9 #include <odp/visibility_begin.h>
535 } tm_queue_threshold;
2194 #define ODP_TM_QUERY_PKT_CNT 0x01
2195 #define ODP_TM_QUERY_BYTE_CNT 0x02
2196 #define ODP_TM_QUERY_THRESHOLDS 0x04
2276 uint32_t query_flags,
2296 uint32_t query_flags,
2313 uint32_t query_flags,
2490 #include <odp/visibility_end.h>
Standard C language types and definitions for ODP.
Maximum number of packet colors which accommodates ODP_PACKET_GREEN, ODP_PACKET_YELLOW and ODP_PACKET...
Packet Color.
bool odp_bool_t
Boolean type.
odp_tm_node_t odp_tm_node_lookup(odp_tm_t tm, const char *name)
odp_tm_node_lookup() can be used to find the tm_node object created with the specified name.
int odp_tm_enq_with_cnt(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_packet_t pkt)
The odp_tm_enq_with_cnt() function behaves identically to odp_tm_enq(), except that it also returns t...
int odp_tm_destroy(odp_tm_t tm)
Destroy a TM system.
int odp_tm_node_context_set(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, void *user_context)
odp_tm_node_context_set() can be used to set the user_context value that is associated with the given...
int odp_tm_drop_prec_marking(odp_tm_t tm, odp_packet_color_t color, odp_bool_t drop_prec_enabled)
Drop Precedence Marking.
int odp_tm_queue_context_set(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, void *user_context)
odp_tm_queue_context_set() can be used to set the user_context value that is associated with the give...
odp_tm_node_t odp_tm_node_create(odp_tm_t tm, const char *name, const odp_tm_node_params_t *params)
Create an tm_node with a specific set of implemented strict priority levels as given by the prioritie...
odp_tm_shaper_t odp_tm_shaper_lookup(const char *name)
odp_tm_shaper_lookup() can be used to find the shaper profile object created with the specified name.
odp_tm_t odp_tm_find(const char *name, odp_tm_requirements_t *requirements, odp_tm_egress_t *egress)
Find a pre-existing TM system.
odp_bool_t odp_tm_is_idle(odp_tm_t tm)
The odp_tm_is_idle function is used to determine if the specified ODP traffic management system still...
uint64_t odp_tm_shaper_to_u64(odp_tm_shaper_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_shaper_t.
odp_tm_sched_t odp_tm_sched_create(const char *name, const odp_tm_sched_params_t *params)
odp_tm_sched_create() creates a scheduler profile object, which can subsequently be attached to any n...
int odp_tm_ecn_marking(odp_tm_t tm, odp_packet_color_t color, odp_bool_t ecn_ce_enabled)
Explicit Congestion Notification Marking.
int odp_tm_total_threshold_config(odp_tm_t tm, odp_tm_threshold_t thresholds_profile)
The odp_tm_total_threshold_config() function is only used to associate a maximum packet count and/or ...
odp_tm_threshold_t odp_tm_threshold_create(const char *name, const odp_tm_threshold_params_t *params)
odp_tm_threshold_create() creates a queue threshold profile object, which can subsequently be attache...
void odp_tm_sched_params_init(odp_tm_sched_params_t *params)
Initialize TM scheduler parameters.
int odp_tm_shaper_destroy(odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile)
Destroy shaper profile object.
odp_tm_wred_t odp_tm_wred_create(const char *name, const odp_tm_wred_params_t *params)
odp_tm_wred_create() creates a WRED (Weighted Random Early Detection) profile object,...
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_t
Each odp_tm_t value represents a specific TM system.
odp_tm_t odp_tm_create(const char *name, odp_tm_requirements_t *requirements, odp_tm_egress_t *egress)
Create/instantiate a TM Packet Scheduling system.
int odp_tm_priority_query(odp_tm_t odp_tm, uint8_t priority, uint32_t query_flags, odp_tm_query_info_t *info)
The odp_tm_priority_query() function can be used to check the queue utilization of all tm_queue's wit...
