14 #include <odp/visibility_begin.h>
770 #define ODP_LSO_MAX_CUSTOM 8
1286 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_10M 10
1288 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_100M 100
1290 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_1G 1000
1292 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_2_5G 2500
1294 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_5G 5000
1296 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_10G 10000
1298 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_20G 20000
1300 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_25G 25000
1302 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_40G 40000
1304 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_50G 50000
1306 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_56G 56000
1308 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_100G 100000
1310 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_200G 200000
1312 #define ODP_PKTIO_LINK_SPEED_400G 400000
1374 #include <odp/visibility_end.h>
Standard C language types and definitions for ODP.
Control deprecated API definitions.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t odp_pktio_capability_t
Packet IO capabilities.
LSO protocol options.
struct odp_lso_write_bits_t odp_lso_write_bits_t
Parameters for ODP_LSO_WRITE_BITS custom operation.
Maximum number of packet output queues supported by the API.
struct odp_pktio_param_t odp_pktio_param_t
Packet IO parameters.
struct odp_pktout_queue_param_t odp_pktout_queue_param_t
Packet output queue parameters.
struct odp_lso_profile_param_t odp_lso_profile_param_t
LSO profile parameters.
struct odp_pktin_vector_capability_t odp_pktin_vector_capability_t
Packet input vector capabilities.
struct odp_pktio_link_info_t odp_pktio_link_info_t
Packet IO link information.
Maximum number of custom LSO fields supported by ODP API.
Packet output mode.
union odp_pktout_config_opt_t odp_pktout_config_opt_t
Packet output configuration options bit field.
struct odp_pktio_info_t odp_pktio_info_t
Packet IO information.
Duplex mode.
struct odp_pktin_queue_param_t odp_pktin_queue_param_t
Packet input queue parameters.
Autonegotiation mode.
LSO custom modification options.
struct odp_pktio_config_t odp_pktio_config_t
Packet IO configuration options.
struct odp_lso_capability_t odp_lso_capability_t
Large Send Offload (LSO) capabilities.
Maximum number of packet input queues supported by the API.
union odp_pktin_config_opt_t odp_pktin_config_opt_t
Packet input configuration options bit field.
union odp_pktin_hash_proto_t odp_pktin_hash_proto_t
Packet input hash protocols.
struct odp_pktio_parser_config_t odp_pktio_parser_config_t
Parser configuration.
Packet IO operation mode.
union odp_pktio_set_op_t odp_pktio_set_op_t
Packet IO set operations.
Ethernet flow control modes.
struct odp_pktin_queue_param_ovr_t odp_pktin_queue_param_ovr_t
Packet input queue parameters override.
Packet input mode.
struct odp_pktin_vector_config_t odp_pktin_vector_config_t
Packet input vector configuration.
Link status.
LSO performs IPv4 fragmentation.
Protocol not selected.
LSO performs IPv6 fragmentation.
LSO performs TCP segmentation on top of IPv4.
Custom protocol.
LSO performs SCTP segmentation on top of IPv4.
LSO performs TCP segmentation on top of IPv6.
LSO performs SCTP segmentation on top of IPv6.
Direct packet output on the interface.
Packet output through traffic manager API.
Packet output through event queues.
Application will never send to this interface.
Half duplex mode.
Full duplex mode.
Link duplex mode is unknown.
Autonegotiation state unknown.
Autonegotiation disabled.
Autonegotiation enabled.
Add current segment number.
Write bits in the first, middle and last segment.
Add number of payload bytes in all previous segments.
Add number of payload bytes in the segment.
Not multithread safe operation.
Multithread safe operation.
Priority-based Flow Control (PFC) enabled.
Flow control mode is unknown.
No flow control.
Pause frame flow control enabled.
Direct packet input from the interface.
Packet input through plain event queues.
Application will never receive from this interface.
Packet input through scheduler and scheduled event queues.
Link status is down.
