API Reference Manual  1.46.0

Performance optimized packet generator application

/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Nokia
/* enable usleep */
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <odp_api.h>
#include <odp/helper/odph_api.h>
/* One control thread, even number of workers */
#define MAX_THREADS 33
/* At least one control and one worker thread */
ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(MAX_WORKERS >= 1, "Too few threads");
/* Maximum number of packet IO interfaces */
#define MAX_PKTIOS 16
/* Maximum number of packets to be allocated for
* one transmit round: bursts * burst_size * bins */
#define MAX_ALLOC_PACKETS (64 * 1024)
/* Maximum number of packet length bins */
#define MAX_BINS 1024
#define MAX_PKTIO_NAME 255
#define RX_THREAD 1
#define TX_THREAD 2
#define MAX_VLANS 4
#define ETH_TYPE_QINQ 0x88a8
/* Number of random 16-bit words used to generate random length packets */
/* Max retries to generate random data */
#define MAX_RAND_RETRIES 1000
#define MAX_HDR_NAME_LEN 32
#define MAX_HDR_FIELDS 16
#define MAX_HDR_VALUE_SZ 8
/* Use don't free */
#define TX_MODE_DF 0
/* Use static references */
#define TX_MODE_REF 1
/* Use packet copy */
#define TX_MODE_COPY 2
/* Minimum number of packets to receive in CI test */
#define MIN_RX_PACKETS_CI 800
/* Identifier for payload-timestamped packets */
#define TS_MAGIC 0xff88ee99ddaaccbb
#define S_(x) #x
#define S(x) S_(x)
enum {
ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(MAX_PKTIOS <= UINT8_MAX, "Interface index must fit into uint8_t\n");
typedef struct {
char name[MAX_HDR_NAME_LEN + 1];
uint64_t value;
int64_t diff;
uint32_t len;
} hdr_field_t;
typedef struct {
hdr_field_t fields[MAX_HDR_FIELDS];
uint32_t tot_len;
uint16_t eth_type;
} hdr_t;
typedef struct test_options_t {
uint64_t gap_nsec;
uint64_t quit;
uint64_t update_msec;
uint32_t num_rx;
uint32_t num_tx;
uint32_t num_cpu;
uint32_t num_pktio;
uint32_t num_pkt;
uint32_t pkt_len;
uint8_t use_rand_pkt_len;
uint8_t direct_rx;
uint32_t rand_pkt_len_min;
uint32_t rand_pkt_len_max;
uint32_t rand_pkt_len_bins;
uint32_t hdr_len;
uint32_t burst_size;
uint32_t bursts;
uint16_t eth_type;
uint32_t num_vlan;
uint32_t l3_len;
uint32_t ipv4_src;
uint32_t ipv4_dst;
uint16_t src_port;
uint16_t dst_port;
uint32_t wait_sec;
uint32_t wait_start_sec;
uint32_t mtu;
uint32_t num_custom_l3;
struct {
uint32_t payload_offset;
uint32_t max_payload_len;
odp_bool_t enabled;
} lso;
uint8_t l4_proto;
int tx_mode;
odp_bool_t promisc_mode;
odp_bool_t calc_latency;
odp_bool_t calc_cs;
odp_bool_t cs_offload;
odp_bool_t fill_pl;
struct vlan_hdr {
uint16_t tpid;
uint16_t tci;
} vlan[MAX_VLANS];
struct {
uint32_t src_port;
uint32_t dst_port;
} c_mode;
char pktio_name[MAX_PKTIOS][MAX_PKTIO_NAME + 1];
char ipv4_src_s[24];
char ipv4_dst_s[24];
hdr_t custom_l3;
} test_options_t;
typedef struct thread_arg_t {
void *global;
int tx_thr;
/* pktout queue per pktio interface (per thread) */
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* In direct_rx mode, pktin queue per pktio interface (per thread) */
odp_pktin_queue_t pktin[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* LSO profile per pktio interface */
odp_lso_profile_t lso_profile[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Pre-built packets for TX thread */
odp_packet_t packet[MAX_PKTIOS][MAX_ALLOC_PACKETS];
} thread_arg_t;
typedef struct ODP_ALIGNED_CACHE thread_stat_t {
uint64_t time_nsec;
uint64_t rx_timeouts;
uint64_t rx_packets;
uint64_t rx_bytes;
uint64_t rx_lat_nsec;
uint64_t rx_lat_min_nsec;
uint64_t rx_lat_max_nsec;
uint64_t rx_lat_packets;
uint64_t tx_timeouts;
uint64_t tx_packets;
uint64_t tx_bytes;
uint64_t tx_drops;
int thread_type;
struct {
uint64_t rx_packets;
uint64_t tx_packets;
} pktio[MAX_PKTIOS];
} thread_stat_t;
typedef struct test_global_t {
test_options_t test_options;
odp_atomic_u32_t exit_test;
odp_barrier_t barrier;
odp_cpumask_t cpumask;
odp_pool_t pool;
uint64_t drained;
odph_thread_t thread_tbl[MAX_THREADS];
thread_stat_t stat[MAX_THREADS];
thread_arg_t thread_arg[MAX_THREADS];
struct {
odph_ethaddr_t eth_src;
odph_ethaddr_t eth_dst;
odp_pktio_t pktio;
odp_lso_profile_t lso_profile;
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[MAX_THREADS];
odp_pktin_queue_t pktin[MAX_THREADS];
int started;
} pktio[MAX_PKTIOS];
/* Interface lookup table. Table index is pktio_index of the API. */
uint8_t if_from_pktio_idx[ODP_PKTIO_MAX_INDEX + 1];
uint32_t num_tx_pkt;
uint32_t num_bins;
uint32_t len_bin[MAX_BINS];
/* Per thread random data */
uint16_t rand_data[MAX_THREADS][RAND_16BIT_WORDS];
} test_global_t;
typedef struct ODP_PACKED {
uint64_t magic;
odp_time_t tx_ts;
} ts_data_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t nsec;
uint64_t min;
uint64_t max;
uint64_t packets;
} rx_lat_data_t;
typedef int (*send_fn_t)(odp_pktout_queue_t pktout, odp_packet_t pkt[], uint32_t num,
int tx_mode, uint64_t *drop_bytes, const odp_packet_lso_opt_t *lso_opt);
static test_global_t *test_global;
static void print_usage(void)
"ODP packet generator\n"
"Usage: odp_packet_gen [options]\n"
" Mandatory:\n"
" -i, --interface <name> Packet IO interfaces. Comma-separated list of\n"
" interface names (no spaces) e.g. eth0,eth1.\n"
" At least one interface is required.\n"
printf(" Optional:\n"
" -e, --eth_dst <mac> Destination MAC address. Comma-separated list of\n"
" addresses (no spaces), one address per packet IO\n"
" interface e.g. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF,11:22:33:44:55:66\n"
" Default per interface: 02:00:00:A0:B0:CX, where X = 0,1,...\n"
" -v, --vlan <tpid:tci> VLAN configuration. Comma-separated list of VLAN TPID:TCI\n"
" values in hexadecimal, starting from the outer most VLAN.\n"
" For example:\n"
" VLAN 200 (decimal): 0x8100:c8\n"
" Double tagged VLANs 1 and 2: 0x88a8:1,0x8100:2\n"
" -r, --num_rx Number of receive threads. Default: 1\n"
" -t, --num_tx Number of transmit threads. Default: 1\n"
" -T, --lso <options> Transmit packets with Large Send Offload (LSO). Specify\n"
" LSO options as comma-separated list (no spaces) in\n"
" format: protocol,payload_offset(B),max_payload_len(B). E.g.:\n"
" 0,34,1500\n"
" In case of ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM the list is extended by\n"
" up to %d custom modification options in format:\n"
" mod_op:offset(B):size(B) separated by commas. E.g.:\n"
" 2,22,1500,0:19:1\n"
" Supported protocols:\n"
" Custom modification options:\n"
" Depending on the implementation, all listed LSO options\n"
" may not be always supported.\n"
" -n, --num_pkt Number of packets in the pool. Default: 1000\n"
" -l, --len Packet length. Default: 512\n"
" -L, --len_range <min,max,bins>\n"
" Random packet length. Specify the minimum and maximum\n"
" packet lengths and the number of bins. To reduce pool size\n"
" requirement the length range can be divided into even sized\n"
" bins (max %u). Min and max size packets are always used and included\n"
" into the number of bins (bins >= 2). Bin value of 0 means\n"
" that each packet length is used. Comma-separated (no spaces).\n"
" Overrides standard packet length option.\n"
" -D, --direct_rx Direct input mode (default: 0)\n"
" 0: Use scheduler for packet input\n"
" 1: Poll packet input in direct mode\n",
printf(" -m, --tx_mode Transmit mode (default 1):\n"
" 0: Re-send packets with don't free option\n"
" 1: Send static packet references. Some features may\n"
" not be available with references.\n"
" 2: Send copies of packets\n"
" -M, --mtu <len> Interface MTU in bytes.\n"
" -b, --burst_size Transmit burst size. Default: 8\n"
" -x, --bursts Number of bursts per one transmit round. Default: 1\n"
" -g, --gap Gap between transmit rounds in nsec. Default: 1000000\n"
" Transmit packet rate per interface:\n"
" num_tx * burst_size * bursts * (10^9 / gap)\n"
" -s, --ipv4_src IPv4 source address. Default:\n"
" -d, --ipv4_dst IPv4 destination address. Default:\n"
" -o, --src_port UDP/TCP source port. Default: 10000\n"
" -p, --dst_port UDP/TCP destination port. Default: 20000\n"
" -N, --proto L4 protocol. Default: 0\n"
" 0: UDP\n"
" 1: TCP\n"
" 2: none\n"
" -P, --promisc_mode Enable promiscuous mode.\n"
" -a, --latency Calculate latency. Cannot be used with packet\n"
" references (see \"--tx_mode\").\n"
" -c, --c_mode <counts> Counter mode for incrementing UDP/TCP port numbers.\n"
" Specify the number of port numbers used starting from\n"
" src_port/dst_port. Comma-separated (no spaces) list of\n"
" count values: <src_port count>,<dst_port count>\n"
" Default value: 0,0\n"
" -C, --no_udp_checksum Do not calculate UDP SW checksum. Instead, set it to\n"
" zero in every packet, this may be overridden by\n"
" '--checksum_offload' option.\n"
" -X, --checksum_offload Enable L4 checksum offloads: checksums are checked\n"
" at input and inserted at output.\n"
" -A, --no_payload_fill Do not fill payload. By default, payload is filled\n"
" with a pattern until the end of first packet\n"
" segment.\n"
" -q, --quit Quit after this many transmit rounds.\n"
" Default: 0 (don't quit)\n"
" -u, --update_stat <msec> Update and print statistics every <msec> milliseconds.\n"
" 0: Don't print statistics periodically (default)\n"
" -h, --help This help\n"
" -w, --wait <sec> Wait up to <sec> seconds for network links to be up.\n"
" Default: 0 (don't check link status)\n");
printf(" -U, --custom_l3 <definition>\n"
" Define a custom L3 header for packets. This\n"
" overrides the default IP header and any related\n"
" options. Elements should be comma-separated (no\n"
" spaces). Definition should begin with an EtherType\n"
" value, followed by field definitions. Each field\n"
" should be in the format\n"
" <name>:<length(B)>:<value>:<diff>, i.e.\n"
" colon-separated (no spaces). Name/length/value\n"
" elements are self-explanatory, the 'diff' element\n"
" defines a value that's added (subtracted if\n"
" negative) to the 'value' element in successive\n"
" packets. Fields are used in the order they are\n"
" defined in the string. E.g.:\n\n"
" 0x900,a:4:0xaaaaaaaa:1,b:1:0xff:-2\n\n"
" would result in a header of EtherType 0x900 with\n"
" fields 'a' and 'b' of values and lengths\n"
" '0xaaaaaaaa' (4 bytes) and '0xff' (1 byte)\n"
" respectively. Value 1 is added to '0xaaaaaaaa' and\n"
" -2 to '0xff' in successive packets. EtherType and\n"
" 'value' elements should be given in hexadecimals.\n"
" Field names are only for information and debugging\n"
" purposes. Maximum amount of fields supported is %u,\n"
" maximum name length of a field is %u and maximum\n"
" value size is %u bytes.\n"
" -W, --wait_start <sec> Wait <sec> seconds before starting traffic. Default: 0\n"
static int parse_vlan(const char *str, test_global_t *global)
struct vlan_hdr *vlan;
const char *start = str;
char *end;
int num_vlan = 0;
intptr_t str_len = strlen(str);
while (num_vlan < MAX_VLANS) {
vlan = &global->test_options.vlan[num_vlan];
/* TPID in hexadecimal */
end = NULL;
vlan->tpid = strtoul(start, &end, 16);
if (end < start)
/* Skip ':' */
start = end + 1;
if (start - str >= str_len)
/* TCI in hexadecimal */
end = NULL;
vlan->tci = strtoul(start, &end, 16);
if (end < start)
/* Skip ',' or stop at the string end */
start = end + 1;
if (start - str >= str_len)
return num_vlan;
static inline uint64_t bswap(uint64_t in, uint32_t len)
uint8_t byte;
uint64_t result = 0;
if (ODP_BIG_ENDIAN || len == sizeof(uint8_t))
return in;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
byte = (in >> (8 * i)) & 0xff;
result |= ((uint64_t)byte << (8 * (len - 1 - i)));
return result;
static odp_bool_t parse_custom_fields(const char *optarg, test_options_t *opts)
char *tmp_str = strdup(optarg), *tmp;
uint32_t num_fields = 0;
