[], int num)
Convert multiple packet handles to events.
uint32_t odp_packet_seg_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data length following the data pointer.
uint32_t odp_packet_headroom(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet headroom length.
void odp_packet_prefetch(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len)
Packet data prefetch.
odp_packet_vector_t odp_packet_vector_from_event(odp_event_t ev)
Get packet vector handle from event.
int odp_packet_num_segs(odp_packet_t pkt)
Number of segments.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_copy(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_pool_t pool)
Full copy of a packet.
uint32_t odp_packet_user_area_size(odp_packet_t pkt)
User area size.
void * odp_packet_data(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data pointer.
Packet transmit completion mode.
uint32_t odp_packet_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data length.
int odp_packet_has_error(odp_packet_t pkt)
Check for all parse errors in packet.
int odp_packet_has_tx_compl_request(odp_packet_t pkt)
Check if packet transmit completion is requested.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_from_event(odp_event_t ev)
Get packet handle from event.
void odp_packet_free(odp_packet_t pkt)
Free packet.
void odp_packet_vector_free(odp_packet_vector_t pktv)
Free packet vector.
void odp_packet_l4_chksum_insert(odp_packet_t pkt, int insert)
Layer 4 checksum insertion override.
Invalid packet.
uint32_t odp_packet_vector_tbl(odp_packet_vector_t pktv, odp_packet_t **pkt_tbl)
Get packet vector table.
odp_pool_t odp_packet_pool(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet pool.
Invalid packet vector.
void odp_packet_l3_chksum_insert(odp_packet_t pkt, int insert)
Layer 3 checksum insertion override.
All layers.
No layers.
Enable packet transmit completion check through polling.
Disable packet transmit completion.
Enable packet transmit completion event.
odp_pool_t odp_pool_create(const char *name, const odp_pool_param_t *param)
Create a pool.
int odp_pool_capability(odp_pool_capability_t *capa)
Query pool capabilities.
void odp_pool_param_init(odp_pool_param_t *param)
Initialize pool params.
int odp_pool_destroy(odp_pool_t pool)
Destroy a pool previously created by odp_pool_create()
void odp_pool_print(odp_pool_t pool)
Print pool info.
Invalid pool.
Vector event pool.
Packet pool.
int odp_queue_enq_multi(odp_queue_t queue, const odp_event_t events[], int num)
Enqueue multiple events to a queue.
void odp_queue_param_init(odp_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize queue params.
Invalid queue.
odp_event_t odp_queue_deq(odp_queue_t queue)
Dequeue an event from a queue.
odp_queue_t odp_queue_create(const char *name, const odp_queue_param_t *param)
Queue create.
int odp_queue_destroy(odp_queue_t queue)
Destroy ODP queue.
int odp_queue_deq_multi(odp_queue_t queue, odp_event_t events[], int num)
Dequeue multiple events from a queue.
Scheduled queue.
int odp_schedule_sync_t
Scheduler synchronization method.
int odp_schedule_multi_no_wait(odp_queue_t *from, odp_event_t events[], int num)
Schedule, do not wait for events.
Parallel scheduled queues.
int odp_schedule_prio_t
Scheduling priority level.
int odp_schedule_group_t
Scheduler thread group.
void odp_schedule_config_init(odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Initialize schedule configuration options.
int odp_schedule_group_join(odp_schedule_group_t group, const odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Join a schedule group.
Atomic queue synchronization.
Ordered queue synchronization.
Group of all worker threads.
Invalid scheduler group.
Do not wait.
int odp_schedule_default_prio(void)
Default scheduling priority level.
void odp_schedule_pause(void)
Pause scheduling.
int odp_schedule_config(const odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Global schedule configuration.
uint64_t odp_schedule_wait_time(uint64_t ns)
Schedule wait time.
int odp_schedule_capability(odp_schedule_capability_t *capa)
Query scheduler capabilities.
odp_schedule_group_t odp_schedule_group_create(const char *name, const odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Schedule group create.
odp_event_t odp_schedule(odp_queue_t *from, uint64_t wait)
Schedule an event.
void odp_schedule_resume(void)
Resume scheduling.