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_wred_t
Each odp_tm_wred_t value is an opaque ODP handle representing a specific WRED profile usable across a...
void odp_tm_egress_init(odp_tm_egress_t *egress)
Initialize Egress record.
struct odp_tm_queue_stats_t odp_tm_queue_stats_t
TM queue specific statistics counters.
int odp_tm_shaper_params_read(odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile, odp_tm_shaper_params_t *params)
odp_tm_shaper_params_read() "gets" the current set of values associated with the specified shaper pro...
void odp_tm_node_params_init(odp_tm_node_params_t *params)
Initialize TM node parameters.
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_node_t
Each odp_tm_node_t value is an opaque ODP handle representing a specific tm_node within a specific TM...
int odp_tm_wred_destroy(odp_tm_wred_t wred_profile)
Destroy WRED profile object.
int odp_tm_queue_threshold_config(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_tm_threshold_t thresholds_profile)
The odp_tm_queue_threshold_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the queue threshold...
int odp_tm_total_query(odp_tm_t odp_tm, uint32_t query_flags, odp_tm_query_info_t *info)
The odp_tm_total_query() function can be used to check the queue utilization of all tm_queue's in a s...
int odp_tm_enq_multi(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, const odp_packet_t packets[], int num)
The odp_tm_enq_multi() function is used to add packets to a given TM system.
int odp_tm_node_disconnect(odp_tm_node_t src_tm_node)
Disconnect a tm_node to tm_node linkage.
uint64_t odp_tm_sched_to_u64(odp_tm_sched_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_sched_t.
void * odp_tm_node_context(odp_tm_node_t tm_node)
odp_tm_node_context() can be used to get the user_context value that is associated with the given tm_...
void odp_tm_queue_params_init(odp_tm_queue_params_t *params)
Initialize TM queue parameters.
int odp_tm_enq(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_packet_t pkt)
Send packet to TM system.
uint64_t odp_tm_node_to_u64(odp_tm_node_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_node_t.
int odp_tm_egress_capabilities(odp_tm_capabilities_t *capabilities, const odp_tm_egress_t *egress)
Query TM Capabilities specific to an egress.
int odp_tm_wred_params_read(odp_tm_wred_t wred_profile, odp_tm_wred_params_t *params)
odp_tm_wred_params_read() "gets" the current set of values associated with the specified WRED profile...
int odp_tm_node_wred_config(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_packet_color_t pkt_color, odp_tm_wred_t wred_profile)
The odp_tm_node_wred_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the WRED profile associat...
int odp_tm_queue_connect(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_tm_node_t dst_tm_node)
The odp_tm_queue_connect() function connects the indicated tm_queue to a parent tm_node or to the egr...
odp_tm_queue_t odp_tm_queue_create(odp_tm_t tm, const odp_tm_queue_params_t *params)
TM queue create.
int odp_tm_node_sched_config(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_tm_node_t tm_fan_in_node, odp_tm_sched_t sched_profile)
The odp_tm_node_sched_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the scheduler profile as...
enum odp_tm_pkt_prio_mode odp_tm_pkt_prio_mode_t
The tm_pkt_prio_mode_t enumeration type is used to indicate different modes a tm system supports with...
uint64_t odp_tm_wred_to_u64(odp_tm_wred_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_wred_t.
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_queue_t
Each odp_tm_queue_t value is an opaque ODP handle representing a specific tm_queue within a specific ...
int odp_tm_shaper_params_update(odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile, const odp_tm_shaper_params_t *params)
odp_tm_shaper_params_update() "sets" the current set of values associated with the specified shaper p...
int odp_tm_node_info(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_tm_node_info_t *info)
Get tm_node Info.
int odp_tm_sched_params_update(odp_tm_sched_t sched_profile, const odp_tm_sched_params_t *params)
odp_tm_sched_params_update() "sets" the current set of values associated with the specified scheduler...
int odp_tm_thresholds_params_update(odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile, const odp_tm_threshold_params_t *params)
odp_tm_thresholds_params_update() "sets" the current set of values associated with the specified queu...
void odp_tm_shaper_params_init(odp_tm_shaper_params_t *params)
Initialize TM shaper parameters.