char name[MAX_HDR_NAME_LEN + 1];
uint32_t len;
uint64_t value;
int64_t diff;
hdr_field_t *hdr;
int ret;
if (tmp_str == NULL)
return false;
tmp = strtok(tmp_str, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
if (tmp == NULL) {
return false;
opts->custom_l3.eth_type = strtoul(tmp, NULL, 16);
tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
while (tmp) {
if (num_fields == MAX_HDR_FIELDS) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid custom header, too many fields: %u\n", num_fields + 1);
return false;
"%u" FIELD_DELIMITER "%" PRIx64 FIELD_DELIMITER "%" PRIi64 "", name,
&len, &value, &diff);
if (ret != 4) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid custom header, bad field format\n");
return false;
if (len > MAX_HDR_VALUE_SZ) {
ODPH_ERR("Invalid custom header, field length too long: %u\n", len);
return false;
hdr = &opts->custom_l3.fields[num_fields];
odph_strcpy(hdr->name, name, MAX_HDR_NAME_LEN + 1);
hdr->value = value;
hdr->diff = diff;
hdr->len = len;
opts->custom_l3.tot_len += len;
tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
opts->num_custom_l3 = num_fields;
return true;
static odp_bool_t parse_lso_fields(const char *optarg, test_options_t *opts)
char *tmp_str = strdup(optarg), *tmp;
uint8_t num_custom = 0;
uint32_t proto, mod_op, offset, size;
int ret;
odp_bool_t ret_val = true;
if (tmp_str == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: strdup() failed\n");
return false;
/* Format: proto,payload_offset,max_payload_len[,mod_op:offset:size,mod_op:offset...] */
tmp = strtok(tmp_str, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
if (tmp == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Unable to parse LSO protocol\n");
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
proto = strtoul(tmp, NULL, 0);
switch (proto) {
case 0:
opts->lso.param.lso_proto = ODP_LSO_PROTO_IPV4;
case 1:
opts->lso.param.lso_proto = ODP_LSO_PROTO_TCP_IPV4;
case 2:
opts->lso.param.lso_proto = ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM;
ODPH_ERR("Error: Invalid LSO protocol: %u\n", proto);
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
if (tmp == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Unable to parse LSO payload offset\n");
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
opts->lso.payload_offset = strtoul(tmp, NULL, 0);
tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
if (tmp == NULL) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Unable to parse LSO max payload length\n");
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
opts->lso.max_payload_len = strtoul(tmp, NULL, 0);
tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
while (opts->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM && tmp) {
if (num_custom == ODP_LSO_MAX_CUSTOM) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many custom LSO operations (max %u)\n",
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
ret = sscanf(tmp, "%" PRIu32 "" FIELD_DELIMITER
"%" PRIu32 "" FIELD_DELIMITER "%" PRIu32 "",
&mod_op, &offset, &size);
if (ret != 3) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Invalid custom LSO operation, bad field format\n");
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
switch (mod_op) {
case 0:
opts->lso.param.custom.field[num_custom].mod_op = ODP_LSO_ADD_SEGMENT_NUM;
case 1:
opts->lso.param.custom.field[num_custom].mod_op = ODP_LSO_ADD_PAYLOAD_LEN;
case 2:
opts->lso.param.custom.field[num_custom].mod_op =
ODPH_ERR("Error: Invalid custom LSO operation: %" PRIu32 "\n", mod_op);
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
opts->lso.param.custom.field[num_custom].offset = offset;
if (size != 1 && size != 2 && size != 4 && size != 8) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Invalid custom field size: %" PRIu32 "\n", size);
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
opts->lso.param.custom.field[num_custom].size = size;
tmp = strtok(NULL, TOKEN_DELIMITER);
if (opts->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM && num_custom == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Custom LSO protocol requires at least one custom field\n");
ret_val = false;
goto exit;
opts->lso.param.custom.num_custom = num_custom;
opts->lso.enabled = true;
return ret_val;
static int init_bins(test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i, bin_size;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_bins = test_options->rand_pkt_len_bins;
uint32_t len_min = test_options->rand_pkt_len_min;
uint32_t len_max = test_options->rand_pkt_len_max;
uint32_t num_bytes = len_max - len_min + 1;
if (len_max <= len_min) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad max packet length\n");
return -1;
if (num_bins == 0)
num_bins = num_bytes;
if (num_bins == 1 || num_bins > MAX_BINS || num_bins > num_bytes) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad number of packet length bins: %u\n", num_bins);
return -1;
bin_size = (len_max - len_min + 1) / (num_bins - 1);
/* Min length is the first bin */
for (i = 0; i < num_bins - 1; i++)
global->len_bin[i] = len_min + (i * bin_size);
/* Max length is the last bin */
global->len_bin[i] = len_max;
global->num_bins = num_bins;
return 0;
static int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], test_global_t *global)
int opt, i, len, str_len, port;
unsigned long int count;
uint32_t min_packets, num_tx_pkt, num_tx_alloc, pkt_len, req_len, val, bins;
char *name, *str, *end;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int ret = 0;
uint8_t default_eth_dst[6] = {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xb0, 0xc0};
static const struct option longopts[] = {
{"interface", required_argument, NULL, 'i'},
{"eth_dst", required_argument, NULL, 'e'},
{"num_rx", required_argument, NULL, 'r'},
{"num_tx", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
{"lso", required_argument, NULL, 'T'},
{"num_pkt", required_argument, NULL, 'n'},
{"proto", required_argument, NULL, 'N'},
{"len", required_argument, NULL, 'l'},
{"len_range", required_argument, NULL, 'L'},
{"direct_rx", required_argument, NULL, 'D'},
{"tx_mode", required_argument, NULL, 'm'},
{"burst_size", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
{"bursts", required_argument, NULL, 'x'},
{"gap", required_argument, NULL, 'g'},
{"vlan", required_argument, NULL, 'v'},
{"ipv4_src", required_argument, NULL, 's'},
{"ipv4_dst", required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
{"src_port", required_argument, NULL, 'o'},
{"dst_port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'},
{"promisc_mode", no_argument, NULL, 'P'},
{"latency", no_argument, NULL, 'a'},
{"c_mode", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
{"no_udp_checksum", no_argument, NULL, 'C'},
{"checksum_offload", no_argument, NULL, 'X'},
{"no_payload_fill", no_argument, NULL, 'A'},
{"mtu", required_argument, NULL, 'M'},
{"quit", required_argument, NULL, 'q'},
{"wait", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
{"wait_start", required_argument, NULL, 'W'},
{"update_stat", required_argument, NULL, 'u'},
{"custom_l3", required_argument, NULL, 'U'},
{"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'},
{NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
static const char *shortopts = "+i:e:r:t:T:n:N:l:L:D:m:M:b:x:g:v:s:d:o:"
test_options->num_pktio = 0;
test_options->num_rx = 1;
test_options->num_tx = 1;
test_options->num_pkt = 1000;
test_options->pkt_len = 512;
test_options->use_rand_pkt_len = 0;
test_options->direct_rx = 0;
test_options->tx_mode = TX_MODE_REF;
test_options->burst_size = 8;
test_options->bursts = 1;
test_options->gap_nsec = 1000000;
test_options->num_vlan = 0;
test_options->promisc_mode = 0;
test_options->calc_latency = 0;
test_options->calc_cs = 1;
test_options->cs_offload = 0;
test_options->fill_pl = 1;
odph_strcpy(test_options->ipv4_src_s, "",
odph_strcpy(test_options->ipv4_dst_s, "",
if (odph_ipv4_addr_parse(&test_options->ipv4_src, test_options->ipv4_src_s)) {
ODPH_ERR("Address parse failed\n");
return -1;
if (odph_ipv4_addr_parse(&test_options->ipv4_dst, test_options->ipv4_dst_s)) {
ODPH_ERR("Address parse failed\n");
return -1;
test_options->src_port = 10000;
test_options->dst_port = 20000;
test_options->c_mode.src_port = 0;
test_options->c_mode.dst_port = 0;
test_options->quit = 0;
test_options->update_msec = 0;
test_options->wait_sec = 0;
test_options->wait_start_sec = 0;
test_options->mtu = 0;
test_options->l4_proto = L4_PROTO_UDP;
test_options->lso.enabled = false;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PKTIOS; i++) {
memcpy(global->pktio[i].eth_dst.addr, default_eth_dst, 6);
global->pktio[i].eth_dst.addr[5] += i;
while (1) {
opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL);
if (opt == -1)
switch (opt) {
case 'i':
i = 0;
str = optarg;
str_len = strlen(str);
while (str_len > 0) {
len = strcspn(str, ",");
str_len -= len + 1;
if (i == MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many interfaces\n");
ret = -1;
if (len > MAX_PKTIO_NAME) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too long interface name %s\n", str);
ret = -1;
name = test_options->pktio_name[i];
memcpy(name, str, len);
str += len + 1;
test_options->num_pktio = i;
case 'e':
i = 0;
str = optarg;
str_len = strlen(str);
while (str_len > 0) {
odph_ethaddr_t *dst = &global->pktio[i].eth_dst;
len = strcspn(str, ",");
str_len -= len + 1;
if (i == MAX_PKTIOS) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many MAC addresses\n");
ret = -1;
if (odph_eth_addr_parse(dst, str)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad MAC address: %s\n", str);
ret = -1;
str += len + 1;
case 'o':
port = atoi(optarg);
if (port < 0 || port > UINT16_MAX) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad source port: %d\n", port);
ret = -1;
test_options->src_port = port;
case 'p':
port = atoi(optarg);
if (port < 0 || port > UINT16_MAX) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad destination port: %d\n", port);
ret = -1;
test_options->dst_port = port;
case 'P':
test_options->promisc_mode = 1;
case 'a':
test_options->calc_latency = 1;
case 'r':
test_options->num_rx = atoi(optarg);
case 't':
test_options->num_tx = atoi(optarg);
case 'T':
if (!parse_lso_fields(optarg, test_options))
ret = -1;
case 'n':
test_options->num_pkt = atoi(optarg);
case 'N':
test_options->l4_proto = atoi(optarg);
case 'l':
test_options->pkt_len = atoi(optarg);
case 'L':
pkt_len = strtoul(optarg, &end, 0);
test_options->rand_pkt_len_min = pkt_len;
pkt_len = strtoul(end, &str, 0);
test_options->rand_pkt_len_max = pkt_len;
val = strtoul(str, NULL, 0);
test_options->rand_pkt_len_bins = val;
test_options->use_rand_pkt_len = 1;
case 'D':
test_options->direct_rx = atoi(optarg);
case 'm':
test_options->tx_mode = atoi(optarg);
case 'M':
test_options->mtu = atoi(optarg);
case 'b':
test_options->burst_size = atoi(optarg);
case 'x':
test_options->bursts = atoi(optarg);
case 'g':
test_options->gap_nsec = atoll(optarg);
case 'v':
test_options->num_vlan = parse_vlan(optarg, global);
if (test_options->num_vlan == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Did not find any VLANs\n");
ret = -1;
case 's':
if (odph_ipv4_addr_parse(&test_options->ipv4_src,
optarg)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad IPv4 source address: %s\n", optarg);
ret = -1;
odph_strcpy(test_options->ipv4_src_s, optarg,
case 'd':
if (odph_ipv4_addr_parse(&test_options->ipv4_dst,
optarg)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad IPv4 destination address: %s\n", optarg);
ret = -1;
odph_strcpy(test_options->ipv4_dst_s, optarg,
case 'c':
count = strtoul(optarg, &end, 0);
test_options->c_mode.src_port = count;
count = strtoul(end, NULL, 0);
