API Reference Manual  1.46.0
spec Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for spec:


file  api/spec/align.h [code]
 ODP alignments.
file  api/spec/atomic.h [code]
 ODP atomic operations.
file  api/spec/barrier.h [code]
 ODP execution barriers.
file  api/spec/buffer.h [code]
 ODP buffer.
file  api/spec/buffer_types.h [code]
 ODP buffer types.
file  api/spec/byteorder.h [code]
 ODP byteorder.
file  spec/chksum.h [code]
 ODP checksum functions.
file  api/spec/classification.h [code]
 ODP classification descriptor.
file  api/spec/comp.h [code]
 ODP Compression.
file  api/spec/cpu.h [code]
file  api/spec/cpumask.h [code]
 ODP CPU masks and enumeration.
file  api/spec/crypto.h [code]
 ODP crypto.
file  api/spec/crypto_types.h [code]
 ODP crypto types.
file  api/spec/debug.h [code]
 ODP debug.
file  spec/deprecated.h [code]
 Macro for deprecated API definitions.
file  api/spec/dma.h [code]
file  api/spec/dma_types.h [code]
file  api/spec/errno.h [code]
 ODP errno API.
file  api/spec/event.h [code]
 ODP event.
file  api/spec/event_types.h [code]
 ODP event API type definitions.
file  api/spec/hash.h [code]
 ODP Hash functions.
file  spec/hints.h [code]
 ODP compiler hints.
file  api/spec/init.h [code]
file  api/spec/ipsec.h [code]
file  api/spec/ipsec_types.h [code]
 ODP IPsec API type definitions.
file  spec/ml.h [code]
 ODP Machine Learning (ML) offload.
file  spec/ml_quantize.h [code]
 ODP Machine Learning (ML) quantization functions.
file  api/spec/ml_types.h [code]
 ODP Machine Learning (ML) types.
file  api/spec/packet.h [code]
 ODP packet descriptor.
file  api/spec/packet_flags.h [code]
 ODP packet flags.
file  api/spec/packet_io.h [code]
 ODP Packet IO.
file  spec/packet_io_stats.h [code]
 ODP Packet IO statistics.
file  api/spec/packet_io_types.h [code]
 ODP Packet IO types.
file  api/spec/packet_types.h [code]
 ODP packet types.
file  api/spec/pool.h [code]
 ODP pool.
file  api/spec/pool_types.h [code]
 Type definitions for pools.
file  api/spec/proto_stats.h [code]
 ODP Proto Stats.
file  api/spec/proto_stats_types.h [code]
 ODP proto stats types.
file  spec/protocols.h [code]
 ODP protocols.
file  api/spec/queue.h [code]
 ODP queue.
file  api/spec/queue_types.h [code]
 ODP queue types.
file  api/spec/random.h [code]
 ODP random number API.
file  spec/random_types.h [code]
 ODP random number API.
file  spec/reassembly.h [code]
file  api/spec/rwlock.h [code]
 ODP RW Locks.
file  api/spec/rwlock_recursive.h [code]
 ODP recursive read/write lock.
file  api/spec/schedule.h [code]
 ODP schedule.
file  api/spec/schedule_types.h [code]
 ODP schedule types.
file  api/spec/shared_memory.h [code]
 ODP shared memory.
file  api/spec/spinlock.h [code]
 ODP spinlock.
file  api/spec/spinlock_recursive.h [code]
 ODP recursive spinlock.
file  api/spec/stash.h [code]
 ODP stash.
file  api/spec/stash_types.h [code]
 ODP stash types.
file  api/spec/std.h [code]
 ODP standard types and optimized C library functions.
file  api/spec/std_types.h [code]
 Common types and definitions for ODP API files.
file  api/spec/sync.h [code]
 ODP memory barriers.
file  spec/system_info.h [code]
 ODP system information.
file  api/spec/thread.h [code]
 ODP thread API.
file  api/spec/thread_types.h [code]
 ODP thread API types.
file  spec/threshold.h [code]
 ODP threshold descriptor.
file  api/spec/thrmask.h [code]
 ODP thread masks.
file  api/spec/ticketlock.h [code]
 ODP ticketlock.
file  api/spec/time.h [code]
 ODP time.
file  api/spec/time_types.h [code]
 ODP time.
file  api/spec/timer.h [code]
 ODP timer service.
file  api/spec/timer_types.h [code]
 ODP timer API type definitions.
file  api/spec/traffic_mngr.h [code]
file  api/spec/version.h [code]
 ODP version.