The odp_tm_sched_mode_t type is used to control whether a tm_node scheduler takes into account packet...
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_sched_t
Each odp_tm_sched_t value is an opaque ODP handle representing a specific tm_node scheduler profile u...
odp_tm_shaper_t odp_tm_shaper_create(const char *name, const odp_tm_shaper_params_t *params)
odp_tm_shaper_create() creates a shaper profile object, which can subsequently be attached to any num...
int odp_tm_start(odp_tm_t tm)
Start a TM system.
int odp_tm_queue_sched_config(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_tm_queue_t tm_fan_in_queue, odp_tm_sched_t sched_profile)
The odp_tm_queue_sched_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the scheduler profile a...
odp_tm_threshold_t odp_tm_thresholds_lookup(const char *name)
odp_tm_thresholds_lookup() can be used to find the queue thresholds profile object created with the s...
odp_tm_wred_t odp_tm_wred_lookup(const char *name)
odp_tm_wred_lookup() can be used to find the WRED profile object created with the specified name.
int odp_tm_node_connect(odp_tm_node_t src_tm_node, odp_tm_node_t dst_tm_node)
Connects two tm_nodes.
int odp_tm_thresholds_params_read(odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile, odp_tm_threshold_params_t *params)
odp_tm_thresholds_params_read() "gets" the current set of values associated with the specified queue ...
Mode selection between rate shaping and rate limiting.
The tm_pkt_prio_mode_t enumeration type is used to indicate different modes a tm system supports with...
int odp_tm_sched_params_read(odp_tm_sched_t sched_profile, odp_tm_sched_params_t *params)
odp_tm_sched_params_read() "gets" the current set of values associated with the specified scheduler p...
struct odp_tm_queue_stats_capability_t odp_tm_queue_stats_capability_t
TM queue level statistics capabilities.
uint64_t odp_tm_to_u64(odp_tm_t tm)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_t.
void(* odp_tm_egress_fcn_t)(odp_packet_t odp_pkt)
The odp_tm_egress_fcn_t type defines the parameter profile of the egress function callback.
int odp_tm_queue_stats(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_tm_queue_stats_t *stats)
Get statistics for a TM queue.
int odp_tm_queue_wred_config(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_packet_color_t pkt_color, odp_tm_wred_t wred_profile)
odp_tm_queue_wred_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the WRED profile associated ...
int odp_tm_vlan_marking(odp_tm_t tm, odp_packet_color_t color, odp_bool_t drop_eligible_enabled)
Vlan Marking.
int odp_tm_node_fanin_info(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_tm_node_fanin_info_t *info)
Get tm_node Fanin Info.
The tm_egress_kind_e enumeration type is used to indicate the kind of egress object ("spigot") associ...
int odp_tm_enq_multi_lso(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, const odp_packet_t packets[], int num, const odp_packet_lso_opt_t *lso_opt)
Send packets with segmentation offload to TM system.
The ODP_TM_MAX_PRIORITIES constant specifies the largest range of priorities that any TM system can s...
odp_tm_sched_t odp_tm_sched_lookup(const char *name)
odp_tm_sched_lookup() can be used to find the scheduler profile object created with the specified nam...
uint16_t odp_tm_percent_t
The odp_tm_percent_t type is used when specifying fields that are percentages.
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_threshold_t
Each odp_tm_threshold_t value is an opaque ODP handle representing a specific queue threshold profile...
void * odp_tm_queue_context(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue)
odp_tm_queue_context() can be used to get the user_context value that is associated with the given tm...
void odp_tm_threshold_params_init(odp_tm_threshold_params_t *params)
Initialize TM threshold parameters.
int odp_tm_queue_destroy(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue)
Destroy an tm_queue object.
int odp_tm_threshold_destroy(odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile)
Destroy a queue threshold profile object.
int odp_tm_queue_shaper_config(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile)
The odp_tm_queue_shaper_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the shaper profile ass...
int odp_tm_capability(odp_tm_t tm, odp_tm_capabilities_t *capabilities)
Query Specific TM Capabilities.
int odp_tm_queue_disconnect(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue)
Disconnect a tm_queue from a tm_system.
void odp_tm_stats_print(odp_tm_t tm)
The odp_tm_stats_print function is used to write implementation-defined information about the specifi...