test_options->c_mode.dst_port = count;
case 'C':
test_options->calc_cs = 0;
case 'X':
test_options->cs_offload = 1;
case 'A':
test_options->fill_pl = 0;
case 'q':
test_options->quit = atoll(optarg);
case 'u':
test_options->update_msec = atoll(optarg);
case 'w':
test_options->wait_sec = atoi(optarg);
case 'W':
test_options->wait_start_sec = atoi(optarg);
case 'U':
if (!parse_custom_fields(optarg, test_options))
ret = -1;
case 'h':
/* fall through */
ret = -1;
if (ret)
return -1;
if (test_options->num_pktio == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: At least one packet IO interface is needed.\n");
ODPH_ERR(" Use -i <name> to specify interfaces.\n");
return -1;
if (test_options->num_rx < 1 && test_options->num_tx < 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: At least one rx or tx thread needed.\n");
return -1;
test_options->num_cpu = test_options->num_rx + test_options->num_tx;
if (test_options->num_cpu > MAX_WORKERS) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many worker threads\n");
return -1;
num_tx_pkt = test_options->burst_size * test_options->bursts;
global->num_tx_pkt = num_tx_pkt;
if (num_tx_pkt == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Bad number of tx packets: %u\n", num_tx_pkt);
return -1;
if (test_options->use_rand_pkt_len) {
if (init_bins(global))
return -1;
bins = global->num_bins ? global->num_bins : 1;
num_tx_alloc = num_tx_pkt * bins;
if (num_tx_alloc > MAX_ALLOC_PACKETS) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many tx packets: %u\n", num_tx_alloc);
return -1;
/* Pool needs to have enough packets for all TX side pre-allocated packets and
* a burst per thread (for packet copies). RX side needs one burst per thread per pktio. */
min_packets = test_options->num_pktio * test_options->num_tx * num_tx_alloc;
min_packets += test_options->num_tx * test_options->burst_size;
min_packets += test_options->num_pktio * test_options->num_rx * test_options->burst_size;
if (test_options->num_pkt < min_packets) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Pool needs to have at least %u packets\n", min_packets);
return -1;
if (test_options->calc_latency && test_options->tx_mode == TX_MODE_REF) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Latency test is not supported with packet references (--tx_mode 1)\n");
return -1;
if (test_options->calc_latency && (test_options->num_rx < 1 || test_options->num_tx < 1)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Latency test requires both rx and tx threads\n");
return -1;
if (test_options->gap_nsec) {
double gap_hz = 1000000000.0 / test_options->gap_nsec;
if (gap_hz > (double)odp_time_local_res()) {
ODPH_ERR("\nWARNING: Burst gap exceeds time counter resolution "
"%" PRIu64 "\n\n", odp_time_local_res());
if (global->num_bins) {
if (num_tx_pkt > global->num_bins && num_tx_pkt % global->num_bins)
ODPH_ERR("\nWARNING: Transmit packet count is not evenly divisible into packet length bins.\n\n");
if (num_tx_pkt < global->num_bins)
ODPH_ERR("\nWARNING: Not enough packets for every packet length bin.\n\n");
if (test_options->c_mode.dst_port && num_tx_pkt % test_options->c_mode.dst_port)
ODPH_ERR("\nWARNING: Transmit packet count is not evenly divisible by destination port count.\n\n");
if (test_options->c_mode.src_port && num_tx_pkt % test_options->c_mode.src_port)
ODPH_ERR("\nWARNING: Transmit packet count is not evenly divisible by source port count.\n\n");
if (test_options->l4_proto != L4_PROTO_TCP && test_options->l4_proto != L4_PROTO_UDP &&
test_options->l4_proto != L4_PROTO_NONE) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Invalid L4 protocol: %" PRIu8 "\n", test_options->l4_proto);
return -1;
if (test_options->l4_proto == L4_PROTO_TCP && test_options->tx_mode != TX_MODE_COPY) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: TCP protocol supported only with copy transmit mode\n");
return -1;
test_options->eth_type = test_options->num_custom_l3 ?
test_options->custom_l3.eth_type : ODPH_ETHTYPE_IPV4;
test_options->l3_len = test_options->num_custom_l3 ?
test_options->custom_l3.tot_len : ODPH_IPV4HDR_LEN;
test_options->hdr_len = ODPH_ETHHDR_LEN + (test_options->num_vlan * ODPH_VLANHDR_LEN) +
if (test_options->l4_proto != L4_PROTO_NONE)
test_options->hdr_len += test_options->l4_proto == L4_PROTO_UDP ?
pkt_len = test_options->use_rand_pkt_len ?
test_options->rand_pkt_len_min : test_options->pkt_len;
req_len = test_options->hdr_len;
if (test_options->calc_latency)
req_len += sizeof(ts_data_t);
if (test_options->num_custom_l3 && test_options->cs_offload) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Checksum offloading supported only with IP\n");
return -1;
/* Keep '--no_udp_checksum' only if UDP is the L4 protocol */
if (test_options->l4_proto != L4_PROTO_UDP)
test_options->calc_cs = 1;
if (test_options->cs_offload)
test_options->calc_cs = 0;
if (req_len > pkt_len) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Headers do not fit into packet length of %" PRIu32 " bytes "
"(min %" PRIu32 " bytes required)\n", pkt_len, req_len);
return -1;
if (test_options->lso.enabled) {
if (test_options->tx_mode != TX_MODE_COPY) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: LSO supported only with copy transmit mode\n");
return -1;
if (test_options->num_custom_l3 &&
test_options->lso.param.lso_proto != ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: LSO and L3 protocol mismatch\n");
return -1;
if (test_options->l4_proto != L4_PROTO_TCP &&
test_options->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_TCP_IPV4) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: LSO and L4 protocol mismatch\n");
return -1;
return 0;
static int set_num_cpu(test_global_t *global)
int ret;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
ret = odp_cpumask_default_worker(&global->cpumask, num_cpu);
if (ret != num_cpu) {
int cpu;
/* Normally we want to use only worker threads */
if (ret > 1) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many workers. Maximum supported %i.\n", ret);
return -1;
/* When number of workers is very limited (e.g. ODP project CI),
* we try to use any CPUs available. */
ret = odp_cpumask_all_available(&global->cpumask);
if (ret < num_cpu) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Not enough CPUs. Maximum supported %i.\n", ret);
return -1;
/* Remove extra CPUs from the mask */
cpu = odp_cpumask_first(&global->cpumask);
while (ret > num_cpu) {
odp_cpumask_clr(&global->cpumask, cpu);
cpu = odp_cpumask_first(&global->cpumask);
odp_barrier_init(&global->barrier, num_cpu + 1);
return 0;
static int check_lso_capa(char *name, odp_pktio_capability_t *pktio_capa,
test_options_t *opt, odp_pool_t pool)
uint32_t max_segments;
uint32_t pkt_payload;
const uint32_t max_pkt_len = opt->use_rand_pkt_len ?
opt->rand_pkt_len_max : opt->pkt_len;
if (pktio_capa->lso.max_profiles < opt->num_pktio ||
pktio_capa->lso.max_profiles_per_pktio == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Not enough LSO profiles (max %" PRIu32 ")\n", name,
return -1;
if (opt->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_TCP_IPV4 && !pktio_capa->lso.proto.tcp_ipv4) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): ODP_LSO_PROTO_TCP_IPV4 not supported\n", name);
return -1;
if (opt->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_IPV4 && !pktio_capa->lso.proto.ipv4) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): ODP_LSO_PROTO_IPV4 not supported\n", name);
return -1;
if (opt->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM && !pktio_capa->lso.proto.custom) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM not supported\n", name);
return -1;
/* Check number of segments in a max length packet */
pkt = odp_packet_alloc(pool, max_pkt_len);
if (pkt == ODP_PACKET_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Allocating test packet failed\n", name);
return -1;
max_segments = odp_packet_num_segs(pkt);
if (max_segments > pktio_capa->lso.max_packet_segments) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Max LSO packet segments: %" PRIu32 "\n", name,
return -1;
/* Check max number of LSO segments */
pkt_payload = max_pkt_len - opt->lso.payload_offset;
max_segments = (pkt_payload + opt->lso.max_payload_len - 1) /
if (max_segments > pktio_capa->lso.max_segments) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Max LSO segments: %" PRIu32 "\n", name,
return -1;
if (opt->lso.max_payload_len > pktio_capa->lso.max_payload_len) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Max LSO payload len: %" PRIu32 "\n", name,
return -1;
if (opt->lso.payload_offset > pktio_capa->lso.max_payload_offset) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Max LSO payload offset: %" PRIu32 "\n", name,
return -1;
if (opt->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_CUSTOM) {
if (opt->lso.param.custom.num_custom > pktio_capa->lso.max_num_custom) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Max LSO custom fields: %" PRIu32 "\n", name,
return -1;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < opt->lso.param.custom.num_custom; i++) {
if (opt->lso.param.custom.field[i].mod_op == ODP_LSO_ADD_SEGMENT_NUM &&
!pktio_capa->lso.mod_op.add_segment_num) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): ODP_LSO_ADD_SEGMENT_NUM not supported\n",
return -1;
if (opt->lso.param.custom.field[i].mod_op == ODP_LSO_ADD_PAYLOAD_LEN &&
!pktio_capa->lso.mod_op.add_payload_len) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): ODP_LSO_ADD_PAYLOAD_LEN not supported\n",
return -1;
if (opt->lso.param.custom.field[i].mod_op == ODP_LSO_ADD_PAYLOAD_OFFSET &&
!pktio_capa->lso.mod_op.add_payload_offset) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): ODP_LSO_ADD_PAYLOAD_OFFSET not supported\n",
return -1;
return 0;
static int open_pktios(test_global_t *global)
odp_pool_param_t pool_param;
odp_pool_t pool;
odp_pktio_param_t pktio_param;
odp_pktio_t pktio;
odp_pktio_config_t pktio_config;
char *name;
uint32_t i, seg_len;
int j, pktio_idx;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_rx = test_options->num_rx;
int num_tx = test_options->num_tx;
uint32_t num_pktio = test_options->num_pktio;
uint32_t num_pkt = test_options->num_pkt;
uint32_t pkt_len = test_options->use_rand_pkt_len ?
test_options->rand_pkt_len_max : test_options->pkt_len;
printf("\nODP packet generator\n");
printf(" quit test after: %" PRIu64 " rounds\n",
printf(" num rx threads: %i\n", num_rx);
printf(" num tx threads: %i\n", num_tx);
printf(" num packets: %u\n", num_pkt);
if (test_options->use_rand_pkt_len)
printf(" packet length: %u-%u bytes, %u bins\n",
printf(" packet length: %u bytes\n", pkt_len);
printf(" MTU: ");
if (test_options->mtu)
printf("%u bytes\n", test_options->mtu);
printf("interface default\n");
printf(" packet input mode: %s\n", test_options->direct_rx ? "direct" : "scheduler");
printf(" promisc mode: %s\n", test_options->promisc_mode ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" transmit mode: %i\n", test_options->tx_mode);
printf(" measure latency: %s\n", test_options->calc_latency ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" UDP SW checksum: %s\n", test_options->calc_cs ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" Checksum offload: %s\n", test_options->cs_offload ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" payload filling: %s\n", test_options->fill_pl ? "enabled" : "disabled");
printf(" tx burst size: %u\n", test_options->burst_size);
printf(" tx bursts: %u\n", test_options->bursts);
printf(" tx burst gap: %" PRIu64 " nsec\n",
if (test_options->lso.enabled) {
printf(" LSO protocol: %s\n",
test_options->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_IPV4 ?