Group of all threads.
void odp_shm_print_all(void)
Print all shared memory blocks.
int odp_shm_free(odp_shm_t shm)
Free a contiguous block of shared memory.
Invalid shared memory block.
void * odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_t shm)
Shared memory block address.
odp_shm_t odp_shm_reserve(const char *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t align, uint32_t flags)
Reserve a contiguous block of shared memory.
void odp_sys_info_print(void)
Print system info.
void odp_thrmask_set(odp_thrmask_t *mask, int thr)
Add thread to mask.
int odp_thread_id(void)
Get thread identifier.
void odp_thrmask_zero(odp_thrmask_t *mask)
Clear entire thread mask.
Worker thread.
Control thread.
uint64_t odp_time_to_ns(odp_time_t time)
Convert time to nanoseconds.
odp_time_t odp_time_diff(odp_time_t t2, odp_time_t t1)
Time difference.
A second in nanoseconds.
odp_time_t odp_time_local(void)
Current local time.
The OpenDataPlane API.
Global initialization parameters.
odp_mem_model_t mem_model
Application memory model.
odp_feature_t not_used
Unused features.
Packet transmit completion request options.
Packet input queue parameters.
uint32_t num_queues
Number of input queues to be created.
odp_pktio_op_mode_t op_mode
Operation mode.
odp_queue_param_t queue_param
Queue parameters.
odp_pktin_hash_proto_t hash_proto
Protocol field selection for hashing.
odp_bool_t hash_enable
Enable flow hashing.
odp_pktin_vector_config_t vector
Packet input vector configuration.
uint64_t max_tmo_ns
Maximum timeout in nanoseconds for the producer to wait for the vector of packets.
uint64_t min_tmo_ns
Minimum value allowed to be configured to odp_pktin_vector_config_t::max_tmo_ns.
uint32_t min_size
Minimum value allowed to be configured to odp_pktin_vector_config_t::max_size.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum number of packets that can be accumulated into a packet vector by a producer.
odp_support_t supported
Packet input vector availability.
odp_bool_t enable
Enable packet input vector.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum number of packets in a vector.
uint64_t max_tmo_ns
Maximum time to wait for packets.
odp_bool_t queue_type_sched
Scheduled queue support.
uint32_t mode_poll
Packet transmit completion mode ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL support.
odp_pktio_set_op_t set_op
Supported set operations.
uint32_t max_output
Maximum valid value for 'maxlen_output'.
odp_pktin_vector_capability_t vector
Packet input vector capability.
uint32_t max_input_queues
Maximum number of input queues.
uint32_t max_input
Maximum valid value for 'maxlen_input'.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@110 flow_control
Supported flow control modes.
odp_pktio_config_t config
Supported pktio configuration options.
uint32_t min_output
Minimum valid value for 'maxlen_output'.
uint32_t max_output_queues
Maximum number of output queues.
uint32_t max_compl_id
Maximum supported completion ID value.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@108 tx_compl
Supported packet Tx completion options.
uint32_t min_input
Minimum valid value for 'maxlen_input'.
uint32_t mode_event
Packet transmit completion mode ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT support.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@107 maxlen
Supported frame lengths for odp_pktio_maxlen_set()
uint32_t pause_tx
Generation of traditional Ethernet pause frames.
uint32_t pause_rx
Reception of traditional Ethernet pause frames.