The ODP_TM MAX_LEVELS constant specifies the largest range of tm_node levels that any TM system can s...
int odp_tm_sched_destroy(odp_tm_sched_t sched_profile)
Destroy scheduler profile object.
uint64_t odp_tm_threshold_to_u64(odp_tm_threshold_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_threshold_t.
void odp_tm_wred_params_init(odp_tm_wred_params_t *params)
Initialize TM WRED parameters.
int odp_tm_queue_info(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, odp_tm_queue_info_t *info)
Get tm_queue Info.
int odp_tm_node_shaper_config(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile)
The odp_tm_node_shaper_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the shaper profile asso...
int odp_tm_stop(odp_tm_t tm)
Stop a TM system.
int odp_tm_node_destroy(odp_tm_node_t tm_node)
Destroy a tm_node object.
int odp_tm_queue_query(odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue, uint32_t query_flags, odp_tm_query_info_t *info)
The odp_tm_queue_query() function can be used to check a single tm_queue's queue utilization.
int odp_tm_node_threshold_config(odp_tm_node_t tm_node, odp_tm_threshold_t thresholds_profile)
The odp_tm_node_threshold_config() function is used to dynamically set or change the queue threshold ...
uint64_t odp_tm_queue_to_u64(odp_tm_queue_t hdl)
Get printable value for an odp_tm_queue_t.
int odp_tm_priority_threshold_config(odp_tm_t odp_tm, uint8_t priority, odp_tm_threshold_t thresholds_profile)
The odp_tm_priority_threshold_config() function is only used to associate a maximum packet count and/...
int odp_tm_wred_params_update(odp_tm_wred_t wred_profile, const odp_tm_wred_params_t *params)
odp_tm_wred_params_update() "sets" the current set of values associated with the specified WRED profi...
void odp_tm_requirements_init(odp_tm_requirements_t *requirements)
Initialize Requirements record fields to their default values.
odp_tm_handle_t odp_tm_shaper_t
Each odp_tm_shaper_t value is an opaque ODP handle representing a specific shaper profile usable acro...
Use the packet length in scheduler algorithm.
Ignore the packet length.
Rate shape traffic to the specified burst and rate by delaying packets.
Rate limit traffic to the specified burst and rate by dropping excess packets.
Indicates Packet priority overwrite mode.
Max enum of Packet priority mode.
Indicates Packet priority preserve mode.
odp_bool_t dynamic_sched_update
dynamic_sched_update indicates support for TM system's dynamic sched profile changes.
odp_bool_t drop_prec_marking_supported
drop_prec_marking_supported indicates that this TM system supports SOME form of IPv4/IPv6 egress mark...
odp_bool_t tm_queue_shaper_packet_mode
tm_queue_shaper_packet_mode indicates that tm_queues support shaper in packet mode
odp_bool_t tm_queue_wred_supported
tm_queue_wred_supported indicates that the tm_queues support some form of Random Early Detection.
odp_bool_t dynamic_wred_update
dynamic_wred_update indicates support for TM system's dynamic wred profile changes.
odp_bool_t tm_queue_rate_limiter_supported
Shaper is supported in rate limit mode.
uint8_t packet
Threshold given as packets.
char * name
The name is an optional name associated with a capabilities record.
odp_bool_t tm_queue_shaper_supported
Shaper is supported in rate shape mode.
odp_bool_t vlan_marking_supported
vlan_marking_supported indicates that this TM system supports SOME form of VLAN egress marking using ...
odp_bool_t egress_fcn_supported
egress_fcn_supported indicates whether the tm system supports egress function.
odp_bool_t tm_queue_dual_slope_supported
tm_queue_dual_slope_supported indicates that the tm_queues support the dual slope WRED capability.
odp_bool_t dynamic_topology_update
dynamic_topology_update indicates support for TM system dynamic topology update.
uint8_t byte_and_packet
Threshold given as bytes and packets simultaneously.