test_options->lso.param.lso_proto == ODP_LSO_PROTO_TCP_IPV4 ?
printf(" max payload offset: %" PRIu32 " bytes\n",
printf(" max payload len: %" PRIu32 " bytes\n",
for (i = 0; i < test_options->lso.param.custom.num_custom; i++) {
printf(" Custom operation %" PRIu32 ": %s\n", i + 1,
test_options->lso.param.custom.field[i].mod_op ==
test_options->lso.param.custom.field[i].mod_op ==
printf(" offset: %" PRIu32 " bytes\n",
printf(" size: %" PRIu32 " bytes\n",
printf(" clock resolution: %" PRIu64 " Hz\n", odp_time_local_res());
for (i = 0; i < test_options->num_vlan; i++) {
printf(" VLAN[%i]: %x:%x\n", i,
test_options->vlan[i].tpid, test_options->vlan[i].tci);
printf(" L3 protocol: ");
if (test_options->num_custom_l3) {
" ether type: %x\n"
" total length: %u\n"
" fields:\n", test_options->custom_l3.eth_type,
for (i = 0; i < test_options->num_custom_l3; i++) {
printf(" name: %s\n"
" length: %u\n"
" value: %" PRIx64 "\n"
" diff: %" PRIi64 "\n\n",
} else {
printf(" IPv4 source: %s\n", test_options->ipv4_src_s);
printf(" IPv4 destination: %s\n\n", test_options->ipv4_dst_s);
printf(" L4 protocol: %s\n",
test_options->l4_proto == L4_PROTO_UDP ?
"UDP" : test_options->l4_proto == L4_PROTO_TCP ? "TCP" : "none");
printf(" source port: %u\n", test_options->src_port);
printf(" destination port: %u\n", test_options->dst_port);
printf(" src port count: %u\n", test_options->c_mode.src_port);
printf(" dst port count: %u\n", test_options->c_mode.dst_port);
printf(" num pktio: %u\n", num_pktio);
printf(" interfaces names: ");
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
if (i > 0)
printf(" ");
printf("%s\n", test_options->pktio_name[i]);
printf(" destination MACs: ");
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
uint8_t *eth_dst = global->pktio[i].eth_dst.addr;
if (i > 0)
printf(" ");
eth_dst[0], eth_dst[1], eth_dst[2],
eth_dst[3], eth_dst[4], eth_dst[5]);
global->pool = ODP_POOL_INVALID;
if (odp_pool_capability(&pool_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Pool capability failed.\n");
return -1;
if (pool_capa.pkt.max_num &&
num_pkt > pool_capa.pkt.max_num) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too many packets. Max %u supported.\n", pool_capa.pkt.max_num);
return -1;
if (pool_capa.pkt.max_len && pkt_len > pool_capa.pkt.max_len) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Too large packets. Max %u supported length.\n",
return -1;
seg_len = test_options->hdr_len;
if (pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len &&
seg_len > pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Max segment length is too small %u\n", pool_capa.pkt.max_seg_len);
return -1;
/* Create pool */
pool_param.type = ODP_POOL_PACKET;
pool_param.pkt.num = num_pkt;
pool_param.pkt.len = pkt_len;
pool_param.pkt.seg_len = seg_len;
pool = odp_pool_create("packet gen pool", &pool_param);
if (pool == ODP_POOL_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Pool create failed.\n");
return -1;
global->pool = pool;
pktio_param.in_mode = num_rx ? (test_options->direct_rx ?
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
global->pktio[i].pktio = ODP_PKTIO_INVALID;
global->pktio[i].lso_profile = ODP_LSO_PROFILE_INVALID;
/* Open and configure interfaces */
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
name = test_options->pktio_name[i];
pktio = odp_pktio_open(name, pool, &pktio_param);
if (pktio == ODP_PKTIO_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio open failed.\n", name);
return -1;
global->pktio[i].pktio = pktio;
pktio_idx = odp_pktio_index(pktio);
if (pktio_idx < 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Reading pktio index failed: %i\n", name, pktio_idx);
return -1;
global->if_from_pktio_idx[pktio_idx] = i;
if (odp_pktio_capability(pktio, &pktio_capa)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio capability failed.\n", name);
return -1;
if (num_rx > (int)pktio_capa.max_input_queues) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Too many RX threads. Interface supports max %u input queues.\n",
name, pktio_capa.max_input_queues);
return -1;
if (num_tx > (int)pktio_capa.max_output_queues) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Too many TX threads. Interface supports max %u output queues.\n",
name, pktio_capa.max_output_queues);
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_mac_addr(pktio,
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): MAC address read failed.\n", name);
return -1;
if (test_options->mtu) {
uint32_t maxlen_input = pktio_capa.maxlen.max_input ? test_options->mtu : 0;
uint32_t maxlen_output = pktio_capa.maxlen.max_output ?
test_options->mtu : 0;
if (!pktio_capa.set_op.op.maxlen) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): modifying interface MTU not supported.\n",
return -1;
if (maxlen_input &&
(maxlen_input < pktio_capa.maxlen.min_input ||
maxlen_input > pktio_capa.maxlen.max_input)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): unsupported MTU value %" PRIu32 " "
"(min %" PRIu32 ", max %" PRIu32 ")\n", name, maxlen_input,
pktio_capa.maxlen.min_input, pktio_capa.maxlen.max_input);
return -1;
if (maxlen_output &&
(maxlen_output < pktio_capa.maxlen.min_output ||
maxlen_output > pktio_capa.maxlen.max_output)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): unsupported MTU value %" PRIu32 " "
"(min %" PRIu32 ", max %" PRIu32 ")\n", name,
maxlen_output, pktio_capa.maxlen.min_output,
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_maxlen_set(pktio, maxlen_input, maxlen_output)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): setting MTU failed\n", name);
return -1;
if (test_options->tx_mode == TX_MODE_DF && pktio_capa.free_ctrl.dont_free == 0) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Don't free mode not supported\n", name);
return -1;
if (test_options->cs_offload) {
if (test_options->l4_proto == L4_PROTO_UDP) {
if (pktio_capa.config.pktin.bit.udp_chksum &&
pktio_capa.config.pktin.bit.drop_udp_err) {
pktio_config.pktin.bit.udp_chksum = 1;
pktio_config.pktin.bit.drop_udp_err = 1;
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Warning (%s): UDP checksum offload at RX not "
"properly supported, leaving it disabled.\n",
if (!pktio_capa.config.pktout.bit.udp_chksum) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): UDP checksum offload at TX not "
"properly supported.\n", name);
return -1;
pktio_config.pktout.bit.udp_chksum_ena = 1;
pktio_config.pktout.bit.udp_chksum = 1;
if (test_options->l4_proto == L4_PROTO_TCP) {
if (pktio_capa.config.pktin.bit.tcp_chksum &&
pktio_capa.config.pktin.bit.drop_tcp_err) {
pktio_config.pktin.bit.tcp_chksum = 1;
pktio_config.pktin.bit.drop_tcp_err = 1;
} else {
ODPH_ERR("Warning (%s): TCP checksum offload at RX not "
"properly supported, leaving it disabled.\n",
if (!pktio_capa.config.pktout.bit.tcp_chksum) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): TCP checksum offload at TX not "
"properly supported.\n", name);
return -1;
pktio_config.pktout.bit.tcp_chksum_ena = 1;
pktio_config.pktout.bit.tcp_chksum = 1;
if (test_options->lso.enabled) {
if (check_lso_capa(name, &pktio_capa, test_options, pool))
return -1;
pktio_config.enable_lso = true;
if (odp_pktio_config(pktio, &pktio_config)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio config failed.\n", name);
return -1;
if (test_options->lso.enabled) {
const odp_lso_profile_param_t *param = &test_options->lso.param;
global->pktio[i].lso_profile = odp_lso_profile_create(pktio, param);
if (global->pktio[i].lso_profile == ODP_LSO_PROFILE_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): LSO profile create failed.\n", name);
return -1;
if (test_options->promisc_mode && odp_pktio_promisc_mode(pktio) != 1) {
if (!pktio_capa.set_op.op.promisc_mode) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): promisc mode set not supported\n", name);
return -1;
if (odp_pktio_promisc_mode_set(pktio, true)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): promisc mode enable failed\n", name);
return -1;
if (test_options->direct_rx) {
} else {
pktin_param.num_queues = num_rx;
if (num_rx > 1) {
pktin_param.hash_enable = 1;
pktin_param.hash_proto.proto.ipv4_udp = 1;
if (odp_pktin_queue_config(pktio, &pktin_param)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktin config failed.\n", name);
return -1;
pktout_param.num_queues = num_tx;
if (odp_pktout_queue_config(pktio, &pktout_param)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktout config failed.\n", name);
return -1;
if (num_tx > 0) {
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[MAX_THREADS];
if (odp_pktout_queue(pktio, pktout, num_tx) != num_tx) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktout queue request failed.\n", name);
return -1;
for (j = 0; j < num_tx; j++)
global->pktio[i].pktout[j] = pktout[j];
if (num_rx > 0 && test_options->direct_rx) {
odp_pktin_queue_t pktin[MAX_THREADS];
if (odp_pktin_queue(pktio, pktin, num_rx) != num_rx) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktin queue request failed.\n", name);
return -1;
for (j = 0; j < num_rx; j++)
global->pktio[i].pktin[j] = pktin[j];
return 0;
static int print_link_info(odp_pktio_t pktio)
if (odp_pktio_link_info(pktio, &info)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Pktio link info failed.\n");
return -1;
printf(" autoneg %s\n",
(info.autoneg == ODP_PKTIO_LINK_AUTONEG_OFF ? "off" : "unknown")));
printf(" duplex %s\n",
(info.duplex == ODP_PKTIO_LINK_DUPLEX_HALF ? "half" :
(info.duplex == ODP_PKTIO_LINK_DUPLEX_FULL ? "full" : "unknown")));
printf(" media %s\n", info.media);
printf(" pause_rx %s\n",
(info.pause_rx == ODP_PKTIO_LINK_PAUSE_OFF ? "off" : "unknown")));
printf(" pause_tx %s\n",
(info.pause_tx == ODP_PKTIO_LINK_PAUSE_OFF ? "off" : "unknown")));
printf(" speed(Mbit/s) %" PRIu32 "\n\n", info.speed);
return 0;
static int start_pktios(test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_pktio = test_options->num_pktio;
uint32_t link_wait = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
if (odp_pktio_start(global->pktio[i].pktio)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio start failed.\n", test_options->pktio_name[i]);
return -1;
global->pktio[i].started = 1;
/* Wait until all links are up */
for (i = 0; test_options->wait_sec && i < num_pktio; i++) {
while (1) {
odp_pktio_t pktio = global->pktio[i].pktio;
printf("pktio:%s\n", test_options->pktio_name[i]);
if (print_link_info(pktio)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Printing link info failed.\n",
return -1;
if (link_wait > test_options->wait_sec) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio link down.\n",
return -1;
if (test_options->wait_start_sec)
odp_time_wait_ns(test_options->wait_start_sec * ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS);
return 0;
static int stop_pktios(test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i;