Link status is up.
Link status is unknown.
Protocol layer.
int odp_schedule_group_t
Scheduler thread group.
bool odp_bool_t
Boolean type.
ODP support.
ODP REASSEMBLY API - platform specific header.
#define ODP_DEPRECATE(x)
Macro to deprecate API definitions.
Large Send Offload (LSO) capabilities.
uint32_t max_payload_len
Maximum payload length per an LSO generated packet (in bytes).
uint32_t max_packet_segments
Maximum number of segments in an input packet.
uint32_t max_segments
Maximum number of segments an LSO operation may create.
uint32_t max_profiles
Maximum number of LSO profiles.
uint32_t sctp_ipv4
uint32_t max_profiles_per_pktio
Maximum number of LSO profiles per packet IO interface.
uint16_t add_payload_len
uint8_t max_num_custom
Maximum number of custom fields supported per LSO profile.
struct odp_lso_capability_t::@105 mod_op
Supported LSO custom modification options.
uint16_t write_bits
uint32_t tcp_ipv4
uint16_t add_segment_num
uint32_t ipv4
uint32_t max_payload_offset
Maximum supported offset to the packet payload (in bytes).
struct odp_lso_capability_t::@106 proto
Supported LSO protocol options.
uint32_t tcp_ipv6
uint32_t custom
uint32_t sctp_ipv6
uint32_t ipv6
uint16_t add_payload_offset
uint8_t num_custom
Number of custom fields specified.
odp_lso_protocol_t lso_proto
Segmentation protocol.
uint32_t offset
Field offset in bytes from packet start.
struct odp_lso_profile_param_t::@111::@112 field[ODP_LSO_MAX_CUSTOM]
Custom field to be modified by LSO.
odp_lso_write_bits_t middle_seg
bits to write in middle segments
odp_lso_write_bits_t first_seg
bits to write in the first segment
struct odp_lso_profile_param_t::@111 custom
Custom fields.
struct odp_lso_profile_param_t::@111::@112::@113::@115 write_bits
Parameters for ODP_LSO_WRITE_BITS operation.
odp_lso_write_bits_t last_seg
bits to write in the last segment
odp_lso_modify_t mod_op
Field modify operation.
uint8_t size
Field size in bytes.
Parameters for ODP_LSO_WRITE_BITS custom operation.
uint8_t value[1]
Value to be written using the mask: new_value[n] = (old_value[n] & ~mask[n]) | (value[n] & mask[n])
uint8_t mask[1]
Bitmask to select which bits to write.
Packet input queue parameters override.
odp_schedule_group_t group
Override for schedule group in odp_schedule_param_t.
Packet input queue parameters.
uint32_t num_queues
Number of input queues to be created.
odp_pktio_op_mode_t op_mode
Operation mode.
odp_queue_param_t queue_param
Queue parameters.
odp_pktin_queue_param_ovr_t * queue_param_ovr
Queue parameters override.
odp_pktin_hash_proto_t hash_proto
Protocol field selection for hashing.
uint32_t queue_size[ODP_PKTIN_MAX_QUEUES]
Input queue size array.
odp_bool_t hash_enable
Enable flow hashing.
odp_bool_t classifier_enable
Enable classifier.
odp_pktin_vector_config_t vector
Packet input vector configuration.
Packet input vector capabilities.
uint64_t max_tmo_ns
Maximum timeout in nanoseconds for the producer to wait for the vector of packets.
uint64_t min_tmo_ns
Minimum value allowed to be configured to odp_pktin_vector_config_t::max_tmo_ns.
uint32_t min_size
Minimum value allowed to be configured to odp_pktin_vector_config_t::max_size.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum number of packets that can be accumulated into a packet vector by a producer.
odp_support_t supported
Packet input vector availability.