odp_bool_t dynamic_threshold_update
dynamic_threshold_update indicates support for TM system's dynamic threshold profile changes.
uint8_t byte
Threshold given as bytes.
odp_bool_t ecn_marking_supported
ecn_marking_supported indicates that this TM system supports Explicit Congestion Notification egress ...
odp_tm_queue_stats_capability_t queue_stats
TM queue statistics counter capabilities.
uint32_t tm_queue_query_flags
tm_queue_query_flags indicates supported types of TM queue query.
uint8_t max_levels
max_levels specifies that maximum number of levels of hierarchical scheduling allowed by this TM Syst...
uint8_t max_schedulers_per_node
Maximum number of schedulers supported by a TM node at any level.
uint32_t max_tm_queues
max_tm_queues specifies the maximum number of tm_queues that can be in existence for this TM System.
odp_bool_t dynamic_shaper_update
dynamic_shaper_update indicates support for TM system's dynamic shaper profile changes.
The odp_tm_egress_t type is used to describe that type of "egress spigot" associated with this TM sys...
odp_pktio_t pktio
Output to PktIO.
odp_tm_egress_kind_t egress_kind
Union discriminator.
odp_tm_egress_fcn_t egress_fcn
Output to user func.
odp_bool_t tm_node_rate_limiter_supported
Shaper is supported in rate limit mode.
odp_bool_t fair_queuing_supported
fair_queuing_supported indicates that the tm_node schedulers at this level can implement WFQ or FQ sc...
uint32_t max_weight
max_weight only has significance when the weights_supported field below is true, in which case it spe...
uint64_t max_rate
Maximum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_rate and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_rate w...
uint64_t min_rate
Minimum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_rate and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_rate w...
uint32_t min_weight
min_weight only has significance when the weights_supported field below is true, in which case it spe...
uint64_t max_rate_packets
Maximum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_rate and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_rate w...
uint8_t max_priority
max_priority specifies the maximum number of strict priority levels used by any tm_node at this level...
uint8_t byte
Threshold given as bytes.
uint8_t byte_and_packet
Threshold given as bytes and packets simultaneously.
odp_bool_t tm_node_wred_supported
tm_node_wred_supported indicates that the tm_nodes at this level support some form of Random Early De...
odp_bool_t tm_node_shaper_supported
Shaper is supported in rate shape mode.
uint64_t min_rate_packets
Minimum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_rate and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_rate w...
uint32_t max_burst
Maximum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_burst and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_burst...
odp_bool_t tm_node_dual_slope_supported
tm_node_dual_slope_supported indicates that the tm_nodes at this level support the dual slope WRED ca...
uint32_t min_burst
Minimum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_burst and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_burst...
uint32_t max_burst_packets
Maximum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_burst and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_burst...
odp_bool_t tm_node_shaper_packet_mode
tm_node_shaper_packet_mode indicates that tm_nodes at this level support shaper in packet mode
odp_bool_t weights_supported
weights_supported indicates that the tm_node schedulers at this level can have their different weight...
uint32_t max_num_tm_nodes
max_num_tm_nodes specifies the maximum number of tm_nodes allowed at this level.
uint32_t max_fanin_per_node
max_fanin_per_level specifies the maximum number of fan_in links to any given scheduler (whether weig...
uint32_t min_burst_packets
Minimum allowed value for odp_tm_shaper_params_t::commit_burst and odp_tm_shaper_params_t::peak_burst...
uint8_t packet
Threshold given as packets.
odp_bool_t tm_node_dual_slope_needed
tm_node_dual_slope_needed indicates that the tm_nodes at this level are expected to use the dual slop...
odp_bool_t tm_node_wred_needed
tm_node_wred_needed indicates that the tm_nodes at this level are expected to participate in some for...
uint32_t max_num_tm_nodes
max_num_tm_nodes specifies the maximum number of tm_nodes required at this level.
uint32_t max_weight
max_weight only has significance when the weights_supported field below is true, in which case it spe...
odp_bool_t weights_needed
weights_needed indicates that the tm_node schedulers at this level are expected have different weight...