odp_pktio_t pktio;
int ret = 0;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_pktio = test_options->num_pktio;
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
pktio = global->pktio[i].pktio;
if (pktio == ODP_PKTIO_INVALID || global->pktio[i].started == 0)
if (odp_pktio_stop(pktio)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio stop failed.\n", test_options->pktio_name[i]);
ret = -1;
return ret;
static int close_pktios(test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i;
odp_pktio_t pktio;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_pktio = test_options->num_pktio;
int ret = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
pktio = global->pktio[i].pktio;
if (pktio == ODP_PKTIO_INVALID)
if (global->pktio[i].lso_profile != ODP_LSO_PROFILE_INVALID &&
odp_lso_profile_destroy(global->pktio[i].lso_profile)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): LSO profile destroy failed.\n",
ret = -1;
if (odp_pktio_close(pktio)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error (%s): Pktio close failed.\n", test_options->pktio_name[i]);
ret = -1;
if (global->pool != ODP_POOL_INVALID &&
odp_pool_destroy(global->pool)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Pool destroy failed.\n");
ret = -1;
return ret;
static inline void get_timestamp(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t ts_off, rx_lat_data_t *lat_data,
odp_time_t rx_ts)
ts_data_t ts_data;
uint64_t nsec;
if (odp_unlikely(odp_packet_copy_to_mem(pkt, ts_off, sizeof(ts_data), &ts_data) < 0 ||
ts_data.magic != TS_MAGIC))
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(rx_ts, ts_data.tx_ts);
if (nsec < lat_data->min)
lat_data->min = nsec;
if (nsec > lat_data->max)
lat_data->max = nsec;
lat_data->nsec += nsec;
static int rx_thread(void *arg)
int i, thr, num;
uint32_t exit_test;
uint64_t bytes;
odp_time_t t1, t2, exit_time;
thread_arg_t *thread_arg = arg;
test_global_t *global = thread_arg->global;
int direct_rx = global->test_options.direct_rx;
int periodic_stat = global->test_options.update_msec ? 1 : 0;
uint64_t rx_timeouts = 0;
uint64_t rx_packets = 0;
uint64_t rx_bytes = 0;
uint64_t nsec = 0;
int ret = 0;
int clock_started = 0;
int exit_timer_started = 0;
int paused = 0;
const int max_num = 32;
int pktin = 0;
int num_pktio = global->test_options.num_pktio;
odp_pktin_queue_t pktin_queue[num_pktio];
odp_packet_t pkt[max_num];
uint32_t ts_off = global->test_options.calc_latency ? global->test_options.hdr_len : 0;
rx_lat_data_t rx_lat_data = { .nsec = 0, .min = UINT64_MAX, .max = 0, .packets = 0 };
thr = odp_thread_id();
global->stat[thr].thread_type = RX_THREAD;
if (direct_rx) {
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++)
pktin_queue[i] = thread_arg->pktin[i];
/* Start all workers at the same time */
while (1) {
if (direct_rx) {
num = odp_pktin_recv(pktin_queue[pktin], pkt, max_num);
if (odp_unlikely(num < 0)) {
ODPH_ERR("pktin (%i) recv failed: %i\n", pktin, num);
ret = -1;
num = 0;
if (pktin >= num_pktio)
pktin = 0;
} else {
odp_event_t ev[max_num];
num = odp_schedule_multi_no_wait(NULL, ev, max_num);
if (num)
if (ts_off && num)
exit_test = odp_atomic_load_u32(&global->exit_test);
if (exit_test) {
/* Wait 1 second for possible in flight packets sent by the tx threads */
if (exit_timer_started == 0) {
exit_time = odp_time_local();
t2 = exit_time;
exit_timer_started = 1;
} else if (odp_time_diff_ns(odp_time_local(), exit_time) >
if (direct_rx == 0 && paused == 0) {
paused = 1;
} else if (num == 0) {
/* Exit main loop after (schedule paused and) no more
* packets received */
/* Use last received packet as stop time and don't increase rx_timeouts
* counter since tx threads have already been stopped */
if (num)
if (num == 0) {
if (direct_rx == 0)
if (!clock_started) {
clock_started = 1;
bytes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
bytes += odp_packet_len(pkt[i]);
if (ts_off)
get_timestamp(pkt[i], ts_off, &rx_lat_data, rx_ts);
rx_packets += num;
rx_bytes += bytes;
if (odp_unlikely(periodic_stat)) {
/* All packets from the same queue are from the same pktio interface */
int index = odp_packet_input_index(pkt[0]);
if (index >= 0) {
int if_idx = global->if_from_pktio_idx[index];
global->stat[thr].pktio[if_idx].rx_packets += num;
if (clock_started)
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
/* Update stats*/
global->stat[thr].time_nsec = nsec;
global->stat[thr].rx_timeouts = rx_timeouts;
global->stat[thr].rx_packets = rx_packets;
global->stat[thr].rx_bytes = rx_bytes;
global->stat[thr].rx_lat_nsec = rx_lat_data.nsec;
global->stat[thr].rx_lat_min_nsec = rx_lat_data.min;
global->stat[thr].rx_lat_max_nsec = rx_lat_data.max;
global->stat[thr].rx_lat_packets = rx_lat_data.packets;
return ret;
static void drain_scheduler(test_global_t *global)
uint64_t wait_time;
if (!global->test_options.num_rx)
while ((ev = odp_schedule(NULL, wait_time)) != ODP_EVENT_INVALID) {
static void drain_direct_input(test_global_t *global)
int i, j;
int num_pktio = global->test_options.num_pktio;
int num_rx = global->test_options.num_rx;
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_rx; j++) {
pktin = global->pktio[i].pktin[j];
while (odp_pktin_recv(pktin, &pkt, 1) == 1) {
static inline uint8_t *copy_field(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, uint32_t len)
return (uint8_t *)memcpy(dst, src, len) + len;
static int init_packets(test_global_t *global, int pktio,
odp_packet_t packet[], uint32_t num, uint16_t seq)
uint32_t i, j, pkt_len, seg_len, payload_len, l2_len;
void *data;
uint8_t *u8;
odph_ethhdr_t *eth;
odph_ipv4hdr_t *ip;
uint16_t tpid;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
const int proto = test_options->l4_proto;
uint32_t num_vlan = test_options->num_vlan;
uint32_t num_custom_l3 = test_options->num_custom_l3;
uint32_t hdr_len = test_options->hdr_len;
uint16_t src_port = test_options->src_port;
uint16_t dst_port = test_options->dst_port;
uint32_t src_cnt = 0;
uint32_t dst_cnt = 0;
uint32_t tcp_seqnum = 0x1234;
uint64_t value;
odph_vlanhdr_t *vlan = NULL; /* Fixes bogus compiler warning */
hdr_field_t *c_hdr = NULL;
if (num_vlan > MAX_VLANS)
num_vlan = MAX_VLANS;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
pkt = packet[i];
pkt_len = odp_packet_len(pkt);
seg_len = odp_packet_seg_len(pkt);
data = odp_packet_data(pkt);
payload_len = pkt_len - hdr_len;
if (seg_len < hdr_len) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: First segment too short %u\n", seg_len);
return -1;
/* Ethernet */
eth = data;
memcpy(eth->dst.addr, global->pktio[pktio].eth_dst.addr, 6);
memcpy(eth->src.addr, global->pktio[pktio].eth_src.addr, 6);
eth->type = odp_cpu_to_be_16(test_options->eth_type);
/* VLAN(s) */
if (num_vlan) {
tpid = test_options->vlan[0].tpid;
eth->type = odp_cpu_to_be_16(tpid);
if (tpid == ETH_TYPE_QINQ)
for (j = 0; j < num_vlan; j++) {
vlan = (odph_vlanhdr_t *)((uint8_t *)data + l2_len);
vlan->tci = odp_cpu_to_be_16(test_options->vlan[j].tci);
if (j < num_vlan - 1) {
tpid = test_options->vlan[j + 1].tpid;
vlan->type = odp_cpu_to_be_16(tpid);
if (num_vlan)
vlan->type = odp_cpu_to_be_16(test_options->eth_type);
/* L3 */
if (num_custom_l3) {
/* Custom */
u8 = (uint8_t *)data + l2_len;
for (j = 0; j < num_custom_l3; j++) {
c_hdr = &test_options->custom_l3.fields[j];
value = bswap(c_hdr->value, c_hdr->len);
u8 = copy_field(u8, (uint8_t *)&value, c_hdr->len);
c_hdr->value += c_hdr->diff;
} else {
/* IPv4 */
ip = (odph_ipv4hdr_t *)((uint8_t *)data + l2_len);
memset(ip, 0, ODPH_IPV4HDR_LEN);
ip->ver_ihl = ODPH_IPV4 << 4 | ODPH_IPV4HDR_IHL_MIN;
ip->tot_len = odp_cpu_to_be_16(pkt_len - l2_len);
ip->id = odp_cpu_to_be_16(seq + i);
ip->ttl = 64;
/* Use experimental protocol number if L4 proto is none. */
ip->proto = proto == L4_PROTO_UDP ?
ip->src_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(test_options->ipv4_src);
ip->dst_addr = odp_cpu_to_be_32(test_options->ipv4_dst);
ip->chksum = ~odp_chksum_ones_comp16(ip, ODPH_IPV4HDR_LEN);
u8 = ((uint8_t *)data + l2_len + ODPH_IPV4HDR_LEN);
odp_packet_l4_offset_set(pkt, l2_len + test_options->l3_len);
if (proto == L4_PROTO_TCP) {
odph_tcphdr_t *tcp = (odph_tcphdr_t *)u8;
memset(tcp, 0, ODPH_TCPHDR_LEN);
tcp->src_port = odp_cpu_to_be_16(src_port);
tcp->dst_port = odp_cpu_to_be_16(dst_port);
tcp->seq_no = odp_cpu_to_be_32(tcp_seqnum);
tcp->ack_no = odp_cpu_to_be_32(0x12345678);
tcp->window = odp_cpu_to_be_16(0x4000);
tcp->hl = 5;
tcp->ack = 1;
tcp_seqnum += payload_len;
} else if (proto == L4_PROTO_UDP) {
odph_udphdr_t *udp = (odph_udphdr_t *)u8;
memset(udp, 0, ODPH_UDPHDR_LEN);
udp->src_port = odp_cpu_to_be_16(src_port);
udp->dst_port = odp_cpu_to_be_16(dst_port);
udp->length = odp_cpu_to_be_16(payload_len + ODPH_UDPHDR_LEN);
udp->chksum = 0;
u8 = data;
u8 += hdr_len;
if (test_options->fill_pl) {
/* Init payload until the end of the first segment */
for (j = 0; j < seg_len - hdr_len; j++)
u8[j] = j;
/* Insert checksum (TCP checksum is updated before TX) */
if (proto == L4_PROTO_UDP && !test_options->calc_latency && test_options->calc_cs)
/* Increment port numbers */
if (test_options->c_mode.src_port) {
if (src_cnt < test_options->c_mode.src_port) {
} else {
src_port = test_options->src_port;
src_cnt = 0;
if (test_options->c_mode.dst_port) {
if (dst_cnt < test_options->c_mode.dst_port) {
} else {
dst_port = test_options->dst_port;
dst_cnt = 0;
return 0;
static inline void update_tcp_hdr(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_t base_pkt, uint32_t hdr_len,
odp_bool_t calc_cs)
odph_tcphdr_t *tcp = odp_packet_l4_ptr(pkt, NULL);
odph_tcphdr_t *tcp_base = odp_packet_l4_ptr(base_pkt, NULL);
uint32_t prev_seqnum = odp_be_to_cpu_32(tcp_base->seq_no);
tcp->seq_no = odp_cpu_to_be_32(prev_seqnum + (odp_packet_len(pkt) - hdr_len));
/* Last used sequence number is stored in the base packet */
tcp_base->seq_no = tcp->seq_no;
if (calc_cs)
static inline int update_rand_data(uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len)
uint32_t generated = 0;
uint32_t retries = 0;
while (generated < data_len) {
int32_t ret = odp_random_data(data, data_len - generated, ODP_RANDOM_BASIC);
if (odp_unlikely(ret < 0)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: odp_random_data() failed: %" PRId32 "\n", ret);
return -1;
} else if (odp_unlikely(ret == 0)) {
if (odp_unlikely(retries > MAX_RAND_RETRIES)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Failed to create random data\n");
return -1;
data += ret;
generated += ret;
return 0;
static int init_global_data(test_global_t *global)
memset(global, 0, sizeof(test_global_t));
odp_atomic_init_u32(&global->exit_test, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) {
uint8_t *rand_data = (uint8_t *)global->rand_data[i];
if (odp_unlikely(update_rand_data(rand_data, RAND_16BIT_WORDS * 2)))
return -1;
global->thread_arg[i].global = global;
return 0;
static inline void set_timestamp(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t ts_off)
