14 #include <odp/visibility_begin.h>
133 #include <odp/visibility_end.h>
Standard C language types and definitions for ODP.
struct odp_proto_stats_data_t odp_proto_stats_data_t
ODP proto stats counters.
struct odp_proto_stats_param_t odp_proto_stats_param_t
ODP proto stats params.
struct odp_proto_stats_capability_t odp_proto_stats_capability_t
Proto stats capabilities.
union odp_proto_stats_counters_t odp_proto_stats_counters_t
ODP proto stats counters.
bool odp_bool_t
Boolean type.
Proto stats capabilities.
odp_proto_stats_counters_t counters
Stats counters supported.
odp_bool_t oct_count1_adj
Packet adjust support for Octet counter 1.
odp_bool_t oct_count0_adj
Packet adjust support for Octet counter 0.
struct odp_proto_stats_capability_t::@139 tx
Tx capabilities.
ODP proto stats counters.
uint64_t tx_oct_count0
Packet sent Octet counter 0.
uint64_t tx_oct_count1
Packet sent octet counter 1.
uint64_t tx_pkts
Packet sent count.
uint64_t tx_oct_count1_drops
Packet drop octet counter 1.
uint64_t tx_oct_count0_drops
Packet drop Octet counter 0.
uint64_t tx_pkt_drops
Packet drop count.
odp_proto_stats_counters_t counters
Stats counters to enable.
ODP proto stats counters.
uint64_t all_bits
All bits of the bit field structure.
uint64_t tx_pkt_drops
Tx packet drop count.
uint64_t tx_oct_count0
Tx packet sent Octet counter 0.
uint64_t tx_oct_count1
Tx packet sent octet counter 1.
struct odp_proto_stats_counters_t::@138 bit
Option flags.
uint64_t tx_oct_count0_drops
Tx packet drop Octet counter 0.
uint64_t tx_pkts
Tx packet sent count.
uint64_t tx_oct_count1_drops
Tx packet drop octet counter 1.