Packet input vector configuration.
odp_bool_t enable
Enable packet input vector.
uint32_t max_size
Maximum number of packets in a vector.
uint64_t max_tmo_ns
Maximum time to wait for packets.
odp_pool_t pool
Vector pool.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@109 free_ctrl
Supported packet free control options.
odp_bool_t queue_type_sched
Scheduled queue support.
odp_bool_t equal
Equal maximum frame length for both packet input and output.
uint32_t mode_poll
Packet transmit completion mode ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_POLL support.
odp_pktio_set_op_t set_op
Supported set operations.
uint32_t pfc_tx
Generation of PFC frames.
uint32_t max_output
Maximum valid value for 'maxlen_output'.
uint32_t mode_all
For backwards compatibility, mode_all is synonym of mode_event.
uint32_t pfc_rx
Reception of PFC frames.
odp_pktin_vector_capability_t vector
Packet input vector capability.
uint32_t max_input_queues
Maximum number of input queues.
uint32_t max_input
Maximum valid value for 'maxlen_input'.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@110 flow_control
Supported flow control modes.
odp_pktio_config_t config
Supported pktio configuration options.
uint32_t min_output
Minimum valid value for 'maxlen_output'.
uint32_t max_output_queue_size
Maximum output queue size.
uint32_t max_output_queues
Maximum number of output queues.
uint32_t max_compl_id
Maximum supported completion ID value.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@108 tx_compl
Supported packet Tx completion options.
uint32_t min_output_queue_size
Minimum output queue size.
uint64_t max_tx_aging_tmo_ns
Max Tx aging timeout in nano seconds supported when packet aging feature is supported.
uint32_t dont_free
Packet free control option ODP_PACKET_FREE_CTRL_DONT_FREE support with odp_packet_free_ctrl_set().
uint32_t min_input
Minimum valid value for 'maxlen_input'.
odp_pktio_stats_capability_t stats
Statistics counters capabilities.
odp_lso_capability_t lso
LSO capabilities.
uint32_t mode_event
Packet transmit completion mode ODP_PACKET_TX_COMPL_EVENT support.
uint32_t max_input_queue_size
Maximum input queue size.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@107 maxlen
Supported frame lengths for odp_pktio_maxlen_set()
odp_bool_t queue_type_plain
Plain queue support.
uint32_t pause_tx
Generation of traditional Ethernet pause frames.
uint32_t pause_rx
Reception of traditional Ethernet pause frames.
uint32_t min_input_queue_size
Minimum input queue size.
odp_reass_capability_t reassembly
Packet input reassembly capability.
Packet IO configuration options.
uint32_t max_compl_id
Maximum completion index.
uint32_t mode_event
Enable packet transmit completion events.
odp_pktio_link_pause_t pause_tx
Transmission of flow control frames.
odp_reass_config_t reassembly
Packet input reassembly configuration.
odp_pktout_config_opt_t pktout
Packet output configuration options bit field.
struct odp_pktio_config_t::@102 flow_control
Link flow control configuration.
odp_bool_t enable_loop
Interface loopback mode.
uint32_t mode_poll
Enable packet transmit completion check through polling.
odp_pktio_link_pause_t pause_rx
Reception of flow control frames.
odp_bool_t enable_lso
Enable Large Send Offload (LSO)
odp_pktio_parser_config_t parser
Packet input parser configuration.
odp_bool_t outbound_ipsec
Outbound IPSEC inlined with packet output.
struct odp_pktio_config_t::@103 tx_compl
Packet transmit completion configuration.
odp_pktin_config_opt_t pktin
Packet input configuration options bit field.
odp_bool_t inbound_ipsec
Inbound IPSEC inlined with packet input.
const char * drv_name
Packet IO driver name (implementation specific)
odp_pktio_param_t param
Packet IO parameters.
odp_pool_t pool
Packet pool.
const char * name
Packet IO device name.