Packet IO configuration options.
uint32_t max_compl_id
Maximum completion index.
uint32_t mode_event
Enable packet transmit completion events.
odp_pktio_link_pause_t pause_tx
Transmission of flow control frames.
odp_pktout_config_opt_t pktout
Packet output configuration options bit field.
struct odp_pktio_config_t::@102 flow_control
Link flow control configuration.
uint32_t mode_poll
Enable packet transmit completion check through polling.
odp_pktio_link_pause_t pause_rx
Reception of flow control frames.
odp_pktio_parser_config_t parser
Packet input parser configuration.
struct odp_pktio_config_t::@103 tx_compl
Packet transmit completion configuration.
odp_pktin_config_opt_t pktin
Packet input configuration options bit field.
Packet IO information.
const char * drv_name
Packet IO driver name (implementation specific)
Packet IO parameters.
odp_pktin_mode_t in_mode
Packet input mode.
odp_pktout_mode_t out_mode
Packet output mode.
odp_proto_layer_t layer
Protocol parsing level in packet input.
Packet output queue parameters.
odp_pktio_op_mode_t op_mode
Operation mode.
uint32_t num_queues
Number of output queues to be created.
struct odp_pool_capability_t::@122 pkt
Packet pool capabilities
uint32_t max_num
Maximum number of buffers of any size.
uint32_t max_segs_per_pkt
Maximum number of segments per packet.
struct odp_pool_capability_t::@124 vector
Vector pool capabilities.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum buffer data size in bytes.
uint32_t min_seg_len
Minimum packet segment data length in bytes.
uint32_t max_pools
Maximum number of pools of any type (odp_pool_type_t)
uint32_t max_seg_len
Maximum packet segment data length in bytes.
uint32_t max_len
Maximum packet data length in bytes.
Pool parameters.
uint32_t num
Number of buffers in the pool.
odp_pool_type_t type
Pool type.
uint32_t len
Minimum length of 'num' packets.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum number of handles (such as odp_packet_t) in a vector.
uint32_t seg_len
Minimum number of packet data bytes that can be stored in the first segment of a newly allocated pack...
struct odp_pool_param_t::@126 pkt
Parameters for packet pools.
struct odp_pool_param_t::@128 vector
Parameters for vector pools.
ODP Queue parameters.
odp_schedule_param_t sched
Scheduler parameters.
odp_queue_type_t type
Queue type.
uint32_t max_flow_id
Maximum flow ID per queue.
uint32_t max_groups
Maximum number of scheduling groups.
Schedule configuration.
uint32_t max_flow_id
Maximum flow ID per queue.
odp_schedule_group_t group
Thread group.
odp_schedule_prio_t prio
Priority level.
odp_schedule_sync_t sync
Synchronization method.
uint32_t tm
Traffic Manager APIs, e.g., odp_tm_xxx()
uint32_t crypto
Crypto APIs, e.g., odp_crypto_xxx()
uint32_t ipsec
IPsec APIs, e.g., odp_ipsec_xxx()
uint32_t timer
Timer APIs, e.g., odp_timer_xxx(), odp_timeout_xxx()
uint32_t cls
Classifier APIs, e.g., odp_cls_xxx(), odp_cos_xxx()
struct odp_feature_t::@148 feat
Individual feature bits.
uint32_t compress
Compression APIs, e.g., odp_comp_xxx()
uint64_t ts_all
Timestamp all packets on packet input.
struct odp_pktin_config_opt_t::@100 bit
Option flags.
uint32_t ipv4_udp
IPv4 addresses and UDP port numbers.
struct odp_pktin_hash_proto_t::@99 proto
Protocol header fields for hashing.
struct odp_pktio_set_op_t::@104 op
Operation flags.
uint32_t maxlen
Maximum frame length.
uint32_t promisc_mode
Promiscuous mode.
struct odp_pktout_config_opt_t::@101 bit
Option flags for packet output.
uint64_t no_packet_refs
Packet references not used on packet output.
uint64_t ipv4_chksum_ena
Enable IPv4 header checksum insertion.
uint64_t tcp_chksum_ena
Enable TCP checksum insertion.
uint64_t udp_chksum_ena
Enable UDP checksum insertion.