uint32_t max_fanin_per_node
max_fanin_per_level specifies the maximum number of fan_in links to any given scheduler (whether weig...
odp_bool_t tm_node_shaper_needed
tm_node_shaper_needed indicates that the tm_nodes at this level are expected to do TM shaping,
uint8_t max_priority
max_priority specifies the maximum number of strict priority levels that will be used by any tm_node ...
uint32_t min_weight
min_weight only has significance when the weights_supported field below is true, in which case it spe...
odp_bool_t fair_queuing_needed
fair_queuing_needed indicates that the tm_node schedulers at this level are expected to implement WFQ...
odp_bool_t tm_node_threshold_needed
tm_node_threshold_needed indicates that the tm_nodes at this level may use threshold profile support
The odp_tm_node_fanin_info_t record type is used to return various bits of information about a given ...
odp_tm_sched_t sched_profile
The sched profile currently associated with this fanin link.
odp_bool_t is_last
The is_last flag is set when the tm_queue/tm_node above is currently the last element in the fanin li...
odp_tm_node_t tm_node
The tm_node indicates the "producer" of this fanin.
odp_tm_queue_t tm_queue
The tm_queue indicates the "producer" of this fanin.
The odp_tm_node_info_t record type is used to return various bits of information about a given tm_nod...
odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile
The shaper profile currently associated with this tm_node.
odp_tm_node_t next_tm_node
The next_tm_node is the "next" node in the tree - i.e.
odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile
The threshold profile currently associated with this tm_node.
uint32_t tm_node_fanin
Current tm_node fanin.
uint8_t level
The level of this tm_node.
uint32_t tm_queue_fanin
Current tm_queue fanin.
odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile
The shaper profile to be associated with this tm_node.
uint32_t max_fanin
The max_fanin sets the maximum number of src tm_queues and producer tm_nodes that can be simultaneous...
uint8_t priority
New strict priority level assigned to packets going through this node when packet priority mode is OD...
odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile
The threshold profile to be used in setting the max queue fullness for WRED and/or tail drop.
uint8_t level
The level (or tm_node stage) sets the level for this tm_node It must be in range 0....
void * user_context
The user_context field is an generic pointer that the user can associate with a tm_node and then get ...
The odp_tm_query_info_t record type is used to return the various counts as requested by functions li...
odp_bool_t max_byte_cnt_valid
TRUE if max_byte_cnt is valid.
odp_bool_t approx_byte_cnt
The approx_byte_cnt is TRUE if the total_byte_cnt field is valid AND if the buffer counting method is...
uint64_t total_pkt_cnt
The total_pkt_cnt field is the total number of packets currently stored/associated with the requested...
uint64_t max_pkt_cnt
If the requested set of tm_queues has an odp_tm_threshold_t profile associated with it,...
odp_bool_t total_byte_cnt_valid
TRUE if total_byte_cnt is valid.
uint64_t total_byte_cnt
The total_byte_cnt can either be the actual number of bytes used or an approximation of the number of...
odp_bool_t max_pkt_cnt_valid
TRUE if max_pkt_cnt is valid.
odp_bool_t total_pkt_cnt_valid
The following boolean values indicate which of the counts above are valid.
uint64_t max_byte_cnt
If the requested set of tm_queues has an odp_tm_threshold_t profile associated with it,...
The odp_tm_queue_info_t record type is used to return various bits of information about a given tm_qu...
odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile
The threshold profile currently associated with this tm_queue.
odp_tm_node_t next_tm_node
The next_tm_node is the "next" node in the tree - i.e.
odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile
The shaper profile currently associated with this tm_queue.
odp_packet_t active_pkt
The active_pkt is the current packet "at the head of the queue" that is being processed by this tm_qu...
odp_bool_t ordered_enqueue
Maintain original packet order of the source queue when enqueuing packets to this queue while holding...
odp_tm_threshold_t threshold_profile
The threshold profile to be used in setting the max queue fullness for WRED and/or tail drop.
void * user_context
The user_context field is an generic pointer that the user can associate with a tm_queue and then get...
uint8_t priority
The strict priority level assigned to packets in this tm_queue - in other words all packets associate...
odp_tm_shaper_t shaper_profile
The shaper profile to be associated with this tm_queue.