const ts_data_t ts_data = { .magic = TS_MAGIC, .tx_ts = odp_time_global_strict() };
(void)odp_packet_copy_from_mem(pkt, ts_off, sizeof(ts_data), &ts_data);
static int alloc_packets(odp_pool_t pool, odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl, uint32_t num,
test_global_t *global)
uint32_t i, pkt_len;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
uint32_t num_bins = global->num_bins;
pkt_len = test_options->pkt_len;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (num_bins)
pkt_len = global->len_bin[i % num_bins];
pkt_tbl[i] = odp_packet_alloc(pool, pkt_len);
if (pkt_tbl[i] == ODP_PACKET_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Alloc of %uB packet failed\n", pkt_len);
if (i == 0)
return -1;
if (i != num) {
odp_packet_free_multi(pkt_tbl, i);
return -1;
return 0;
static inline uint32_t form_burst(odp_packet_t out_pkt[], uint32_t burst_size, uint32_t num_bins,
uint32_t burst, odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl, odp_pool_t pool,
int tx_mode, odp_bool_t calc_latency, uint32_t hdr_len,
odp_bool_t calc_cs, uint64_t *total_bytes, uint8_t l4_proto,
const uint16_t *rand_data)
uint32_t i, idx;
static __thread int rand_idx;
uint64_t bytes = 0;
idx = burst * burst_size;
if (num_bins)
idx = burst * burst_size * num_bins;
for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++) {
if (num_bins) {
uint32_t bin;
if (odp_unlikely(rand_idx >= RAND_16BIT_WORDS))
rand_idx = 0;
/* Select random length bin */
bin = rand_data[rand_idx++] % num_bins;
pkt = pkt_tbl[idx + bin];
idx += num_bins;
} else {
pkt = pkt_tbl[idx];
if (tx_mode == TX_MODE_DF) {
out_pkt[i] = pkt;
} else if (tx_mode == TX_MODE_REF) {
out_pkt[i] = odp_packet_ref_static(pkt);
if (odp_unlikely(out_pkt[i] == ODP_PACKET_INVALID))
} else {
out_pkt[i] = odp_packet_copy(pkt, pool);
if (odp_unlikely(out_pkt[i] == ODP_PACKET_INVALID))
if (calc_latency)
set_timestamp(out_pkt[i], hdr_len);
if (l4_proto == L4_PROTO_TCP)
update_tcp_hdr(out_pkt[i], pkt, hdr_len, calc_cs);
else if (l4_proto == L4_PROTO_UDP && calc_latency && calc_cs)
bytes += odp_packet_len(out_pkt[i]);
*total_bytes = bytes;
return i;
static inline int send_burst(odp_pktout_queue_t pktout, odp_packet_t pkt[],
uint32_t num, int tx_mode, uint64_t *drop_bytes,
int ret;
uint32_t sent;
uint64_t bytes = 0;
ret = odp_pktout_send(pktout, pkt, num);
sent = ret;
if (odp_unlikely(ret < 0))
sent = 0;
if (odp_unlikely(sent != num)) {
uint32_t i;
uint32_t num_drop = num - sent;
for (i = sent; i < num; i++)
bytes += odp_packet_len(pkt[i]);
if (tx_mode != TX_MODE_DF)
odp_packet_free_multi(&pkt[sent], num_drop);
*drop_bytes = bytes;
return ret;
static inline int send_burst_lso(odp_pktout_queue_t pktout, odp_packet_t pkt[], uint32_t num,
int tx_mode ODP_UNUSED, uint64_t *drop_bytes,
const odp_packet_lso_opt_t *lso_opt)
int ret;
uint32_t sent;
uint64_t bytes = 0;
ret = odp_pktout_send_lso(pktout, pkt, num, lso_opt);
sent = ret;
if (odp_unlikely(ret < 0))
sent = 0;
if (odp_unlikely(sent != num)) {
uint32_t i;
uint32_t num_drop = num - sent;
for (i = sent; i < num; i++)
bytes += odp_packet_len(pkt[i]);
odp_packet_free_multi(&pkt[sent], num_drop);
*drop_bytes = bytes;
return ret;
static int tx_thread(void *arg)
int i, tx_thr;
uint32_t exit_test, num_alloc, j;
odp_time_t t1, t2, next_tmo;
uint64_t diff_ns, t1_nsec;
odp_packet_t *pkt_tbl;
thread_arg_t *thread_arg = arg;
test_global_t *global = thread_arg->global;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int periodic_stat = test_options->update_msec ? 1 : 0;
odp_pool_t pool = global->pool;
uint64_t gap_nsec = test_options->gap_nsec;
uint64_t quit = test_options->quit;
uint64_t tx_timeouts = 0;
uint64_t tx_bytes = 0;
uint64_t tx_packets = 0;
uint64_t tx_drops = 0;
int ret = 0;
const int thr = odp_thread_id();
const uint32_t hdr_len = test_options->hdr_len;
const uint32_t burst_size = test_options->burst_size;
const uint32_t bursts = test_options->bursts;
const uint32_t num_tx = test_options->num_tx;
const uint16_t *rand_data = global->rand_data[thr];
const uint8_t l4_proto = test_options->l4_proto;
const int tx_mode = test_options->tx_mode;
const odp_bool_t calc_cs = test_options->calc_cs;
const odp_bool_t calc_latency = test_options->calc_latency;
int num_pktio = test_options->num_pktio;
odp_pktout_queue_t pktout[num_pktio];
odp_packet_lso_opt_t lso_opt[num_pktio];
uint32_t tot_packets = 0;
uint32_t num_bins = global->num_bins;
const send_fn_t send_burst_fn = test_options->lso.enabled ? send_burst_lso : send_burst;
tx_thr = thread_arg->tx_thr;
global->stat[thr].thread_type = TX_THREAD;
num_alloc = global->num_tx_pkt;
if (num_bins)
num_alloc = global->num_tx_pkt * num_bins;
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
int seq = i * num_alloc;
pktout[i] = thread_arg->pktout[i];
pkt_tbl = thread_arg->packet[i];
lso_opt[i].lso_profile = thread_arg->lso_profile[i];
lso_opt[i].payload_offset = test_options->lso.payload_offset;
lso_opt[i].max_payload_len = test_options->lso.max_payload_len;
if (alloc_packets(pool, pkt_tbl, num_alloc, global)) {
ret = -1;
tot_packets += num_alloc;
if (init_packets(global, i, pkt_tbl, num_alloc, seq)) {
ret = -1;
if (tx_mode == TX_MODE_DF) {
for (j = 0; j < num_alloc; j++)
/* Start all workers at the same time */
/* Start TX burst at different per thread offset */
t1_nsec = odp_time_to_ns(t1) + gap_nsec + (tx_thr * gap_nsec / num_tx);
while (ret == 0) {
exit_test = odp_atomic_load_u32(&global->exit_test);
if (exit_test)
if (quit && tx_timeouts >= quit) {
if (gap_nsec) {
uint64_t nsec = t1_nsec + tx_timeouts * gap_nsec;
next_tmo = odp_time_local_from_ns(nsec);
/* Send bursts to each pktio */
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
uint32_t num;
int sent;
uint64_t total_bytes, drop_bytes;
odp_packet_t pkt[burst_size];
pkt_tbl = thread_arg->packet[i];
for (j = 0; j < bursts; j++) {
num = form_burst(pkt, burst_size, num_bins, j, pkt_tbl, pool,
tx_mode, calc_latency, hdr_len, calc_cs,
&total_bytes, l4_proto, rand_data);
if (odp_unlikely(num == 0)) {
tx_drops += burst_size;
sent = send_burst_fn(pktout[i], pkt, num, tx_mode, &drop_bytes,
if (odp_unlikely(sent < 0)) {
ret = -1;
tx_drops += burst_size;
tx_bytes += total_bytes - drop_bytes;
tx_packets += sent;
if (odp_unlikely(sent < (int)burst_size))
tx_drops += burst_size - sent;
if (odp_unlikely(periodic_stat))
global->stat[thr].pktio[i].tx_packets += sent;
diff_ns = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
pkt_tbl = thread_arg->packet[i];
if (tot_packets == 0)
odp_packet_free_multi(pkt_tbl, num_alloc);
tot_packets -= num_alloc;
/* Update stats */
global->stat[thr].time_nsec = diff_ns;
global->stat[thr].tx_timeouts = tx_timeouts;
global->stat[thr].tx_bytes = tx_bytes;
global->stat[thr].tx_packets = tx_packets;
global->stat[thr].tx_drops = tx_drops;
return ret;
static int start_workers(test_global_t *global, odp_instance_t instance)
odph_thread_common_param_t thr_common;
int i, j, ret, tx_thr;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_pktio = test_options->num_pktio;
int num_rx = test_options->num_rx;
int num_cpu = test_options->num_cpu;
odph_thread_param_t thr_param[num_cpu];
memset(global->thread_tbl, 0, sizeof(global->thread_tbl));
thr_common.instance = instance;
thr_common.cpumask = &global->cpumask;
/* Receive threads */
for (i = 0; i < num_rx; i++) {
/* In direct mode, dedicate a pktin queue per pktio interface (per RX thread) */
for (j = 0; test_options->direct_rx && j < num_pktio; j++)
global->thread_arg[i].pktin[j] = global->pktio[j].pktin[i];
thr_param[i].start = rx_thread;
thr_param[i].arg = &global->thread_arg[i];
thr_param[i].thr_type = ODP_THREAD_WORKER;
/* Transmit threads */
tx_thr = 0;
for (i = num_rx; i < num_cpu; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < num_pktio; j++) {
global->thread_arg[i].tx_thr = tx_thr;
/* Dedicate a pktout queue per pktio interface
* (per TX thread) */
pktout = global->pktio[j].pktout[tx_thr];
global->thread_arg[i].pktout[j] = pktout;
global->thread_arg[i].lso_profile[j] = global->pktio[j].lso_profile;
thr_param[i].start = tx_thread;
thr_param[i].arg = &global->thread_arg[i];
thr_param[i].thr_type = ODP_THREAD_WORKER;
ret = odph_thread_create(global->thread_tbl, &thr_common, thr_param,
if (ret != num_cpu) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: thread create failed %i\n", ret);
return -1;
return 0;
static void print_periodic_stat(test_global_t *global, uint64_t nsec)
int i, j;
int num_pktio = global->test_options.num_pktio;
double sec = nsec / 1000000000.0;
uint64_t num_tx[num_pktio];
uint64_t num_rx[num_pktio];
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++) {
num_tx[i] = 0;
num_rx[i] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_THREADS; j++) {
if (global->stat[j].thread_type == RX_THREAD)
num_rx[i] += global->stat[j].pktio[i].rx_packets;
else if (global->stat[j].thread_type == TX_THREAD)
num_tx[i] += global->stat[j].pktio[i].tx_packets;
if (global->test_options.num_tx) {
printf(" TX: %12.6fs", sec);
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++)
printf(" %10" PRIu64 "", num_tx[i]);
if (global->test_options.num_rx) {
printf(" RX: %12.6fs", sec);
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++)
printf(" %10" PRIu64 "", num_rx[i]);
static void periodic_print_loop(test_global_t *global)
odp_time_t t1, t2;
uint64_t nsec;
int i;
int num_pktio = global->test_options.num_pktio;
printf("\n\nPackets per interface\n");
printf(" Dir Time");
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++)
printf(" %10i", i);
printf("\n -----------------");
for (i = 0; i < num_pktio; i++)
while (odp_atomic_load_u32(&global->exit_test) == 0) {
usleep(1000 * global->test_options.update_msec);
nsec = odp_time_diff_ns(t2, t1);
print_periodic_stat(global, nsec);
static void print_humanised_time(double time_nsec)
if (time_nsec > ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS)
printf("%.2f s\n", time_nsec / ODP_TIME_SEC_IN_NS);
else if (time_nsec > ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS)
printf("%.2f ms\n", time_nsec / ODP_TIME_MSEC_IN_NS);
else if (time_nsec > ODP_TIME_USEC_IN_NS)
printf("%.2f us\n", time_nsec / ODP_TIME_USEC_IN_NS);
printf("%.0f ns\n", time_nsec);
static void print_humanised_latency(double lat_nsec, double lat_min_nsec, double lat_max_nsec)
printf(" rx ave packet latency: ");
printf(" rx min packet latency: ");
printf(" rx max packet latency: ");
static int print_final_stat(test_global_t *global)
int i, num_thr;
double rx_mbit_per_sec, tx_mbit_per_sec;
test_options_t *test_options = &global->test_options;
int num_rx = test_options->num_rx;
int num_tx = test_options->num_tx;
uint64_t rx_nsec_sum = 0;
uint64_t rx_pkt_sum = 0;
uint64_t rx_byte_sum = 0;
uint64_t rx_tmo_sum = 0;
uint64_t rx_lat_nsec_sum = 0;
uint64_t rx_lat_min_nsec = UINT64_MAX;
uint64_t rx_lat_max_nsec = 0;