Packet IO link information.
odp_pktio_link_pause_t pause_rx
Reception of pause frames.
odp_pktio_link_duplex_t duplex
Duplex mode.
uint32_t speed
Link speed in Mbps.
odp_pktio_link_autoneg_t autoneg
Link autonegotiation.
odp_pktio_link_pause_t pause_tx
Transmission of pause frames.
const char * media
Link media type.
odp_pktio_link_status_t status
Link status.
odp_pktin_mode_t in_mode
Packet input mode.
odp_pktout_mode_t out_mode
Packet output mode.
odp_proto_layer_t layer
Protocol parsing level in packet input.
Packet IO statistics capabilities.
Packet output queue parameters.
odp_pktio_op_mode_t op_mode
Operation mode.
uint32_t queue_size[ODP_PKTOUT_MAX_QUEUES]
Output queue size array.
uint32_t num_queues
Number of output queues to be created.
Fragment reassembly configuration.
Packet input configuration options bit field.
uint64_t ts_all
Timestamp all packets on packet input.
uint64_t ts_ptp
Timestamp (at least) IEEE1588 / PTP packets on packet input.
uint64_t ipv4_chksum
Check IPv4 header checksum on packet input.
uint64_t all_bits
All bits of the bit field structure.
uint64_t drop_sctp_err
Drop packets with a SCTP error on packet input.
uint64_t drop_udp_err
Drop packets with a UDP error on packet input.
uint64_t udp_chksum
Check UDP checksum on packet input.
uint64_t drop_ipv4_err
Drop packets with an IPv4 error on packet input.
uint64_t tcp_chksum
Check TCP checksum on packet input.
struct odp_pktin_config_opt_t::@100 bit
Option flags.
uint64_t sctp_chksum
Check SCTP checksum on packet input.
uint64_t drop_ipv6_err
Drop packets with an IPv6 error on packet input.
uint64_t drop_tcp_err
Drop packets with a TCP error on packet input.
Packet input hash protocols.
uint32_t all_bits
All bits of the bit field structure.
uint32_t ipv4_tcp
IPv4 addresses and TCP port numbers.
uint32_t ipv6_tcp
IPv6 addresses and TCP port numbers.
uint32_t ipv4_udp
IPv4 addresses and UDP port numbers.
struct odp_pktin_hash_proto_t::@99 proto
Protocol header fields for hashing.
uint32_t ipv6
IPv6 addresses.
uint32_t ipv6_udp
IPv6 addresses and UDP port numbers.
uint32_t ipv4
IPv4 addresses.
Packet IO set operations.
struct odp_pktio_set_op_t::@104 op
Operation flags.
uint32_t maxlen
Maximum frame length.
uint32_t all_bits
All bits of the bit field structure.
uint32_t skip_offset
Per port header offset(skip)set.
uint32_t promisc_mode
Promiscuous mode.
uint32_t mac_addr
MAC address
Packet output configuration options bit field.
struct odp_pktout_config_opt_t::@101 bit
Option flags for packet output.
uint64_t aging_ena
Enable packet aging and drop.
uint64_t sctp_chksum_ena
Enable SCTP checksum insertion.
uint64_t tcp_chksum
Insert TCP checksum on packet by default.
uint64_t proto_stats_ena
Enable packet protocol stats update.
uint64_t no_packet_refs
Packet references not used on packet output.
uint64_t sctp_chksum
Insert SCTP checksum on packet by default.
uint64_t tx_compl_ena
For backwards compatibility, setting this flag is the same as setting tx_compl.mode_event in odp_pkti...
uint64_t all_bits
All bits of the bit field structure.
uint64_t ts_ena
Enable Tx timestamp capture.
uint64_t ipv4_chksum
Insert IPv4 header checksum by default.
uint64_t ipv4_chksum_ena
Enable IPv4 header checksum insertion.
uint64_t tcp_chksum_ena
Enable TCP checksum insertion.
uint64_t udp_chksum
Insert UDP checksum on packet by default.
uint64_t udp_chksum_ena
Enable UDP checksum insertion.