TM queue level statistics capabilities.
uint64_t errors
See odp_tm_queue_stats_t::errors.
uint64_t octets
See odp_tm_queue_stats_t::octets.
struct odp_tm_queue_stats_capability_t::@158::@160 counter
Statistics counters in a bit field structure.
uint64_t discard_octets
See odp_tm_queue_stats_t::discard_octets.
uint64_t all_counters
All bits of the bit field structure.
uint64_t packets
See odp_tm_queue_stats_t::packets.
uint64_t discards
See odp_tm_queue_stats_t::discards.
TM queue specific statistics counters.
uint64_t discards
Number of packets discarded due to other reasons (e.g.
uint64_t octets
Number of octets in successfully transmitted packets.
uint64_t packets
Number of successfully transmitted packets.
uint64_t errors
Number of packets with transmission errors.
uint64_t discard_octets
Number of octets in packets discarded due to other reasons (e.g.
odp_bool_t tm_queue_threshold_needed
tm_queue_threshold_needed indicates that the tm_queues are expected to use threshold profile support
uint32_t max_tm_queues
max_tm_queues specifies the maximum number of tm_queues that will be used for this TM System.
odp_bool_t tm_queue_wred_needed
tm_queue_wred_needed indicates that the tm_queues are expected to participate in some form of Random ...
odp_tm_pkt_prio_mode_t pkt_prio_mode
Packet priority mode.
uint8_t num_levels
num_levels specifies that number of levels of hierarchical scheduling that will be used.
odp_bool_t drop_prec_marking_needed
drop_prec_marking_needed indicates that the ODP application expects to use some form of IPv4 TOS or I...
odp_bool_t vlan_marking_needed
vlan_marking_needed indicates that the ODP application expects to use some form of VLAN egress markin...
odp_bool_t tm_queue_dual_slope_needed
tm_queue_dual_slope_needed indicates that the tm_queues are expected to use the dual slope WRED capab...
odp_bool_t ecn_marking_needed
ecn_marking_needed indicates that the ODP application expects to use some form of IPv4 TOS or IPv6 TC...
odp_bool_t tm_queue_shaper_needed
tm_queue_shaper_needed indicates that the tm_queues are expected to do TM shaping.
odp_bool_t packet_mode
If packet_mode is TRUE it indicates that shaper should work in packet mode ignoring lengths of packet...
uint32_t commit_burst
The commit burst tolerance for this shaper profile.
odp_bool_t dual_rate
If dual_rate is TRUE it indicates the desire for the implementation to use dual rate shaping for pack...
int8_t shaper_len_adjust
The shaper_len_adjust is a value between -128 and 127 which is directly added to the frame_len of a p...
uint64_t commit_rate
The committed information rate for this shaper profile.
uint32_t peak_burst
The peak burst tolerance for this shaper profile.
uint64_t peak_rate
The peak information rate for this shaper profile.
odp_tm_shaper_mode_t mode
Shaper mode.
uint64_t max_bytes
max byte cnt for this threshold profile
odp_bool_t enable_max_bytes
TRUE if max_bytes is valid.
odp_bool_t enable_max_pkts
TRUE if max_pkts is valid.
uint64_t max_pkts
max pkt cnt for this threshold profile
odp_tm_percent_t med_drop_prob
The med_drop_prob is only used when dual-slope WRED is being used, in which case med_drop_prob MUST b...
odp_bool_t use_byte_fullness
When use_byte_fullness is true then WRED will use queue memory usage as the fullness criterion,...
odp_tm_percent_t med_threshold
The meaning of med_threshold depends upon whether single-slope or dual-slope WRED is being used or no...
odp_bool_t enable_wred
When enable_wred is false, all tm_queues and tm_nodes that are attached to this profile will not take...
odp_tm_percent_t max_drop_prob
The max_drop_prob equals the drop probability when the queue fullness almost equals 100%.
odp_tm_percent_t min_threshold
When min_threshold is set to zero then single-slope WRED is enabled, as described in the description ...