uint64_t rx_lat_pkt_sum = 0;
uint64_t tx_nsec_sum = 0;
uint64_t tx_pkt_sum = 0;
uint64_t tx_byte_sum = 0;
uint64_t tx_drop_sum = 0;
uint64_t tx_tmo_sum = 0;
double rx_pkt_ave = 0.0;
double rx_pkt_per_sec = 0.0;
double rx_byte_per_sec = 0.0;
double rx_pkt_len = 0.0;
double rx_sec = 0.0;
double rx_ave_lat_nsec = 0.0;
double tx_pkt_per_sec = 0.0;
double tx_byte_per_sec = 0.0;
double tx_sec = 0.0;
printf("\nRESULTS PER THREAD\n");
printf(" rx thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n");
printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf(" ");
num_thr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].thread_type != RX_THREAD)
if (num_thr && (num_thr % 8) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%10" PRIu64 " ", global->stat[i].rx_packets);
printf(" tx thread:\n");
printf(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n");
printf(" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
printf(" ");
num_thr = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].thread_type != TX_THREAD)
if (num_thr && (num_thr % 8) == 0)
printf("\n ");
printf("%10" PRIu64 " ", global->stat[i].tx_packets);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++) {
if (global->stat[i].thread_type == RX_THREAD) {
rx_tmo_sum += global->stat[i].rx_timeouts;
rx_pkt_sum += global->stat[i].rx_packets;
rx_byte_sum += global->stat[i].rx_bytes;
rx_nsec_sum += global->stat[i].time_nsec;
rx_lat_nsec_sum += global->stat[i].rx_lat_nsec;
rx_lat_pkt_sum += global->stat[i].rx_lat_packets;
if (global->stat[i].rx_lat_min_nsec < rx_lat_min_nsec)
rx_lat_min_nsec = global->stat[i].rx_lat_min_nsec;
if (global->stat[i].rx_lat_max_nsec > rx_lat_max_nsec)
rx_lat_max_nsec = global->stat[i].rx_lat_max_nsec;
} else if (global->stat[i].thread_type == TX_THREAD) {
tx_tmo_sum += global->stat[i].tx_timeouts;
tx_pkt_sum += global->stat[i].tx_packets;
tx_byte_sum += global->stat[i].tx_bytes;
tx_drop_sum += global->stat[i].tx_drops;
tx_nsec_sum += global->stat[i].time_nsec;
if (num_rx)
rx_pkt_ave = (double)rx_pkt_sum / num_rx;
rx_sec = rx_nsec_sum / 1000000000.0;
tx_sec = tx_nsec_sum / 1000000000.0;
/* Packets and bytes per thread per sec */
if (rx_nsec_sum) {
rx_pkt_per_sec = (1000000000.0 * (double)rx_pkt_sum) /
rx_byte_per_sec = 1000000000.0;
rx_byte_per_sec *= (rx_byte_sum + 24 * rx_pkt_sum);
rx_byte_per_sec /= (double)rx_nsec_sum;
if (tx_nsec_sum) {
tx_pkt_per_sec = (1000000000.0 * (double)tx_pkt_sum) /
tx_byte_per_sec = 1000000000.0;
tx_byte_per_sec *= (tx_byte_sum + 24 * tx_pkt_sum);
tx_byte_per_sec /= (double)tx_nsec_sum;
/* Total Mbit/s */
rx_mbit_per_sec = (num_rx * 8 * rx_byte_per_sec) / 1000000.0;
tx_mbit_per_sec = (num_tx * 8 * tx_byte_per_sec) / 1000000.0;
if (rx_pkt_sum)
rx_pkt_len = (double)rx_byte_sum / rx_pkt_sum;
if (rx_lat_pkt_sum)
rx_ave_lat_nsec = (double)rx_lat_nsec_sum / rx_lat_pkt_sum;
printf("TOTAL (%i rx and %i tx threads)\n", num_rx, num_tx);
printf(" rx timeouts: %" PRIu64 "\n", rx_tmo_sum);
printf(" rx time spent (sec): %.3f\n", rx_sec);
printf(" rx packets: %" PRIu64 "\n", rx_pkt_sum);
printf(" rx packets drained: %" PRIu64 "\n", global->drained);
printf(" rx packets per thr: %.1f\n", rx_pkt_ave);
printf(" rx packets per thr per sec: %.1f\n", rx_pkt_per_sec);
printf(" rx packets per sec: %.1f\n", num_rx * rx_pkt_per_sec);
printf(" rx ave packet len: %.1f\n", rx_pkt_len);
if (rx_lat_pkt_sum)
print_humanised_latency(rx_ave_lat_nsec, rx_lat_min_nsec, rx_lat_max_nsec);
printf(" rx Mbit/s: %.1f\n", rx_mbit_per_sec);
printf(" tx timeouts: %" PRIu64 "\n", tx_tmo_sum);
printf(" tx time spent (sec): %.3f\n", tx_sec);
printf(" tx packets: %" PRIu64 "\n", tx_pkt_sum);
printf(" tx dropped packets: %" PRIu64 "\n", tx_drop_sum);
printf(" tx packets per thr per sec: %.1f\n", tx_pkt_per_sec);
printf(" tx packets per sec: %.1f\n", num_tx * tx_pkt_per_sec);
printf(" tx Mbit/s: %.1f\n", tx_mbit_per_sec);
if (rx_pkt_sum < MIN_RX_PACKETS_CI)
return -1;
return 0;
static void sig_handler(int signo)
if (test_global == NULL)
odp_atomic_add_u32(&test_global->exit_test, 1);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
odph_helper_options_t helper_options;
odp_instance_t instance;
odp_init_t init;
test_global_t *global;
odp_shm_t shm;
int ret = 0;
signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
/* Let helper collect its own arguments (e.g. --odph_proc) */
argc = odph_parse_options(argc, argv);
if (odph_options(&helper_options)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: reading ODP helper options failed.\n");
/* List features not to be used */
init.not_used.feat.cls = 1;
init.not_used.feat.crypto = 1;
init.not_used.feat.ipsec = 1;
init.not_used.feat.timer = 1;
init.not_used.feat.tm = 1;
init.mem_model = helper_options.mem_model;
/* Init ODP before calling anything else */
if (odp_init_global(&instance, &init, NULL)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: Global init failed.\n");
return 1;
/* Init this thread */
ODPH_ERR("Error: Local init failed.\n");
return 1;
shm = odp_shm_reserve("packet_gen_global", sizeof(test_global_t),
if (shm == ODP_SHM_INVALID) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: SHM reserve failed.\n");
return 1;
global = odp_shm_addr(shm);
test_global = global;
if (init_global_data(global)) {
ret = 1;
goto term;
if (parse_options(argc, argv, global)) {
ret = 1;
goto term;
/* Avoid all scheduler API calls in direct input mode */
if (global->test_options.direct_rx == 0)
if (set_num_cpu(global)) {
ret = 1;
goto term;
if (open_pktios(global)) {
ret = 1;
goto term;
if (start_pktios(global)) {
ret = 1;
goto term;
/* Start worker threads */
start_workers(global, instance);
/* Wait until workers have started. */
/* Periodic statistics printing */
if (global->test_options.update_msec)
/* Wait workers to exit */
if (stop_pktios(global))
ret = 1;
if (global->test_options.direct_rx)
if (close_pktios(global))
ret = 1;
if (print_final_stat(global))
ret = 2;
if (odp_shm_free(shm)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: SHM free failed.\n");
return 1;
if (odp_term_local()) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: term local failed.\n");
return 1;
if (odp_term_global(instance)) {
ODPH_ERR("Error: term global failed.\n");
return 1;
return ret;
void odp_atomic_init_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Initialize atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_add_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom, uint32_t val)
Add to atomic uint32 variable.
uint32_t odp_atomic_load_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Load value of atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_atomic_inc_u32(odp_atomic_u32_t *atom)
Increment atomic uint32 variable.
void odp_barrier_init(odp_barrier_t *barr, int count)
Initialize barrier with thread count.
void odp_barrier_wait(odp_barrier_t *barr)
Synchronize thread execution on barrier.
uint16_t odp_chksum_ones_comp16(const void *data, uint32_t data_len)
Ones' complement sum of 16-bit words.
#define ODP_PACKED
Defines type/struct to be packed.
Defines type/struct/variable to be cache line size aligned.
#define odp_unlikely(x)
Branch unlikely taken.
Definition: spec/hints.h:64
odp_u16be_t odp_cpu_to_be_16(uint16_t cpu16)
Convert cpu native uint16_t to 16bit big endian.
#define ODP_UNUSED
Intentionally unused variables of functions.
Definition: spec/hints.h:54
odp_u32be_t odp_cpu_to_be_32(uint32_t cpu32)
Convert cpu native uint32_t to 32bit big endian.
Big endian byte order.
uint32_t odp_be_to_cpu_32(odp_u32be_t be32)
Convert 32bit big endian to cpu native uint32_t.
int odp_cpumask_default_worker(odp_cpumask_t *mask, int num)
Default CPU mask for worker threads.
int odp_cpumask_first(const odp_cpumask_t *mask)
Find first set CPU in mask.
int odp_cpumask_all_available(odp_cpumask_t *mask)
Report all the available CPUs.
void odp_cpumask_clr(odp_cpumask_t *mask, int cpu)
Remove CPU from mask.
void odp_event_free(odp_event_t event)
Free event.
Invalid event.
void odp_init_param_init(odp_init_t *param)
Initialize the odp_init_t to default values for all fields.
#define ODP_STATIC_ASSERT(cond, msg)
Compile time assertion macro.
int odp_init_local(odp_instance_t instance, odp_thread_type_t thr_type)
Thread local ODP initialization.
int odp_init_global(odp_instance_t *instance, const odp_init_t *params, const odp_platform_init_t *platform_params)
Global ODP initialization.
int odp_term_local(void)
Thread local ODP termination.
int odp_term_global(odp_instance_t instance)
Global ODP termination.
uint64_t odp_instance_t
ODP instance ID.
int odp_pktio_mac_addr(odp_pktio_t pktio, void *mac_addr, int size)
Get the default MAC address of a packet IO interface.
void odp_pktin_queue_param_init(odp_pktin_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize packet input queue parameters.
odp_lso_profile_t odp_lso_profile_create(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_lso_profile_param_t *param)
Create LSO profile.
void odp_pktio_param_init(odp_pktio_param_t *param)
Initialize pktio params.
int odp_pktio_promisc_mode(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Determine if promiscuous mode is enabled for a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktio_close(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Close a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktio_link_info(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktio_link_info_t *info)
Retrieve information about packet IO link status.
void odp_lso_profile_param_init(odp_lso_profile_param_t *param)
Initialize LSO profile parameters.
Invalid LSO profile handle.
int odp_pktout_queue(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktout_queue_t queues[], int num)
Direct packet output queues.
Maximum number of custom LSO fields supported by ODP API.
int odp_pktio_maxlen_set(odp_pktio_t pktio, uint32_t maxlen_input, uint32_t maxlen_output)
Set maximum frame lengths.
int odp_pktio_promisc_mode_set(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_bool_t enable)
Set promiscuous mode.
int odp_lso_profile_destroy(odp_lso_profile_t lso_profile)
Destroy LSO profile.
void odp_pktio_config_init(odp_pktio_config_t *config)
Initialize packet IO configuration options.
odp_pktio_t odp_pktio_open(const char *name, odp_pool_t pool, const odp_pktio_param_t *param)
Open a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktout_send_lso(odp_pktout_queue_t queue, const odp_packet_t packet[], int num, const odp_packet_lso_opt_t *lso_opt)
Send packets with segmentation offload.
int odp_pktio_config(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_pktio_config_t *config)
Configure packet IO interface options.
void odp_pktio_print(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Print pktio info to the console.
int odp_pktio_start(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Start packet receive and transmit.
Invalid packet IO handle.
int odp_pktin_queue(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktin_queue_t queues[], int num)
Direct packet input queues.
void odp_pktout_queue_param_init(odp_pktout_queue_param_t *param)
Initialize packet output queue parameters.
int odp_pktio_stop(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Stop packet receive and transmit.
int odp_pktin_recv(odp_pktin_queue_t queue, odp_packet_t packets[], int num)
Receive packets directly from an interface input queue.
int odp_pktio_index(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Get pktio interface index.
int odp_pktio_capability(odp_pktio_t pktio, odp_pktio_capability_t *capa)
Query packet IO interface capabilities.
Maximum packet IO interface index.
int odp_pktout_send(odp_pktout_queue_t queue, const odp_packet_t packets[], int num)
Send packets directly to an interface output queue.
odp_pktio_link_status_t odp_pktio_link_status(odp_pktio_t pktio)
Determine pktio link is up or down for a packet IO interface.
int odp_pktin_queue_config(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_pktin_queue_param_t *param)
Configure packet input queues.
int odp_pktout_queue_config(odp_pktio_t pktio, const odp_pktout_queue_param_t *param)
Configure packet output queues.
LSO performs IPv4 fragmentation.
LSO performs TCP segmentation on top of IPv4.
Custom protocol.
Direct packet output on the interface.
Application will never send to this interface.
Half duplex mode.
Full duplex mode.
Autonegotiation disabled.
Autonegotiation enabled.
Add current segment number.
Add number of payload bytes in all previous segments.
Add number of payload bytes in the segment.
Not multithread safe operation.
No flow control.
Pause frame flow control enabled.
Direct packet input from the interface.
Application will never receive from this interface.
Packet input through scheduler and scheduled event queues.
Link status is up.
void odp_packet_from_event_multi(odp_packet_t pkt[], const odp_event_t ev[], int num)
Convert multiple packet events to packet handles.
void odp_packet_has_vlan_qinq_set(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
Set flag for VLAN QinQ (stacked VLAN)
int odp_packet_l3_offset_set(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t offset)
Set layer 3 start offset.
int odp_packet_input_index(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet input interface index.
uint32_t odp_packet_seg_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data length following the data pointer.
int odp_packet_num_segs(odp_packet_t pkt)
Number of segments.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_copy(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_pool_t pool)
Full copy of a packet.
void * odp_packet_data(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data pointer.
int odp_packet_l4_offset_set(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t offset)
Set layer 4 start offset.
void odp_packet_has_eth_set(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
Set flag for Ethernet header.
uint32_t odp_packet_len(odp_packet_t pkt)
Packet data length.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_alloc(odp_pool_t pool, uint32_t len)
Allocate a packet from a packet pool.
void odp_packet_has_udp_set(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
Set flag for UDP.
void odp_packet_free(odp_packet_t pkt)
Free packet.
void odp_packet_free_ctrl_set(odp_packet_t pkt, odp_packet_free_ctrl_t ctrl)
Set packet free control option.
void odp_packet_has_tcp_set(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
Set flag for TCP.
int odp_packet_copy_from_mem(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, const void *src)
Copy data from memory to packet.
void * odp_packet_l4_ptr(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t *len)
Layer 4 start pointer.
Invalid packet.
void odp_packet_free_multi(const odp_packet_t pkt[], int num)
Free multiple packets.
int odp_packet_copy_to_mem(odp_packet_t pkt, uint32_t offset, uint32_t len, void *dst)
Copy data from packet to memory.
odp_packet_t odp_packet_ref_static(odp_packet_t pkt)
Create a static reference to a packet.
void odp_packet_has_vlan_set(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
Set flag for VLAN.
void odp_packet_has_ipv4_set(odp_packet_t pkt, int val)
Set flag for IPv4.
Don't free packet after processing it.
All layers.
odp_pool_t odp_pool_create(const char *name, const odp_pool_param_t *param)
Create a pool.
int odp_pool_capability(odp_pool_capability_t *capa)
Query pool capabilities.
void odp_pool_param_init(odp_pool_param_t *param)
Initialize pool params.
int odp_pool_destroy(odp_pool_t pool)
Destroy a pool previously created by odp_pool_create()
Invalid pool.
Packet pool.
int32_t odp_random_data(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len, odp_random_kind_t kind)
Generate random byte data.
Basic random, presumably pseudo-random generated by SW.
int odp_schedule_multi_no_wait(odp_queue_t *from, odp_event_t events[], int num)
Schedule, do not wait for events.
Parallel scheduled queues.
int odp_schedule_default_prio(void)
Default scheduling priority level.
void odp_schedule_pause(void)
Pause scheduling.
int odp_schedule_config(const odp_schedule_config_t *config)
Global schedule configuration.
uint64_t odp_schedule_wait_time(uint64_t ns)
Schedule wait time.
odp_event_t odp_schedule(odp_queue_t *from, uint64_t wait)
Schedule an event.
Group of all threads.
int odp_shm_free(odp_shm_t shm)
Free a contiguous block of shared memory.
Invalid shared memory block.
void * odp_shm_addr(odp_shm_t shm)
Shared memory block address.
odp_shm_t odp_shm_reserve(const char *name, uint64_t size, uint64_t align, uint32_t flags)
Reserve a contiguous block of shared memory.
bool odp_bool_t
Boolean type.
void odp_sys_info_print(void)
Print system info.
int odp_thread_id(void)
Get thread identifier.
Worker thread.
Control thread.
uint64_t odp_time_to_ns(odp_time_t time)
Convert time to nanoseconds.
A second in nanoseconds.
void odp_time_wait_until(odp_time_t time)
Wait until the specified (wall clock) time has been reached.
odp_time_t odp_time_local_from_ns(uint64_t ns)
Convert nanoseconds to local time.
void odp_time_wait_ns(uint64_t ns)
Wait the specified number of nanoseconds.
odp_time_t odp_time_local(void)
Current local time.
Zero time stamp.
uint64_t odp_time_local_res(void)
Local time resolution in hertz.
odp_time_t odp_time_global_strict(void)
Current global time (strict)
A millisecond in nanoseconds.
A microsecond in nanoseconds.
uint64_t odp_time_diff_ns(odp_time_t t2, odp_time_t t1)
Time difference in nanoseconds.
The OpenDataPlane API.
Global initialization parameters.
odp_mem_model_t mem_model
Application memory model.
odp_feature_t not_used
Unused features.
uint32_t max_payload_len
Maximum payload length per an LSO generated packet (in bytes).
uint32_t max_packet_segments
Maximum number of segments in an input packet.
uint32_t max_segments
Maximum number of segments an LSO operation may create.
uint32_t max_profiles
Maximum number of LSO profiles.
uint32_t max_profiles_per_pktio
Maximum number of LSO profiles per packet IO interface.
uint16_t add_payload_len
uint8_t max_num_custom
Maximum number of custom fields supported per LSO profile.
struct odp_lso_capability_t::@105 mod_op
Supported LSO custom modification options.
uint32_t tcp_ipv4
uint16_t add_segment_num
uint32_t ipv4
uint32_t max_payload_offset
Maximum supported offset to the packet payload (in bytes).
struct odp_lso_capability_t::@106 proto
Supported LSO protocol options.
uint32_t custom
uint16_t add_payload_offset
odp_lso_profile_t lso_profile
LSO profile handle.
uint32_t payload_offset
LSO payload offset.
uint32_t max_payload_len
Maximum payload length in an LSO segment.
Packet input queue parameters.
uint32_t num_queues
Number of input queues to be created.
odp_pktio_op_mode_t op_mode
Operation mode.
odp_queue_param_t queue_param
Queue parameters.
odp_pktin_hash_proto_t hash_proto
Protocol field selection for hashing.
odp_bool_t hash_enable
Enable flow hashing.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@109 free_ctrl
Supported packet free control options.
odp_pktio_set_op_t set_op
Supported set operations.
uint32_t max_output
Maximum valid value for 'maxlen_output'.
uint32_t max_input_queues
Maximum number of input queues.
uint32_t max_input
Maximum valid value for 'maxlen_input'.
odp_pktio_config_t config
Supported pktio configuration options.
uint32_t min_output
Minimum valid value for 'maxlen_output'.
uint32_t max_output_queues
Maximum number of output queues.
uint32_t dont_free
Packet free control option ODP_PACKET_FREE_CTRL_DONT_FREE support with odp_packet_free_ctrl_set().
uint32_t min_input
Minimum valid value for 'maxlen_input'.
odp_lso_capability_t lso
LSO capabilities.
struct odp_pktio_capability_t::@107 maxlen
Supported frame lengths for odp_pktio_maxlen_set()
Packet IO configuration options.
odp_pktout_config_opt_t pktout
Packet output configuration options bit field.
odp_bool_t enable_lso
Enable Large Send Offload (LSO)
odp_pktio_parser_config_t parser
Packet input parser configuration.
odp_pktin_config_opt_t pktin
Packet input configuration options bit field.
Packet IO parameters.
odp_pktin_mode_t in_mode
Packet input mode.
odp_pktout_mode_t out_mode
Packet output mode.
odp_proto_layer_t layer
Protocol parsing level in packet input.
Packet output queue parameters.
odp_pktio_op_mode_t op_mode
Operation mode.
uint32_t num_queues
Number of output queues to be created.
struct odp_pool_capability_t::@122 pkt
Packet pool capabilities
uint32_t max_num
Maximum number of buffers of any size.
uint32_t max_seg_len
Maximum packet segment data length in bytes.
uint32_t max_len
Maximum packet data length in bytes.
Pool parameters.
uint32_t num
Number of buffers in the pool.
odp_pool_type_t type
Pool type.
uint32_t len
Minimum length of 'num' packets.
uint32_t seg_len
Minimum number of packet data bytes that can be stored in the first segment of a newly allocated pack...
struct odp_pool_param_t::@126 pkt
Parameters for packet pools.
odp_schedule_param_t sched
Scheduler parameters.
odp_schedule_group_t group
Thread group.
odp_schedule_prio_t prio
Priority level.
odp_schedule_sync_t sync
Synchronization method.
uint32_t tm
Traffic Manager APIs, e.g., odp_tm_xxx()
uint32_t crypto
Crypto APIs, e.g., odp_crypto_xxx()
uint32_t ipsec
IPsec APIs, e.g., odp_ipsec_xxx()
uint32_t timer
Timer APIs, e.g., odp_timer_xxx(), odp_timeout_xxx()
uint32_t cls
Classifier APIs, e.g., odp_cls_xxx(), odp_cos_xxx()
struct odp_feature_t::@148 feat
Individual feature bits.
uint32_t compress
Compression APIs, e.g., odp_comp_xxx()
uint64_t drop_udp_err
Drop packets with a UDP error on packet input.
uint64_t udp_chksum
Check UDP checksum on packet input.
uint64_t tcp_chksum
Check TCP checksum on packet input.
struct odp_pktin_config_opt_t::@100 bit
Option flags.
uint64_t drop_tcp_err
Drop packets with a TCP error on packet input.
uint32_t ipv4_udp
IPv4 addresses and UDP port numbers.
struct odp_pktin_hash_proto_t::@99 proto
Protocol header fields for hashing.
struct odp_pktio_set_op_t::@104 op
Operation flags.
uint32_t maxlen
Maximum frame length.
uint32_t promisc_mode
Promiscuous mode.
struct odp_pktout_config_opt_t::@101 bit
Option flags for packet output.
uint64_t tcp_chksum
Insert TCP checksum on packet by default.
uint64_t tcp_chksum_ena
Enable TCP checksum insertion.
uint64_t udp_chksum
Insert UDP checksum on packet by default.
uint64_t udp_chksum_ena
Enable UDP checksum insertion.